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What are you using for 7th...


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Here are my plans:

Analytical Grammar

Phonetic Zoo



Preparing Hearts for His Glory

Apologia Science

Lightning Lit 7


Did I leave off anything?


This is what we're doing:


Sonlight Core 7 (includes Bible[i've also included the catechism], literature, history, poetry, and a little creative writing)

Latin Prep I by Galore Park

Saxon Algebra I

Apologia General Science

Also takes a Lit. class at a local co-op which also involves writing




Are you going to incorporate Latin and Logic? I have never heard of Phonetic Zoo. What is that like?

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Here's what I know for sure...


Latin - finish Latin Prep 3 & So You Want to Learn Latin 3

Greek - finish Elementary Greek 3, not sure where to go after that...

Math - continue 1965 Dolciani Algebra

Classical Writing - Beginning Poetry & Diogenes:Maxim

History/Lit/Bible - ??? Back to the Ancients - perhaps using portions of Omnibus I

Science - ???

Logic - Thinking Toolbox, Mindbenders

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Saxon Alg. 1/2

LLATL Green book (finishing up)


R&S 6 English


Jump In! for writing (going slowly over course of 2 years)

Apologia General Science and joining in w/ youngers w/ Zoo. 1 (her choice)

MFW ECC (Geography, Bible, some light science, etc.)


piano lessons (if I can find them at a reasonable price and close by!)


She swims on a swim team over the summer, plays basketball in fall/winter.


Not sure about:

LC1 - starting in summer and seeing how it goes

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Rod and Staff grade 7 math

Rod and Staff Grade 7 English

Jamestown Literature program-intermediate level-chapter books and nonfiction (not sure of the exact name of this program since I don't have it yet)

Story of the World Volume 2,Usborne History Encyclopedia and Greanleaf Press's Famous Men of the Middle Ages and Famous Men of the Renaissance.

Science my way using the Handbook of Nature Study and a book about biology and a book of expiriments along with some science kits we already own.

Vocabulary From Classical Roots A

Critical Thinking book 1

First Start French

and learning about careers.

I plan to add in some literature-some books from TWTM suggested reading list for the history we are studying,some Sonlight books from the second part of Core 6 and some books that I think dd should read because they will expand her mind (I hope) at least a little.

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The Plan So Far:


Latin Prep 2/Lingua Latina


Elementary Greek 1/2


Classical Writing Homer B/Diogenes


History: Reading, early modern time period


Literature: the liad, perhaps the Odyssey, and literature that relates to early modern times. Maybe some Lightning Lit.


Science: Bite Size Physics ... other TBD. I'm not big on formal science, but we'll figure something out. Hopefully he'll do Lego League again, too.


Math: DH handles this, but I think he's going to use an older Dolciani algebra text for algebra I this year


I hope we'll get some computer programming in there, too. Scouts. Draw Squad. Piano lessons.

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So far...

Latin Prep 2 & Ecce or Cambridge

So You Really Want to Learn Spanish/RS/Entrevistas

So You Really Want to Learn Science 2

NEM 2 & Math A Human Endeavor

The Book of Think

SL7 or last 2/3rds of Trisms History Makers

LL7 and extra readers from SL 200 & 300

Homer B

PE, Music, Drama (outside classes)

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I cannot believe how fast the years go by!:


Saxon Algebra 1/2

Lightning Lit 7

BF Early American & World History (Jr High)

Apologia General Science

R&S 7


Latina Christiana II

Fallacy Detective

...still looking for a writing program....



informally - art, music, book club


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For coming 7th grader, ds11 (12 in June) for 2008-2009



Pre-Algebra/Life Science block - Regina Coeli Agnus Dei


Uses Lial's BCM/Apologia Gen. Science and Holt's texts. He's finishing the Singapore PM series and want to continue with NEM 1. He also uses ALEKS daily. He's math, language arts, Henle and history heavy at the moment.


Latin I - RCA Agnus Dei - continue with Henle and Lingua with me


Composition - RCA Agnus Dei - progymnasmata


Literature - RCA Agnus Dei - Meaning of Myths

Vocab - VFCR C


K12 World History B - this time I'll add books from SL 7


Looking for a Bible study to round up.


He's into scouts and guitar too.



Let's see how this goes. I almost put him in private school at the start of the year. Those pesky hormones acting out and threw me off the loop and didn't know how to handle. Completely took me by surprise. My once obedient, no question asked, smiling child got kidnapped!

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7th grade:


Math: Chalkdust Pre-Algebra

History: Trail Guide to World Geography

Science: Apologia General Science

Grammar: Rod and Staff 6th grade

Writing: IEW

Literature: Lightning Literature 7

Spelling: Spelling Workout G

Latin: Latin for Children A

Bible For All Ages Unit 1



Co-op Tuesday


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Sometimes I look at our prospective 7th grade schedule and feel the need to lie down.


Omnibus I

Vocabulary from Classical Roots A

NEM1/Key to Algebra

Rainbow Science year 2

Elements of Style/Roar on the Other Side (poetry)

Wheelock's Latin ch.21-40

Traditional Logic I

piano, saxophone


I think that's it.

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Life of Fred algebra

Analytical Grammar

Lightning Lit 7

Rosetta Stone Spanish and Spanish for Children

Latin for Children and Lingua Latina

interest-led history

hoping the heavens will open and a science program will appear


Irish Dance


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Here are my plans:

Analytical Grammar

Phonetic Zoo



Preparing Hearts for His Glory

Apologia Science

Lightning Lit 7


Did I leave off anything?


Your list looks a lot like what we are doing right now...we are also doing some additional vocab and reading as well as geography and Spanish.

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hoping the heavens will open and a science program will appear


LOL, Gail!


My younger son is finishing up 7th, and this is what we've done:


Math: Life of Fred (started the algebra book this spring)


Logic: Fallacy Detective, Thinking Toolbox


Latin: Latin Prep 1


Literature and History: Nothing formal, really, but we've done quite a bit. We used the Boomerang program from BraveWriter, and also have lots of discussions about everything ds reads -- he is a voracious reader. I assign writing topics, work on spelling and grammar as needed. For history, we mostly focused on Asia this last year, reading mythology and epics from China, Japan and India, looking also at geography and culture. We basically are taking a break from the 4-year cycle for now.


Science: Again nothing formal. Nature journals, some reading and note taking from Usborne science encyclopedia. He's taken some field biology courses this last year, and was on a competitive robotics team.


He is in weekly theater classes (improv), was cast in 2 musical productions, and sings in the church choir.


I'm enjoying this bit of time with him before the formality of high school kicks in. I'm not worried about being able to ramp it up -- I'm half way through high school with his older brother, and feeling like I can handle any and all of it now!

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Bible: Kay Arthur Discover 4 Yourself/Plants Grown Up

Language: Rod & Staff English 7

Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Literature Analysis: Progeny Press Guides, Teaching the Classics

Logic: Thinking Toolbox, Fallacy Detective, Art of Argument

Math: Jacobs Algebra

Writing: IEW History Based Writing - outside class

Science: Either BJU Life Science (at home) or Apologia General Science (outside class)

History: Mystery of History 3


He is also into Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, and guitar.

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