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I notice this program has lots of fans here at the WTM, and from the online samples I've seen, it looks promising.


What about it do you particularly like? Is there anything about it you don't like?


Is the program centered mainly around poetry, or does it cover other types of literature?


Do you have your kids do any other language arts or literature study in addition to this program?


How does it differ from other LA programs such as IEW, Kolbe, etc.?


Do you need the teacher manuals or do the workbooks suffice? Does it require much teacher interaction?


How long do your kids spend on this per day? I'm looking for something that will keep my 8 yo fairly busy, without boring him too much. :) And my schedule is insane already, so I need something that he can do somewhat independently, or else it will end up decorating the shelf. :tongue_smilie:

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I notice this program has lots of fans here at the WTM, and from the online samples I've seen, it looks promising.


What about it do you particularly like? Is there anything about it you don't like?


Is the program centered mainly around poetry, or does it cover other types of literature?

You put together your literature selections, but it includes a poetry book to teach its various aspects.


Do you have your kids do any other language arts or literature study in addition to this program?

They have literature studies which I determine. I also use an additional writing program.


How does it differ from other LA programs such as IEW, Kolbe, etc.?

IEW is strictly composition, so it is difficult to compare


Do you need the teacher manuals or do the workbooks suffice? Does it require much teacher interaction?

You can get by with just the teacher manuals (homeschool basic package) in that they are the same as SM except for sidenotes transposed onto the pages. The method is predicated on socratic instruction, so it is teacher driven and interactive.


How long do your kids spend on this per day? I'm looking for something that will keep my 8 yo fairly busy, without boring him too much. :) And my schedule is insane already, so I need something that he can do somewhat independently, or else it will end up decorating the shelf.

It would not likely bore him, but this is not designed for independent use (socratic method).

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Oh my, that's a long list of questions!!


What I love:


+ elegant, inquisitive, interesting

+ 'snuggly' -- interactive, collaborative

+ aspires to high quality use of language

+ interweaves classic authors/lit througout all aspects

+ doesn't waste time

+ synergistic effects of the books weaving together. I personally LOVE this, although I could see it would irritate folks who don't WANT to use all the books.

+ covers high level material w/o being wordy. Cuts to the chase! Efficient use of my time & kids' time. No busy work. At all. Everything teaches.


Don't like:


+ disconcerting frequency of typos. Watch out for errata.


No, it's not mainly about poetry. MCT uses poetry b/c great authors use poetic devices in their prose as well. It was pretty shocking to learn that Lincoln used so many poetic devices in his speeches! You begin to see the power of poetic techniques in *all* forms of writing. Poetry is all around you!


+ Teacher interaction: YES!!!!!!!!! Very much so.


+ Independent for 8 yo: NOT AT ALL. Pretty much 100% of the MCT time will involve you.


+ Teacher Manuals: YES!! Follow MCT's guidelines on the RFWP site to choose the 'basic' package. You can get away w/o some of the student books, but you always need the teacher book!


+ Time per day: Island Level: 2 hrs/wk is plenty for my little one. That'll get us through in less than a school year. (Town was more like 2-3 hrs/wk. I expect 2-3 hrs/wk for Voyage.) For Island level, 95% of this time involves mom w/kid 100%. For Town & Voyage, 80% w/mom, 20% on own.


+ Comparision to IEW: Very different. First, IEW is pretty much solely writing, whereas MCT is grammar/vocab/writing/poetry combined. Also, IEW is all about writing rules/checklists, and can encourage rather stiff writing (up until it is truly mastered & you do away with the rules). MCT is all about elegance from the start. MCT is more about the whys/hows of beautiful/powerful writing, whereas IEW is more like 'follow this outline just like this and it will be acceptable'.



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I notice this program has lots of fans here at the WTM, and from the online samples I've seen, it looks promising.


What about it do you particularly like? Is there anything about it you don't like?


I like the open endedness of it, the way everything is thrown at kids right away, the discussions and writing that come out of it are incredible. The fact that it really does work for HG+ kids.


Is the program centered mainly around poetry, or does it cover other types of literature?


Lit would be separate but it does have a poetry "unit" that is fabulous. We always have some books going at our house - independantly read and read aloud.


Do you have your kids do any other language arts or literature study in addition to this program?


No - we do quite a bit more writing than the program calls for.


How does it differ from other LA programs such as IEW, Kolbe, etc.?


Can't help you there! This is all we've ever used or owned. My son started HS in 2nd grade and started MCT Island as a 3rd grader. He was working well above level (reading high school level, writing jr. high level) doing Island level so it's open ended enough for kids coming from lots of places. He did not have much grammar at all before starting MCT though.


Do you need the teacher manuals or do the workbooks suffice? Does it require much teacher interaction?


We bought the homeschool package that just has the teacher manuals which has been plenty for us.


How long do your kids spend on this per day? I'm looking for something that will keep my 8 yo fairly busy, without boring him too much. :) And my schedule is insane already, so I need something that he can do somewhat independently, or else it will end up decorating the shelf. :tongue_smilie:


Ok - this will definitely not fit the bill there. It is time and teacher intensive. We are doing Town level this year and it's sucking quite a bit more time than Island level. If you hand it to your child to read, you don't nearly get the benefit of sitting down and discussing it with your child. We use a white board to play while we're talking too. I hate that it takes up so much time, but it's been such an ideal fit for us I can't complain too much. It's the only off the shelf curriculum that has worked well for my kid with not much tweaking (other than adding additional writing/reading which we were doing before anyway).

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+ synergistic effects of the books weaving together. I personally LOVE this, although I could see it would irritate folks who don't WANT to use all the books.



I agree with this. I don't recommend it to people unless they're thinking of the whole package. I think the different areas reinforce each other in ways that would be totally lost in just doing it piecemeal.

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