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Wanna know what I did to declutter tonight?

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Yes, it took some time, but it freed up space.


I had saved instruction manuals in a banker's box. We have business equipment and personal stuff, and I like to save the manuals in case we need to consult them. I found all of the manuals I could online and downloaded the pdf files into a folder on my computer.


Then I tossed about a foot-wide pile of manuals in the recycle bin.


Hey, when you have a small house, space is critical. :lol:

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Thats a good one!

I recently lost the instruction manual to our dishwasher. Dh wanted it and I could not find it where I normally keep such things. So I found it online. Dh wanted me to PRINT IT OUT so that I could put it in the drawer with the other manuals. It took me a few minutes to convince him that if I saved one on my computer, and he saved one on his computer, and we saved one in the back up hard drive...even if we could never find it online again (unlikely) we would still have a copy whenever we needed it to refer to- and I didnt need to use precious paper and ink. He reluctantly agreed :) I tihnk instruction manuals make him feel secure, the way....lots of curricula makes me feel I must be a good homeschooler :)

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Wow! Good job!

I needed a manual for our oven last night..it was giving us an error code. I coulnd't put my hands on the manual DH searched online and found a forum .....they weren't much help.

Fortunately dinner was about done, so we ate.


Later when I did find it, ( it was in the refrigerator folder..hmm) it told us to shut off and restart and the oven.

Ok, it was doing that all by itself!

Manual then said if it continues to call for service.


I think I could safely burn that manual.



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