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Where do you store your memorablilia - like your baby's first shoes?

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We don't have a garage or much storage space - so it's the closet or the attic space behind our drywall.


Obviously the closet is safer since the drywall space gets very! hot.


Do you have a storage system for your children's keepsakes? By system I actually mean something that is easily accessible so you actually keep stuff there :)

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I don't save those things. I come from a large family, and while I only have two children I do have a bountiful of nieces and nephews and cousins -- everything is pretty much someone else's "first" or will get used by a downline kid :)


The only thing I've ever saved were the lovies (my son's blanket and my daughter's stuffed animal). Those just stay out on the bed. If I had memorabilia like you describe, I'd feel best storing it in the closet.

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I don't save much. I don't want to haul things around moving every 2-3 years. All I've really got our his first shoes, mainly because they are just so **** cute! And his little Harley Davidson leather jacket (18mos size) and his christening outfit, kept mainly because I made it out of the dress I was married in (needed something to do with the wedding dress so I didn't have store it. See I told you I don't keep much!)


The clothes are on hangers in the closet and the shoes are in a shoe box in top of his closet. He still has all his stuffed animals, which really aren't many. I can see getting rid of those being more difficult.


Currently I sort of strugle with keeping all the papers. Partly because they get caught up with all the loose papers with school (I'm not really a 3 ring binder persons. WWE and things like that go into a pile and get tossed at end of year.). Other reason is I feel guilty throwing out the notes written to me. So those do tend to pile up and I sort through all of them about once a year and thin, keeping the ones I want most.


I guess my biggest storage suggestion is don't keep too much to store and ask yourself why you want to keep it. Of your two choices I'd pick the closet. But then you need to ask yourself if saving this is worth giving up that closet space if you need it for something else. I don't keep things for potentially future grandkids. When he's done with it, it goes. I can buy new playmobile and brio trains for grandkids at the time if needed.

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I have an archival "envelope" (it's about 2'x3'x1') that I keep in the closet for each child. It contains the "best" artwork, any awards/special papers, programs from dd's choir concerts, etc. Pictures are kept in smaller plastic archival envelopes that are 12"x12"x2", in the dining room buffet. I got the large "envelope" and the plastic sleeves at Michael's Crafts.


Do you have any room under your bed? An archival box or large envelope, laid flat, would fit easily under most beds. I keep my wedding dress in an acid-free box under the bed. ;-) Also, if the bag/box isn't too deep it can be stored behind a dresser or under the couch if storage space is limited.

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For each kid I got a box at the baby store that matches their baby book (I'm sure you could use a small plastic storage tote). The box holds their first shoes they walk in, their coming home outfit, hospital bracelets, crib card, etc. If it doesn't fit in the box, I don't keep it. I also have one plastic bucket where I toss schoolwork that I really liked, and at the end of the year I pick a piece or two for each child to keep.

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