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Do You Belong to a Homeschooling Group?

Do You Belong to a Homeschooling Group?  

  1. 1. Do You Belong to a Homeschooling Group?

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I am because being part of an umbrella school is the most common way to homeschool in CA. I belong to a "full service" PSP that is associated with a private Christian school because of the benefits it offers. I also love the fellowship. I would imagine homeschool groups vary greatly, and suspect that state law can indirectly impact them as well (in a state where homeschool groups are just for fun will likely be different than ones in a state where it's the most common way parents are able to homeschool).

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
I joined before we pulled our kids from PS.

The woman were an invaluable source of information for me regarding our state's (California) requirements, charters and things available for us as homeschoolers.


My kids enjoyed park days.


I went on a few field trips, and was embarrassed by the behavior of kids and parents. My kids were wide eyed at them, so we decided as a family, we enjoy field trips with just our little brood.

I went to one co-op meeting and smiled thru it came home and said...oh no, looked like a whole lot of hassle to teach kids I didn't want to, and have my kids taught by others? totally off topic, but is that what co-ops are?


The park days are kind of dwindling. I enjoy a few of the ladies I have met thru the HS group, so now just have them over versus being a part of the whole group.

I think that's what many are but definitely not all. I know several who teach co-op classes because they are passionate about subject (history, upper level science, etc). Most of them are doing it on their own during the same year that their child is doing that class. I can totally see myself doing upper level science classes when my little kids are in high school. I wouldn't be enrolling them in other classes and wouldn't be doing it with another co-op. There are also different opportunities in my area that aren't really a co-op but provide classes (BIOLA has a program, etc). I think they are a quality option but nothing I'm really interested in. Unfortunately, I do see many cropping up where it's more like a cooperative school, which I don't care for at all.

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Our co-op doesn't have "classes" like some. It does have a government field trip group for older children, and a Lego league, and the like.


I've joined for P.E. (tennis, soccer, gymnastics, etc) and the field trips. I do appreciate the group discount! Other than that I haven't really had the time to delve much further into it.


Also I feel somewhat out of place because the general trend seems to be toward boxed curriculum (Abeka, Sonlight, etc). Many of the members are former PSers, have other children in PS, or hope/plan to put their children back in PS in the future. Not that I can't be friends with someone who does those things! But it's already easy for me to find people with their perspective and would be nice for a change to find some people with mine.

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Yes. I'm a board member at ours. We've been members since I started homeschooling, eight years.


My kids get so much out of the social interaction, field trip offerings and "specials" classes, if I told them we were quitting, it would be like cutting off their arms.

Edited by Ginevra
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Yes, this is our second year belonging to a homeschool group. The group also sponsors an enrichment day that we belong to. It's a co-op that offers classes taught by members. The co-op has been a great thing for my children. We've also enjoyed some other social opportunities (a couples-only dinner and a family square dance, to name two) offered through the group.

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I voted no. When we first started homeschooling we joined our local support group. It was a large, regional support group that held monthly meetings which included some seminars, spelling bee, science fair . . . that kind of thing. A few years later we moved and joined a local support group. It was mostly an email loop and there was some good info shared. No support-type meetings, but there were playdates. We went to one and were totally ignored. So we dropped out of the group and haven't been part of a support group since. We did participate in an academic co-op for a couple years, though.



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We belong to a yahoo group but we rarely do stuff through it now, unless one of my close mama homeschool friends is going. The big group is clique-ish and composed of either very intolerant religious people or total and complete radical unschoolers.


So I just stay within my smaller group and co-op history and science with another friend and her children.

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We LOVE our co-op! The best thing about a co-op is the relationships you build. My DD feels like part of a community. She has friends with common interests and lifestyles. We BELONG. It's great! We have PE, music, spanish, art, science fair, culture fair, spelling bee and field trips. The co-op gives us the opportunity to have a lot of the great experiences one might get in elementary school but of course, along with non of the bad aspects of ps. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our co-op!

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No. Tried it for a while, but it was too much hassle and WAY too much drama.

Since we moved this is the direction the groups here in our geographical area have taken.

Prior we had lived in a major university city and were part of a wonderful homeschooling group which focused on homeschooling instead of drama.

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I've had too many bad experiences in past and those sorts of things are just excess baggage I don't need. The reason I'm home is to try to give my children the best education I can - not to put up with infighting and bickering amongst a bunch of women.....


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  • 2 weeks later...
I voted yes, even though I'm no longer actually hsing. :D But when I was, yes, I did, if by "homeschooling group" you mean "support group." I would have had no interest in a co-op, but I did enjoy my support groups.

Thank you for the reminder Ellie!

I should have posted "co-op" in the op.

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Since we moved this is the direction the groups here in our geographical area have taken.

Prior we had lived in a major university city and were part of a wonderful homeschooling group which focused on homeschooling instead of drama.

After enduring four years of drama, Dh and I decided to call it quits with the local hs group/co-op.

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