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What do you do when you find yourself

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I think just realizing that you are in a mood like this is a big help. Just be aware and make a conscious effort to be more pleasant.


What I do when I'm feeling irritated is to start cleaning something. It gets my mind off of whatever is bothering me even if I don't know exactly what is bothering me (PMS:confused:).

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First, is it occassional or increasing in frequency?


Identify your triggers. Common ones:


1) Blood sugar

2) Sleep

3) Noise

4) Mess/clutter

5) Sudden or frequent body contact

6) No free time

7) Too many people

8) Not enough people


Take a look at what might be setting you up for the irritation. Then, have a list of things that truly *recreate* you and pick from that list to help remedy you.


Not being snappish is a lot like sex. The more you do it, the easier it is. So, although you might *feel* the opposite, getting closer and playful and lighthearted is the remedy to snappishness (which is a maladaptive form of getting "space").

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For me, it usually means I need some alone time. I am an introvert in a family of extroverts and I really need that time by myself to recharge. Even my dh is finally recognizing the signs and has been known to kick me out of the house while he stays with the kids. I use that time to go shopping, to the library, to Starbucks, etc.

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If dh is home then I go to my room and close the door! He is really good at handling anything that happens for one evening. I get my pajamas on and crawl into bed, with either a book or a video, or i actually go to sleep.


If DH is not home, I either take a nap (if kids will look after the toddler), I turn on some music I like (the them to The Man From Snowy River usually helps) and try to tune people out, or I come to the WTM forum! really.

This mood hit me tonight and although dh is home and kids were going to bed, I had a ton of dishes to do, table to clear, groceries to put away, dog wouldn't stop barking etc... I put on some latin hymns really loud so I could no longer hear the dog and plodded away at the dishes...now i am in here on the computer feeling much better!

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Take a break if I can. Remind myself of the "Bob principal" I read about in Winning People (I'm barely started in that book, but peeked ahead.) That basically says that when Bob has a problem with everone, Bob is the problem.


If I'm driving and my ds are fighting (yes, my homeschooled kids actually fight and argue sometimes) I pull over and wait until they're quiet. I can't drive and have them fighting at the same time. At least not very safely.

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Great suggestions here! I especially liked the one that listed triggers. I should probably try more to identify mine.


For me, I realize it's happening, warn everyone, apologize to everyone, and escape if possible (out the door, to my bedroom for a nap, to the computer to immerse myself in a forum or something else and get my head away from it all for a little while).


Oh, and chocolate. Definitely chocolate. :D

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I've been having grumpy attacks lately. Outside stress is a factor, so I....



  • nap
  • eat chocolate
  • lounge in the hammock outside
  • leave the house by myself if dh is home
  • I recently asked for a night away by myself :001_smile:
  • put on worship music
  • give myself a time out


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right away. My dh is gone M-F so there is no getting away from the children. If it is just a stressful day, I lock myself in my room, have a glass of wine, take a hot bath, read, etc. but if it last more than a day or two, I consult my dr. and make appropriate meds adjustments. If you find that it is a ongoing problems that you can not get under control after reasonable efforts, I would just a visit to the family dr. to disuss it.

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Thanks for all the ideas.


Most of the problem is that we have all been sick, and I have definitely not been getting enough rest. I'm up coughing half the night and up the other half with one ill child or another.


The other part of the problem is that dh doesn't seem to understand when I need alone time. I literally have to lock the door to be alone, and then he'll stand there and talk to me through the door! (Yep, even to the bathroom.)


I ended up going to the little grocery store in the next town over to pick up a few things we needed. It helped a bit. What I really need is sleep, but nothing is working for this cough.


Thanks again,


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