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No applause necessary but I've figured out how to motivate male offsping!

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Ds 13.5 - if his father let's him live to reach 14 LOL!!! Conversation:


ds - "I hate math!" me - "I understand that. Many people have a subject they don't like but must conquer." ds - "It's so stupid. Nothing I learn is useful." me - "Algebra teaches you logical thinking and problem solving skills."


ds = "SO." me - "Okay, you don't have to do any more algebra." ds - "Really, oh thank you, thank you mom." me - "Sure, it's fine with us because any child who can not think logically or solve problems will certainly not drive the family vehicles, EVER!" ds - SIGH! "I'll do my algebra."



Ds #2 - "Mom, I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm too tired to do school work." me - "Oh, why didn't you sleep?" ds - "I was reading until 3:00 in the morning." me - "Well, your dad and I will fix that problem tonight." ds - "So, can I go back to bed?" me - "This is how you will find out the answer to that question. Call your grandpa. Tell him you need a job at his shop to earn money for a pick-up truck." ds - "Cool....I'll call right now." me - "Yes, but you must be sure to tell him that every time you stay up late entertaining yourself, you will need to have the next day off because you are too tired to work. See how that works out for ya!" ds - "Okay, I'll go get my Latin."


Ds #3 - "I don't want to do school work." me - "Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do." ds - "That's not fair!" me - "Okay, you don't have to do any school work. Let's be fair." ds - "Yeah, no schoolwork"....goes off to play by himself. About 11:00 a.m. - "Hey mom, what's for lunch?" me - "I don't know. I'm not cooking." ds - "WHAT???? YOUR NOT COOKING????" me - "NO! I don't feel like it. You said it wasn't fair to do things we don't want to do and I hate cooking. So, maybe I won't do it anymore." ds - "How about if you cook and I'll do my school work?" me - "That sounds about right."


Just for the record....I'm thinking of running away from home.



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Ds #3 - "I don't want to do school work." me - "Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do." ds - "That's not fair!" me - "Okay, you don't have to do any school work. Let's be fair." ds - "Yeah, no schoolwork"....goes off to play by himself. About 11:00 a.m. - "Hey mom, what's for lunch?" me - "I don't know. I'm not cooking." ds - "WHAT???? YOUR NOT COOKING????" me - "NO! I don't feel like it. You said it wasn't fair to do things we don't want to do and I hate cooking. So, maybe I won't do it anymore." ds - "How about if you cook and I'll do my school work?" me - "That sounds about right."


Just for the record....I'm thinking of running away from home.




Drat. Mine would just offer to cook! :glare::lol:

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Ds #3 - "I don't want to do school work." me - "Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do." ds - "That's not fair!" me - "Okay, you don't have to do any school work. Let's be fair." ds - "Yeah, no schoolwork"....goes off to play by himself. About 11:00 a.m. - "Hey mom, what's for lunch?" me - "I don't know. I'm not cooking." ds - "WHAT???? YOUR NOT COOKING????" me - "NO! I don't feel like it. You said it wasn't fair to do things we don't want to do and I hate cooking. So, maybe I won't do it anymore." ds - "How about if you cook and I'll do my school work?" me - "That sounds about right."





Mine would just choose not to eat. Yes, it's happened before. :glare:



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Good work!


This thread made me remember a couple of years ago when my son kept putting dirt in the dog's water bowl (outside). Reminding him did not work. So, the next time I got him a glass of water at dinner, I stepped outside for a handful of dirt to add to it. The shock! The outrage! I told him the dogs don't like to drink dirty water any more than he does. It worked.


Sometimes I think having kids has ruined me for polite society, what with all the mean tricks I've had to think up.....

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Ds 13.5 - if his father let's him live to reach 14 LOL!!! Conversation:


ds - "I hate math!" me - "I understand that. Many people have a subject they don't like but must conquer." ds - "It's so stupid. Nothing I learn is useful." me - "Algebra teaches you logical thinking and problem solving skills."


ds = "SO." me - "Okay, you don't have to do any more algebra." ds - "Really, oh thank you, thank you mom." me - "Sure, it's fine with us because any child who can not think logically or solve problems will certainly not drive the family vehicles, EVER!" ds - SIGH! "I'll do my algebra."



Ds #2 - "Mom, I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm too tired to do school work." me - "Oh, why didn't you sleep?" ds - "I was reading until 3:00 in the morning." me - "Well, your dad and I will fix that problem tonight." ds - "So, can I go back to bed?" me - "This is how you will find out the answer to that question. Call your grandpa. Tell him you need a job at his shop to earn money for a pick-up truck." ds - "Cool....I'll call right now." me - "Yes, but you must be sure to tell him that every time you stay up late entertaining yourself, you will need to have the next day off because you are too tired to work. See how that works out for ya!" ds - "Okay, I'll go get my Latin."


Ds #3 - "I don't want to do school work." me - "Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do." ds - "That's not fair!" me - "Okay, you don't have to do any school work. Let's be fair." ds - "Yeah, no schoolwork"....goes off to play by himself. About 11:00 a.m. - "Hey mom, what's for lunch?" me - "I don't know. I'm not cooking." ds - "WHAT???? YOUR NOT COOKING????" me - "NO! I don't feel like it. You said it wasn't fair to do things we don't want to do and I hate cooking. So, maybe I won't do it anymore." ds - "How about if you cook and I'll do my school work?" me - "That sounds about right."


Just for the record....I'm thinking of running away from home.




You are a genius! Except for #3. Tried that- they just go fix something for themselves. :tongue_smilie:

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I love it! :lol:


This week 8yo dd got in a huff when she found out that she would still have to do schoolwork in the afternoon even though we went to homeschool meeting that morning. She marched up to her room, climbed into bed and started reading a book. I got a bunch of bags and boxes, followed her into her room, and emptied her room of ALL toys. I told her that she would have to earn the toys back by her good behavior. So far so good. She's been much better about doing her work the rest of the week. :D

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