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It seems like there are at least a million people in this country who share my first and last name.

There is even someone on here who has my last name with Academy attached (which is what I use for all my official homeschool records.)


I gave up and use my middle name which is not as common.

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It's been my primary email and sign-on name for almost 20 years. It's from my first and middle names and is what my mother always calls me. The 29 is because just dottieanna was taken and it's the day of the month my birthday falls (people stopped assuming it was my age a long time ago). :tongue_smilie:

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i refer to my children as "my two monkeys". my blog is named that & my notecard business is also named two monkey designs. it just seemed fitting. i have another user name that i've used for years on other forums (a combination of my middle name and maiden name)...but when i joined here, i decided to go with something different.:)

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When ds was little he went through a period when he was REALLY into sheep. He liked to pretend he was a sheep, and he liked to stay close to me. When he was following me around the house he would often say, "I'm the baby sheep, and you are the mama sheep."


This used to remind me a lot of a poem I like:



’Twas a sheep not a lamb that went astray,


In the parable Jesus told.


’Twas a grown sheep that wandered away,


From the ninety and nine in the fold.




And out on the hillside, and out in the cold,


’Twas a sheep that the Good Shepherd sought.


And back to the flock safe into the fold,


’Twas a sheep the Good Shepherd brought.




Now, why for the sheep should we earnestly long,


And as earnestly hope and pray?


Because there is danger if they go wrong,


They will lead the lambs astray.




For the lambs will follow the sheep, you know


Where ever the sheep may stray.


When sheep go wrong, it will not be long


’Til the lambs are as wrong as they.




And so for the sheep we earnestly plead,


For the sake of the lambs today.


If the lambs are lost, what a terrible cost


Some sheep will have to pay.

And then there's kind of a double religious reference in my name for me too. One aspect of it is that it's a statement of my relationship with Christ, related to passages of scripture like John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." I am a mama, and I am a follower of Christ. The other religious aspect is that some critics have been known to refer to people of my faith as "sheep" in a more derrogatory manner, and to me it's kind of a 'proud to be affiliated with that group even if you mock us' sort of statement. But mostly the other one.


Yes, it's true. I really DO overthink EVERYTHING...lol...

Edited by MamaSheep
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My daughter's name is Sabrina but we call her Bina so as I was going through my kids names thinking of what I should use - this just came to me. I've often thought of changing it to something more inclusive of our whole famly. I like '5Chickadees' Because I love the chickadee-dee-dee-dee-dee song of our state bird and because I have 5 kiddos

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About 6 years ago I read a question on a blog that asked "If you could have any stage name, what would it be?" I always thought that The Unsinkable Molly Brown was the coolest title ever, and so that is what I said I would choose - The Unsinkable Kristen Chapman. Then I used it in my blog, and eventually it became the name of my blog when I changed hosts, and now it's a nickname in real life as well. I'm either Unsinkable, Unsinkable Kristen, or UK to my friends :)


Fun question!

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