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s/o: Do you have an all-time favorite WTM quote?

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Reading the "posts that make you shake your head" thread, I realized that I don't really. Shake my head. But we do have favorite WTM lines, some even from the old board. Last night I asked my son a dumb question, and he looked at me and said, "What the hell?! I can't read! I'm only five!" This is one of my favorite lines ever from this board. As I recall, there was a thread where we were discussing this phenomenon of adults who feel the need to quiz our children, and a mom was describing how her daughter's aunt (?) came over one day, and announced that before the day was out, she (adult) wanted to hear the child read. And the child whipped out that line. I don't know why it tickles me so much, but it does. I just love it. We say it pretty often here.


Do you have a WTM line that gets repeated at your house?

Edited by Nicole M
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It's kind of a bastardization / conglomeration of every single religion post where the verses start flying at lightening speed and every poster is insisting this or that justifies their opinion:


"You're WRONG!"


And yes, that is all we say. Sometimes we smack one another upside the forehead for extra effect.


Ah yup. Gotta love the global homeschooling community. It's a worldview opener.

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It's kind of a bastardization / conglomeration of every single religion post where the verses start flying at lightening speed and every poster is insisting this or that justifies their opinion:


"You're WRONG!"


And yes, that is all we say. Sometimes we smack one another upside the forehead for extra effect.


Ah yup. Gotta love the global homeschooling community. It's a worldview opener.


Well, yes. This board is the one place where I encounter what is called in polite company, "The Other." And yes, wowie, big eye-opener. I guess I was thinking about the delightful lines, the stories that stay with us. There are so many clever people here, and I have read so many incredible stories.


I can't believe we're the only ones who quote the board!

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