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To and Too


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Don't know if this will help or not, b/c we are just now doing this ...


I wrote to, too and two on 3 index cards. I put them on the table in front of dd9. Then I made up all sorts of sentences, when she heard "to","too" or "two" she had to touch the index card with the right "to" on it. We are doing this as a drill, b/c I haven't found any other way of doing it.



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Use "too" if you could substitute "excessively" or "also" and the sentence would still make sense.


We went to the store. The doll was too expensive. Jen thought so too.


The doll was too expensive.

The doll was excessively expensive. (Makes sense, use too.)

Jen thought so too.

Jen thought so excessively. (Does not make sense, try also.)

Jen thought so also. (Makes sense, use too.)


We went to the store.

We went excessively the store. (Does not make sense, try also.)

We went also the store. (Does not make sense, use to.)

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in early grades I taught too with a little bit of a picture to help:


too = also, or more. so we need one extra o on the end.


TWO: There are



On the bike


but one of my kids said that made her think that Two had two circles and was supposed to be spelled Twoo




one kid totally got it. the other got confused.



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Does anyone have advice on teaching to and too? My ds seems to be really stuggling with this. I found a couple of extra worksheets online, but he's still confusing them.


Thanks for any tips.


I used something like this:



One 'O' means direction, think of the word go which has only one 'o' - "Where do you want "to" go?

Make an 'O' with your hand & point.


Too: "Well I want to go too" There are two 'O's one for each of us.




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