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Local park contaminated with lead... I'm freaking out here, friends!

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OK, there is a park near my home that has been closed for over a month now. We used to walk over to this park once or twice a week, and have school on the lawn there. I live only a few hundred yards from the entrance to the park. I discovered that the park was closed for environmental testing... and just decided to google the report:






So if you look at the site map, we have sat many times right in the middle of the old shooting range area. We've even dug in the dirt (doing science and nature observation) in the area of highest lead contamination. I'm freaking out here! We've gone to this park for five years, my boys have been super exposed there... they've gone under that brige in the culvert many times (another place marked with high lead content). Now I'm feeling horribly guilty for exposing my sons to the park--, and also wondering--have they been affected by lead exposure? From what I can tell, it seems like lead makes it's way out of the body over time, so is there a way if they can determine past exposure? What if they've had lead in their systems since they were toddlers? Ugh ugh ugh.... mommy freak out time.


Someone give me some perspective, or advice, or something... anyone have any experience with this?

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If I'm remembering correctly, when something like that happened locally whoever owned the park (or maybe it was a school playground) paid for testing. You might want to check into that. ((Kay)) I hope you can get some assurance that your boys are okay (which they probably are, but it sure would be nice to know for sure).

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I'm pretty sure you can inhale lead dust.


Ingestion is most common form of contamination by lead paint in young children becauase they stick everything in their mouth, but contact with any mucus membrane or open wound is a risk factor, as well as inhaling small particles.


I'd get it checked out, too.

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Ok, I'll call my pediatrician on Monday and see if we can get a referral for blood testing. I'm hoping it's no big deal... but the park is still sealed after more than a month, with no signs of reopening! I wish there was someplace else nice to go so we can do school outside, we don't really have a yard as we live in a townhome, so I rely on park space.

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It's been a couple of years since we did heavy metals testing, but if I'm remembering correctly, the blood test only shows current lead exposure. Lead clears the blood very quickly (like 12 hrs, I think). We had hair analysis, which may or may not be reliable. If your kids don't have any neurological issues, IMHO, you don't have to worry. If they do have issues, bring it up with your specialist doctor (pediatric neurologist, developmental pediatrician, etc.) They'd have a much better idea of what to look for than a regular pediatrician. I hope your sons are fine and your worries are laid to rest.

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Oh. My. Gosh. :eek: The dirt at the public park was lead contaminated and YOU DIDN'T KNOW?! Shame on you. You should have been able to tell, you failure, you. No other human being on earth could have sensed it, of course, but we would expect better from YOU! :toetap05: BAD mommy. BAD! You should be banned from the board and your motherhood license revoked at once! :leaving:


(I hope you are detecting a LOT of facetiousness here.) :rolleyes:


Honey, give yourself a break and forgive yourself for not being super-human. Then have a few tests run, and do what you can. Probably everything is fine, but regardless, it is NOT your fault.


My 13yods's Gifted/Talented teacher sent me this quote on a day when I was feeling particularly inadequate. I don't know who said it, but it's a good one:


"When the day is over and you have done your best, wait the results in peace."


:grouphug: Peace to you,

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