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Make ahead breakfasts ideas needed

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I'm going to be hosting about 18 people at my home during the Thanksgiving holiday. With all the holiday cooking to be done, I want to have some pre-made/frozen breakfast items that can be reheated easily in the morning so I don't have to mess up the kitchen too much (dishwasher is going wonky, too). I would love some egg recipes as well other types.



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I regularly bake large quantities of fresh breakfast sausage links and freeze them in quart or gallon ziploc bags. 350 degrees for about 40 min or until they're getting brown. If you have an insulated pan, that works better than a regular cookie sheet, but the cookie sheet is fine too (they get browner on the spot where they touch the pan; I used to turn them but eventually decided it's not worth the trouble).


When someone wants some, I microwave two frozen cooked links at a time for 35 seconds. There's probably a way to do that with more.


I happened upon this method because it's so much easier than cooking them on the stovetop. I tend to burn them, even if I use water/boil them first. ;) This is coming from a person afraid to bake bacon. It's super easy to bake the links.

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Quiche freezes very well - bake it, then cool, wrap, and freeze. Just pop it in the oven in the morning.


Muffins also freeze up very well - pull them out of the freezer the night before and they are terrific in the morning. I also have a friend who freezes her muffins before baking right in the muffin tin. She pops the frozen tin in the oven in the morning and bakes.


You can also mix up breakfast cassarole of eggs, bacon, dried hashbrowns, onions, etc and freeze. Thaw and bake in the oven. My DH says this is called Mountain Man breakfast and he got the recipe by googling it.


Waffles, pancakes - make up the mix the night before and leave in the fridge.

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Oddly enough, we like deviled eggs for breakfast. Also poached and boiled. Poached is easily done and warmed later.


I make oatmeal squares in double batches and freeze the second batch. We warm them and have them topped with either applesauce or cream cheese and syrup.


Oatmeal in the fridge overnight.


Surely there must be tons of overnight crockpot recipes for breakfast. I dont' know of any personally, though.


Make and wrap breakfast burritoes to be nuked the next morning.


Sometimes we do this and it's pretty popular but can get pricey if you get carried away. I make a big pot of oatmeal (made with milk instead of water). I set out a buffet of toppings like dried cherries or other fruit, fresh blueberries or other fruit, butter, syrup, nuts, brown sugar, et c. Each person can top as desired.

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I have always wanted to spend a day making breakfast items to freeze just because I am so lazy in the AM!:).


I do something like this every couple of weeks. My older son is out the door by 7am, and if breakfast was not easy to grab and go, he wouldn't eat until lunchtime (usually around 1pm)


I make breakfast sandwiches with egg and cheese on an english muffin. Once they cool, I wrap each one in a paper napkin and put them all in a large zip top bag. He can grab one or two, heat them in the microwave and be on his way.

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Pumpkin bread is good. This is the recipe I use. You can make it in loaves and slice the next morning or make it like cupcakes/muffins. Serve it with eggnog and fresh fruit. mmmmm...


ETA: I make the bread in three pans, not two like the recipe says. It overflowed in my oven when I used two. And it does seem to take longer than the 30-40 minutes. Maybe I'm using the wrong pans! A muffin tin is easier.

Edited by Cricket
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I make breakfast sandwiches with egg and cheese on an english muffin. Once they cool, I wrap each one in a paper napkin and put them all in a large zip top bag. He can grab one or two, heat them in the microwave and be on his way.


Thanks for this tip! Fascinating - DH would love this (he makes an egg most mornings, if he has time, but I'm sure he'd love to eat in the car on the way to work sometimes). DD would love this too.


Do you toast the english muffin before putting the egg on it and freezing it? Cheese not melted? I wonder if adding bacon would work. I also wonder if Costco croissants might work for this.


How much time in the microwave?

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Thanks for this tip! Fascinating - DH would love this (he makes an egg most mornings, if he has time, but I'm sure he'd love to eat in the car on the way to work sometimes). DD would love this too.


Do you toast the english muffin before putting the egg on it and freezing it? Cheese not melted? I wonder if adding bacon would work. I also wonder if Costco croissants might work for this.


How much time in the microwave?


I do toast the muffins.

I put a slice of cheese directly on the egg so it melts a bit before everything cools.

Bacon does work, but a thick sausage patty results in some uneven heating in the microwave.

I think he heats them for about a minute.


My mom buys croissants at Costco, wraps them in a paper napkin (it prevents freezer burn and ice build-up) and freezes them. They thaw nicely, but I haven't put them in the microwave. Maybe you can do a little experiment and let us know. :D

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Baked French Toast


1/2 c. butter

1 c. brown sugar

1 tsp. corn syrup

8 to 10 slices of bread

6 eggs

1 c. milk

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla


Melt butter, sugar & syrup over med-low heat until sugar is dissolved. Pour into greased 13x9 dish. Cut bread into 3 or 4 strips per slice and place over sugar mixture in a single layer. Mix eggs, milk and vanilla. Pour over bread. Cover & refrigerate overnight. Bake at 325 degrees F for 30 -35 minutes until bubbly.


***my aunt gave me this recipe and she called it Drunken French Toast. When I asked her what made it "drunken" she had no idea. I think it had a liqueur in it at one point. Maybe Grand Marnier? You can also add 1/4 chopped pecans if desired.

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Pumpkin bread is good. This is the recipe I use. You can make it in loaves and slice the next morning or make it like cupcakes/muffins. Serve it with eggnog and fresh fruit. mmmmm...


Thanks! I am going to try this tonight.


I usually make either a baked french toast or a baked German apple pancake. The french toast is easier b/c you can prepare it the night before and cook in the morning but the German apple pancake is quite the treat if you've never made it before.


Sounds delicious! Thanks for the links.

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I need to make a shopping list from all these ideas and then get cooking/baking. These are ideas are great! I am so hopeless in the morning and most mornings I swear I wish my kids would just eat a bowl of cereal and be done with it. Rarely happens around here and not so healthy anyway. Yeah! This should really help get us going in the a.m.

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