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A naturally occurring mineral used in Indian cooking, AKA Blacksalt. If you've had the tamarind dip for samosas, you've had kalanamak. 15 years ago when I started using USENET, my interest was Indian cooking. I found THE best advice was on classical Indian music groups....I learned to politely interrupt and ask about making poori, etc. I found out if I used an Indian food word, I got better responses. Since rasmalai and halwa was already used, kalanamak it was.

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My last name is Kurwicki.


In my head I pronounce my user name "K"-wickimom...but I had man on another forum once ask me if it was "quickie-mom" :glare: and it wasn't a racy kind of forum I swear :D


So, despite the freaky guy I keep it because I dont want to remember more than one.

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My husband and I believed we were never going to have children. So, our first was definitely a miracle. Then, our second became even more of a miracle in the fact that my amniotic fluid began leaking at 24 weeks yet he stayed in the womb until just over 33 weeks. He was a physically healthy boy!


And finally, we have two girls which we have temporary custody of and hope to someday adopt.


All are true miracles for us - hence my choice for forum name.

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I'll share mine, because I get asked about it a lot. Most people think I have trouble spelling. :tongue_smilie:


My husband is into old cars, custom cars, rat rods, etc. and has had multiple (small) side jobs/businesses and he has always had a business name with the word "krazzy" in it. Apparently in that industry, using "k" for words like crazy and customs (Kustoms) is very popular; (google images for kustoms and you'll see the whole industry that he's been a part of). When I needed a username, I just thought I'd be the krazzymommy. I never realized the flack I'd get for it, lol.

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It is my past, present, future



Past-part of my childhood nickname.


Present-One of my favorite childhood phases. When a very small child is in your arms and they start patting you on the back (instead of you patting them), like they are trying to make you feel better.


Future-the tap, tap, tap of my keyboard as I plan my children's future.



ETA: over the years that I have been on this board, I have had several people say they didn't like my name because it made them think of someone impatiently tap, tap, taping their foot......So, if you think similarly....please try to think of someone softly, lovingly tap, tap, taping your shoulder instead. :D

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Many, many years ago (you know.... before kids ;)) my DH would sometimes call me "kitten".

So when I joined my first internet forum, 10+ years ago, I used kitten + 18 (my birthday is on the 18th of a month). I don't really like it anymore but I keep using it anyway :001_rolleyes:.

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