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Went to the ER last night...

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I was washing dishes and put my hand inside a tallish glass to clean it when the glass broke and impaled my hand.. nice gushing, lol. It was a cheap glass, one of those that you get as a freebie when you buy something at the grocery, kwim?


So anyway, I hemmed and hawed about going. It's funny, when it's my kids I feel like I totally know what to do (go), but when it's me I start debating.. "is it really that bad", etc. The cut was about an inch long, couldn't tell how deep, and I didn't feel any glass in there but didn't know for sure. Plus, it's on the side of the hand, where you curl it when gripping things, so I was afraid it would just keep gaping open every time I moved it, kwim?


Long story short, we decided I should go.. dh stayed with the two littlers, and my oldest (ds 10) came with me. It was so neat, but weird, to have him come along.. he just seems so old, lol, joking with me to keep me distracted while they cleaned the cut and all.. and he brought along "From the Mixed Up Files..." to read to me if we had a long wait ;) .


They debated about stitches, but in the end the dr said the cut wasn't so terribly deep, and with the location it was possible the stitches would pull out.. so they went with steristrips instead. Feels a lot better today, but looks dramatic with the bandage wrapped all around and all, lol...

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same situation---he was washing dishes in the sink because I had to go somewhere. The kids were very little at the time. Anyway, a glass broke and cut his finger pretty badly, and he finally went to the ER to get it stitched up.


I'm sorry this happened to you! And, being impaled by the glass shard----OUCH! I hope you're OK now. Make sure you take your pain meds. and antibiotics, if they gave you any! :)

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We had a night like that when hubby was into making his own yogurt -he was washing a glass pickle jar to re-use it for yogurt when it broke (with his big 'ol man hand jammed inside it) and gashed his hand. I had JUST gotten our twin babies to sleep and could not drive him to ER and he was bleeding all over so I called 911 and slapped an overnight sanitary pad onto his hand (oh, he did not like that, but I was NOT letting him bleed all over the kitchen!!!). Paramedics wrapped his hand up enough so he could drive himself to the ER (and save ourselves the $100 fee) - he got about 8 stitches!!!. So we feel your pain!!!

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I'm glad you are ok! I hem and haw, too when I am the one who is hurt.


my oldest (ds 10) came with me. It was so neat, but weird, to have him come along.. he just seems so old, lol, joking with me to keep me distracted while they cleaned the cut and all.. and he brought along "From the Mixed Up Files..." to read to me if we had a long wait ;) .


This is so cool. My oldest is getting to this stage. I took him with me to walk to the grocery store last week and we had to walk home in the dark. He was sooo pleased with the outing. He pulled the wagon of groceries home himself.

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