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Stores open at 3A Black Friday.


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This year I am working retail... and had hoped that I would work early and experience other folk's enthusiasm, but I am scheduled to work 2-10pm...


I cannot bring myself to get up early and work that day, too, so... I think we'll have a nice breakfast at home and ignore shopping.


The last two years I did 4am shopping with my 16yog. I know she will not be happy about my plans to sleep and have breakfast...

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I haven't looked to see which stores are opening at 3am, but I do know that Toys R Us is opening at 10pm. My mom, sister and I usually go out around 4 - with the crazy people! We drink coffee, listen to Christmas music and try to spread some Christmas cheer. We never wait in line to get into a store, we're never in a hurry, and if we aren't laughing, it's time to go home (don't think that's happened yet). It's all about the tradition and having a good time. This is the only thing the three of us do where it's just us.

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I'm going with my mom to help her shop for my kids. We'll leave earl (but not psychotically early) shop for a couple hours, then swing by the house to pick the kids up for breakfast -- hubby too, if he's awake. He doesn't get to sleep in much so he may prefer to stay home and snooze in the quiet :D

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Anyone going? I don't see anything I want to buy but I like the atmosphere of it all. Starbucks in hand, nothing particular to buy. Big breakfast out then home to bed by 8A


Me too!! My kids don't like regular toys LOL, so I never really get them anything on Black Friday.....but I like to pick up some extras, and I also love the atmosphere, so I'll be out!

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I would love to get up early on Black Friday and go shopping, but I don't have anyone to go with, and I don't want to go alone. (I could drag dh with me, but then ds would have to come, too, and I don't like the idea of bringing him out that early into huge crowds of people.)


My mom and I always went shopping on BF (although the stores didn't open at 3am back then -- we thought 7am was early!) and it's one of the things that I really miss since she passed away.



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I would love to get up early on Black Friday and go shopping, but I don't have anyone to go with, and I don't want to go alone. (I could drag dh with me, but then ds would have to come, too, and I don't like the idea of bringing him out that early into huge crowds of people.)


My mom and I always went shopping on BF (although the stores didn't open at 3am back then -- we thought 7am was early!) and it's one of the things that I really miss since she passed away.




This is exactly me... I don't have a shopping buddy either and I don't want to go alone (that is the fun of it!) I used to LOVE going out with my step-mom when we lived close :glare:. I miss that!

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I avoid Black Friday like one would avoid Black Plague! DD had a twelve hour ambulance shift last year on that day. They picked up three people all at different stores that had passed out from being knocked on their heads for the things they had in their arms. They transported someone who, despite desperately needing some insulin and food, stayed in line long past the danger zone, and had a blood sugar of 32 when they arrived on seen. Oh, then there were the 911 calls that kept jamming the system because people were calling and asking for officers to come and settle disputes between individuals arguing over "who got to the item, the parking space, the etc. first". Some of them were arrested for fraudulent 911 calls and our favorite was the lady who called 911 saying she was being assaulted at a Burger King restaurant when in reality, she was mad that they "took to long" to make her burger and wanted the officer to "chew them out." She was arrested too!


Nope, tooo many crazies where I would have to shop and with the economy so bad in Michigan, there will probably be even more fighting over the bargains.



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Maybe the definition of a true introvert is someone who enjoys shopping alone. And that is me. Black Friday is one of the few times I can shop without 2 or 3 children to keep track of. I can dawdle if I want to or I can cruise through a store quickly without worrying about what a shopping buddy would rather be doing.


For the record, I never get up before 6 and I buy very mundane things like socks at the Fred Meyer half-price sale and DVDs of good movies if there are good deals at Target.

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The last 2 years, oldest dd went with me. It's harder since we visit at Thanksgiving, not Christmas. So it's not streets I'm super familiar with. I grew up there, but things have changed.


But, no we won't be getting anywhere at 3 am! I thought Target opening at 4 was early. I hadn't actually heard of anyone opening at 3! The year I bought dh a tv for Christmas, I was at the store when it opened. But since then, no when I get there is fine!

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I avoid Black Friday like one would avoid Black Plague! DD had a twelve hour ambulance shift last year on that day. They picked up three people all at different stores that had passed out from being knocked on their heads for the things they had in their arms. They transported someone who, despite desperately needing some insulin and food, stayed in line long past the danger zone, and had a blood sugar of 32 when they arrived on seen. Oh, then there were the 911 calls that kept jamming the system because people were calling and asking for officers to come and settle disputes between individuals arguing over "who got to the item, the parking space, the etc. first". Some of them were arrested for fraudulent 911 calls and our favorite was the lady who called 911 saying she was being assaulted at a Burger King restaurant when in reality, she was mad that they "took to long" to make her burger and wanted the officer to "chew them out." She was arrested too!


Nope, tooo many crazies where I would have to shop and with the economy so bad in Michigan, there will probably be even more fighting over the bargains.







After watching two women get in an all out punching match over a pair of Nike shoes, I have never participated in Black Friday again. I stood there thinking how sad it was that this is what the "holiday spirit" had come to. Greed and meanness. Peace and goodwill to all is a joke now.

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Wow, I've been going Black Friday shopping for like 10 years now and I've never seen any fights, disputes, pushing, or anything like that. And I live in a pretty big city. I even take my babies/toddlers when they are young. This will be the first year with no kids (at least that's the plan LOL). Last year I tooks DD (who was then 2) while DD(then 5) stayed with DH. This year both kids will stay with him. If I had ever seen anything dangerous, I wouldn't take the kids. But then again, I'm out for the fun and wouldnt' be in a situation to get trampled or anything.

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Well... hearing you talk about the fun of it (some of you!), I might be tempted to give in to my 16yog's pleas to get up and go... I don't think I want to, but, then again, she and I have had a lot of fun the last two years... and maybe I'll get a good deal on something?? I'll be checking out the specials to see if anything is really tempting...

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My kids like to go :blink: I have no real desire to go and it is our fault they want to go.


A couple years ago on Thanksgivng we were talking about Black Friday and the crowds that early in the morning. They thought we were kidding. So being the crazy people we are we got up and went.


Were we going to buy? Nope just look at people. We went to several stores then out for breakfast.


Now they like to go, even when I tell them we won't be stopping for breakfast.

Edited by Baseball mom
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Wow, I've been going Black Friday shopping for like 10 years now and I've never seen any fights, disputes, pushing, or anything like that. ... But then again, I'm out for the fun and wouldn't' be in a situation to get trampled or anything.


I haven't been going for 10 years, but I've never seen fights either. In fact I find people more pleasant on Black Friday morning before the sun comes up! It's like they don't want to be the ones to mar the day. But then too, I'm not going to the stores that have the high dollar items at ridiculously low prices and then only have 3 of them.

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I hate shopping even on a good day. Getting up early to do something like this is akin to sticking hot pokers in my eyes. In fact, the hot pokers might be a better deal . . .


:iagree: I am only rarely in the mood to go shopping. I am only rarely in the mood to deal with crowds. I don't think I've ever been in the mood to shop and deal with crowds at the same time.


And for me personally, Black Friday goes against what I want the holiday season to be about. The idea of using Thanksgiving Day to study the newspaper ads and plan out the shopping strategy is just wrong! (And I do realize that it feels entirely different for other people. I am talking about me and my response here.)

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I hate shopping even on a good day. Getting up early to do something like this is akin to sticking hot pokers in my eyes. In fact, the hot pokers might be a better deal . . .


I have never gone shopping on Black Friday and probably never will. Like Denise, I would rather pay more than fight the crowds. I do about 90% of my shopping online anyway. And it's about 90% done. :D





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I'm always amazed at the amount of people in line at a store at midnight or 3am.


I do 99% of my shopping online and I when my kids were little I used to start my holiday shopping in August so by Thanksgiving I was finished.


Several years ago there was a security guard (trying to control the crowds) trampled to death at a Wal Mart. People are insane!!!


If I need to shop I will be in front of my computer.

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Why can't they just start at 12:00, I'd much rather stay up late than get up early.


Yes!! Even though we get up early and go each year, I'd much rather just begin at midnight and stay out till 3 or 4 and then hit the sack than get up early. I have trouble going to sleep at a decent time so that I can get up early to go. And if I get too tired, I begin feeling sick to my stomach.

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Maybe the definition of a true introvert is someone who enjoys shopping alone. And that is me. Black Friday is one of the few times I can shop without 2 or 3 children to keep track of. I can dawdle if I want to or I can cruise through a store quickly without worrying about what a shopping buddy would rather be doing.


For the record, I never get up before 6 and I buy very mundane things like socks at the Fred Meyer half-price sale and DVDs of good movies if there are good deals at Target.


That's me too.

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You couldn't get me out there at gunpoint. My dh and ds will go, though. They love the thrill of the hunt and got some bargains last year. :001_smile:


:iagree: -- my DH talked me into going last year. (We needed a washer, dryer and vacuum cleaner.)


Unless another major appliance dies, I do not plan on going anywhere. ;)

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I usually leave the house at about 6 a.m. and go at a leisurely pace. I don't usually buy much, I just browse and stroll and enjoy the day in a more or less selfish way. ;)


I have done Black Friday shopping since I was a teen, beginning going with my mom and aunt. Last year it was me and a girlfriend, but we just met at a couple places before she went to work. I did my own things "psychotically early" :lol:. Now it's just me. But it is the ONE day I can go shopping by myself, guaranteed. My inlaws and my dh are going away for the day. I have a few things on my list, and I enjoy the day. I'll get some breakfast somewhere, maybe catch up with a few friends or relatives along the way... not what I grew up with, but in a few years my dd10 may want to go with me, and the day will change again...

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