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have you ever wondered...

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if you never said anything to your kids about picking up their clothes, wiping their nastiness off the toilet and sink, putting their junk away.....


how long would it be before they noticed the filth, picked up their junk, or put their clothes in the laundry?


I wonder if my kids would EVER see the filth they'd live with....

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Yup... come look at my house!! I just thought today, no one cares!! I think i'll go eat worms and cry!! Someday, after the lotto comes knocking at my door to say I've won.... I'll stick my kids in a great classical school... hire an organizer and a house cleaner.... Pick up those frozen meals from one of those cool kitchens where they put it together for you... and go visit Italy :)

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I actually DO that sometimes... when it comes to their bedrooms. Two boys keep their room tidy and cleaned. They like it that way. Two boys do NOT. Oftentimes I ignore the messy room. Then when the messy boys get into trouble or mischief, I can send one or both to their room to clean it until it passes... and then enjoy the break while it takes them forever to clean it.


If they are never required to clean it, everything just piles up and it gets worse and worse... they would not care one bit.

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I actually DO that sometimes... when it comes to their bedrooms. Two boys keep their room tidy and cleaned. They like it that way. Two boys do NOT. Oftentimes I ignore the messy room. Then when the messy boys get into trouble or mischief, I can send one or both to their room to clean it until it passes... and then enjoy the break while it takes them forever to clean it.


If they are never required to clean it, everything just piles up and it gets worse and worse... they would not care one bit.



i am like that a bit about bedrooms....but the bathroom....everyone has to use that and it is SOOO gross... and I have mostly girls!!!

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My dh does not notice things on the floor. In fact, he steps on things with regularity. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. For example, if I put a blanket on the floor for the baby to have tummy time and I don't pick it up immediately, dh will walk all over it with his dirty shoes. Disgusting. My ds (just turned 3) doesn't seem to notice things on the floor, but oddly, if you're picking up toys and put a train in the car bin, he'll throw a fit about it being in the wrong place.

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I didn't care when I was a child. I started caring when I got my first apartment. My mom cleaned up after me because she loved doing things for her family. I really didn't think about it and wasn't being defiant. I just always had other things on my mind and the clothes laying around was just not a big deal. Even when they were clean, they were just stacked on the floor because I never bothered putting them away when they would just get dirty again. Now, I clean up after my family because I love them and it's my privilege to take care of them. When they get their own place, they'll either clean or not clean, but it won't be something I can control. :)


I will add that I have taught them how to do some basic things like run a washer/dryer and cook a few simple things. The only other thing I think is extremely important to help them learn before they move out is money management and how to balance a checkbook.

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Mine truly never notice.


We even did a bathroom remodel recently, and nearly everything is white. They still manage to completely overlook blue toothpaste and yellow sprinkles. They never notice the mountain on the floor of their closets when they're claiming they have nothing to wear, and they (well, some of them) cry when I point out a broken toy that's been lying on the bedroom floor for more than a week.

Completely oblivious!

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The kids and dh are blind to anything that is on the floor. In their reality, nothing is important until it is missing. But don't stop telling them to pick up. Going on strike will backfire. I know this from experience.


:iagree: Yep. The floor, the counters, the tops of dressers/desks, etc. They don't see it and don't care....until they need it. And somehow it's still my fault that it's not useable. :confused:

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