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Anyone measure small during pregnancy

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my dd is 34 weeks pregnant with my second grandbaby. She called me this morning (they live 4 hours away) and said the doctor is sending her for an ultrasound on Friday. Her measurement has not changed since her last appointment 3 weeks ago. She was measuring right on target then, so her measurement is 3 weeks behind. He wants her to stay off her feet as much as possible ( not easy to do since she has a 12 mo), sleep on her left side, and pay close attention to the baby's movements. She is a little concerned. Anyone with experience with this?

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At about the same time in pregnancy, I suddenly measured small, when my measurement had been right on track up till then. Went in for a detailed ultrasound, but the problem was immediately apparent: the little stinker had flipped into a breech position, apparently settling deeper into my pelvis, thus measuring suddenly lower. Everything else was fine, and he was flipped by the doctor and born normally and healthy.


I hope it's just something like this!



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I went through the with my 4th. I had the almost no growth from 1 month to the next, and doctor was trying to decide if I needed an ultrasound. Next time I came in there was some growth (although still not what was expected), then no growth etc. Every time they thought about sending me for an ultrasound, then we'd see some growth. She was born 2 days early and was just really short (17 1/2 inches verses 20-22 of my 1st 3). She is almost 4 now and still small. My first 3 have all been big (running in the 95% or higher) and she barely hits 50% (same parents for all of them). For whatever reason she got small genes and it showed up before she was ever born. No heath issues whatsoever to cause the smallness, kids come in all sizes.

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At about the same time in pregnancy, I suddenly measured small, when my measurement had been right on track up till then. Went in for a detailed ultrasound, but the problem was immediately apparent: the little stinker had flipped into a breech position, apparently settling deeper into my pelvis, thus measuring suddenly lower. Everything else was fine, and he was flipped by the doctor and born normally and healthy.


I hope it's just something like this!




:iagree: Exactly what happened to me, except it was a little earlier in my pregnancy.

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I measured small at the end of two of my pregnancies. That is the only way I was able to get insurance to cover the 3rd trimester ultrasounds. I was not given any other instructions, however. My third pregnancy, I was given an ultrasound to make sure my placenta had moved up (but I was not measuring small) and there were no instructions on rest or whatever at that time, either.


The best thing to do is to listen to the dr and let your dd know that it is just to be on the safe side. If there were more worries than that, I believe that the dr would have done more than that.


Another reason (extreme) could be that the baby has 'dropped'. Sometimes the measurements stay the same or get smaller once the baby's head has dropped lower, getting ready for birth. At 34 weeks, the baby is a bit premature, but there are GREAT results at a 34 week birth!! If she goes into labor make sure she calls the dr, right away.


But, that is me being paranoid. Take what I say with a grain of salt!

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Yes, I "measured small" on my last two, and they were concerned about low amniotic fluid. I had ultrasounds, and they were both fine and healthy - guess it's just the way I carry my boys, or something. :001_huh: It can indicate a problem, though, so it's best to take precautions and get checked out. Hope everything goes well for your dd - I know how nerve-wracking it can be!

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I had the same thing happen with all 4 of my pregnancies. 3 times they were wrong, and one time they were more right (but there were other issues going on in that pregnancy).


With my first the swore up and down he was going to be a tiny, barely 5lb baby. I measured small, they did ultrasounds, said I had IUGR. Two days after the last ultrasound when they said my baby was barely 5lbs, I had my 8lb, 12oz son.


My next one I measured small- had a 8lb, 13oz baby


My daughter actually was small- 6lbs, 6oz, but I had placenta problems during her pregnancy, so I think that contributed to it.


My last son was 8lbs, 6oz, and I measured small, lost weight, and the dr was convinced he was going to be a 7lber, maybe. I sure proved him wrong!


And I'm 5'3, 115ish when I'm not pregnant. I guess I just hide big babies very well.

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my dd is 34 weeks pregnant with my second grandbaby. She called me this morning (they live 4 hours away) and said the doctor is sending her for an ultrasound on Friday. Her measurement has not changed since her last appointment 3 weeks ago. She was measuring right on target then, so her measurement is 3 weeks behind. He wants her to stay off her feet as much as possible ( not easy to do since she has a 12 mo), sleep on her left side, and pay close attention to the baby's movements. She is a little concerned. Anyone with experience with this?


I did with dd #3. They were concerned about IUGR and ended up doing an early c-section because she wasn't growing properly. She was little 6lb 2oz at birth - 38 1/2 weeks.


The trick is I was born a month past my due date and was only 7 lb 5 oz. I'm a little person. For the first year our ped. was worried because she was little, but it's genetics entirely on her part.


Prayers that it is nothing serious and a happy, healthy baby will be born at the right time!

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I measured small with Indy in the 3rd trimester. He never got any bigger after 30w. He ended up having IUGR and being born at 36w, weighing 4lbs 14oz and 18.75" long. He was extremely long and skinny the entire first 6 years of his life (at a year he weighed 18lbs). Around 6.5 he started filling out and now at 8, he's a whopping 55" tall and about 78lbs. He's a perfectly healthy giant!


Maybe your dd's baby has just dropped. Even if there is IUGR, I can show you proof that little tiny babies can grow up to be just fine. Good luck! Keep us updated!

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With my last 2 pregnancies, I measured small for gestational age. The first one I might've as well but we had lousy military insurance at the time so I didn't even get an ultrasound past the 1st trimester dating one.


With my 2nd, I had weekly ultrasounds for the last month or so and he was born at 5 lbs. 12 oz. He's turning 5 tomorrow, weighs ~35 lbs. and wears a size 4T.


With my 3rd, my midwife and her supervising OB were concerned about the cord being attached to the placenta in a slightly abnormal position so I needed to have twice-weekly Non-Stress Tests for the last 2 months. She was born at 6 lbs. 4 oz. She's now almost 22 months, weighs ~21 lbs. and wears a size 18-24 mos.


All the various tests that my 3 kids have had for why they're small have come back normal. I'm petite myself and everyone in my family is on the small side as well. As my pediatrician says: "Somebody has to be in that below-the-third-percentile!" :tongue_smilie:

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My uterus measured 2 weeks behind a while back. I had already scheduled an ultrasound for other reasons a week later, where the baby himself measured 2 weeks ahead.


None of it is precise, so it baffles me how doctors instill fear so casually. Unless there are other factors at play, of course.


FWIW, before u/s was what it is, the doctors told my mother she'd be lucky if I made it to 3lbs. I was 6lb12oz.

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