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Questions Easy Classical schedule users


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I've just came across this guide and am really liking it. I'm always having trouble getting my lesson plans, knowing what to read when, and incorporating VP cards and such. So I found this and I think it looks great. If you aren't familiar with it go to easyclassical.com. Anyhow my questions, I use saxon, VP cards, and spelling workout. I know nothing about the other subjects IEW, Shirley English and Phonics pathways, how do they compare to WWE, FFL, and OPGTR? (which is what I use now) For those of you who use this schedule do you use all their recommended curriculum? I just want to know likes and dislikes before I get it. The whole guide seems simple enough that I should make my own, but don't have time :)


Any help would be appreciated!

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I bought the main schedule for second grade but end up using it as a reference while I make my own weekly plan. I found that I was tweaking so much I wasn't able to use everything. Plus, we do Classical Conversations on Mondays, and so my schedule needs to be modified to a four-day week.


But, it inspired me to make a weekly template that works well for me. I'd be happy to share it (Word format) if anyone wants it -- it would be easy to tweak for yourself. Just PM me your email.

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I am using the plans for 1st and third. I do use some of the recommended items that correlate with the schedules. The rest is moslty sources recommend from WTM and I add them to the schedule based on the books suggestions for how many days a week to schedule them. It is working VERY well for us. I like having a schedule to go by as this is my first year and I find it very tedious to breakdown books for finishing by the end of the year. I also love that the schedule already comes in a binder with tabs!

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