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What writing curric does a good job teaching 5-paragraph essay?


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The Five Finger Paragraph


This curriculum was originally designed for students who didn't know how to write a 5 paragraph essay for the SAT and was looking to learn how to do it the night before the test. It is really easy to understand and teach.


It has been updated and now has a DVD and new material for younger dc. I don't have the DVD. I think it is very easy to understand.


I bought the ebook 4 years ago when my dd was in 8th grade. I wanted to teach her to write. Her writing was horrible and I was very embarrassed and worried about sending her to public high school the next year. Believe it or not every teacher she wrote a paper for in high school talked about how good her writing was and how well organized her papers were!!!!! :eek::svengo:The teachers kept saying she was the only student who knew how to write an essay! She would use the 5 finger forms to write her paper then type up the papers.


They even wanted to keep her in honors English?!?!?!?!?


Anyway, this method is very, very simple. It lets a student easily find material which to write about.


This program DOES NOT deal with grammar at all. It is all about how to come up with what to write about and how to organize your ideas into a coherent paper. You dc needs to know how to write a sentence before doing this curriculum. It is only a supplement.

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