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My sweet MIL

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I'm really sorry. It's SO hard to let go. The most important thing you can do is to bless her as much as you possibly can during the final moments of her life. Is she aware of what's going on? If so, make the most of every single second you can. Thank her for all she's done, let her know what a blessing she's been, and, most importantly, tell her that you'll miss her terribly but that it's ok to let go. I was told by Hospice that we needed to let my mother know we all would be fine and that it was ok to leave. They say it's important to do that.


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Thank you all so much. It is so difficult. She is 100% aware of what is happening. It's not easy to watch. She is enveloped in care. People are coming across an ocean to be with her. I don't think she could be more loved.


What a wonderful legacy to have lived a life and have so many who love you. G-d bless her!:grouphug:

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it could be weeks, or a few months, My dh is so sad. She has been such an amazing mother, grandmother, mil. She is quite elderly (my dh was her wonderful surprise 'caboose baby' she never expected), and we are trying to keep her comfortable. Its all we can do. Dh has been to make arrangements and her family is near.


:crying: I am so sorry. This has been a sad season for our family as well. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.



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