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Users of Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology


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We used Astronomy last year and are loosely using Anatomy this year (using in a co-op scenario so supplementing some). I like the text but I do feel that the reading level is a bit higher than Astronomy. I'd recommend it for 4th-5th grade, perhaps a light 6th grade study. If you're looking to do a study with a K-3rd grader I think there are more appropriate currics to use.


Apologia's website has a complete sample module available for download. I'd recommend taking a look.


If you have specific questions about it I'm happy to try and field them.

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I would suggest it for middle school & up. My 4th & 5th graders really did not like it. It has way too much vocabulary and felt like information overload. I was following the schedule in the notebook and they were just glazed over by the time I was done.


We ended up dumping it and have been using the free Otter's Science Curriculum as a loose guide. This has been a much better fit for us! We are much more of hands-on crew! :lol:

Edited by PhunandFonics
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This book is SO much harder than her other elementary books. I'm doing it with my 3rd grader as part of a co-op and it is over her head. Much, much harder than Astronomy. This is a good junior high course. There is TONS of vocabulary: all the correct names for bones and such. I mean lesson threetalks about muscles inluding gluteus maximus, masseter, voluntary and involuntary musciles, Three types: skeletal, smooth and cardiac. Antagonistic muscles, extensor muscles, flexor muscles, biceeps, brachii, triceps, brachii, Muscle fibers, proteins called myofibrils ( long details about how musles grow) muscle mitochondria, anaerobic and aerobic exercise, lactic acid, protein and glucose and how they work, how facial muscles work, Achilles tendon, etc . It is what I remember studying in high school Biology!!! My daughter's eyes glaze over. This book would make a really good health course for middle school and possibly for high school and then just add some CPR and maybe some essays and such.



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Can you please let me know how it has been going for you. What is your review on the new book? Is it as good as the others Jeannie has written?


Considering it for next year.





This has been our favorite book so far in the series, well at least for me. I think the kiddos like it too. As someone else mentioned, it is more suitable for the older ages. If you do go with the anatomy next year, consider getting the journals. They really make the study fun and interesting. :001_smile:

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:iagree: it's much more difficult, plus the concepts are a bit more abstract for younger elementary.


We are still reading through it, a little bit at a time. I think I would have been better off getting books at the library, one body system a week and saving this for health credit in HS. I'm thinking of selling mine...

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I am using this for my 2nd grader (his tutorial uses it so we can't switch). I agree that it is more suited for upper elementary or junior high. My son is enjoying it (especially the chapter on the digestive system), but a lot of it is way over his head. We try to make it a little more fun by "acting out" our digestive sytem, making clay cells, etc. I think the exposure is good, but I don't expect he will remember much of the vocabulary or details of the reading. I really think they could have simplified this if it's target audience was elementary school!

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