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The things kids say... Do you have a kid like this? Is it hard to teach them?

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DS, age 5, about a minute ago: "I know everything about dinosaurs. Scientists don't know. I know everything, everything, everything." This also came a couple minutes after he declared that he knows more about dinosaurs than anyone else in the world.


The comment came about because he was talking about Spinosaurus, so I looked it up on the web for more information, and found out that it's most likely bigger (at least longer, if possibly lighter) than his beloved Giganotosaurus and T. Rex, and while he likes Spinosaurus as well, he does NOT want it to be longer than the other two, so he insists that it is not longer.


He'll argue about anything if he doesn't like the information or if it'll interfere with his favorites. Anyone have a child like that, and does it make them hard to teach at times?

Edited by Ellyndria
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When my oldest was 5, he took a Spelling Workout test. He missed a couple of words, so I handed him a red pencil and told him to correct them.


When I went to check his corrections, I found he'd used the red pencil to correct the book so they matched his (mis)spellings :lol:.


He's more humble now that he's 11 :001_smile:.

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My ds was like this a couple of years ago too. He's slowly becoming more humble as he can read now, and he finds more information that refute "his ideas". So far, it hasn't affected my teaching him... probably because I avoid topics of which he "knows everything". :)

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He's just being five. :001_smile:

One way to help might be to empathize with his desire that he be right by saying something like, "Oh, wouldn't that be so fantastic, if you could know more than everybody? Then you could teach others, and they could benefit from your great brain! Maybe some day you'll grow up to be a famous scientist or something! Wouldn't that be a fantastic goal? Wow!" All said with a hug and a smile.

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My 7 yo ds is the same way!! I have yet to see a sign of it getting better. Our last argument was one how to spell the word "does". He was convinced it was dose. We argued to the point that I told him that I had know idea how I made it through college since a seven year old is obviously smarter then me....not my finest moment. He was quiet for a minute and then said "Fine, but that's how *I* am going to spell it". Serioulsy.....grrrrrr!!!!!!

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It seems pretty normal to me :p


Just wait till he's 14, if it's a pain in the wazoo at five it's infuriating when they are older (and have all the huffs, sighs, and eye rolling to go with it) ;)


And no, my dcs are not hard to teach and they're all three know-it-alls. Like the previous poster mentioned, there will be some humbling.

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Slip a copy of Boy were we wrong about dinosaurs on his nightstand and move one to bigger battles. Nearly everything I learned about dinosaurs has now been disproven.


We've checked this out of the library before. Maybe it's time to get it again, thanks for the reminder. :)


My ds was like this a couple of years ago too. He's slowly becoming more humble as he can read now, and he finds more information that refute "his ideas". So far, it hasn't affected my teaching him... probably because I avoid topics of which he "knows everything". :)


Yay, maybe there's hope!



My 7 yo ds is the same way!! I have yet to see a sign of it getting better. Our last argument was one how to spell the word "does". He was convinced it was dose. We argued to the point that I told him that I had know idea how I made it through college since a seven year old is obviously smarter then me....not my finest moment. He was quiet for a minute and then said "Fine, but that's how *I* am going to spell it". Serioulsy.....grrrrrr!!!!!!


Or maybe there's not. Yep, sounds like my DS! We've had this same conversation, only about different words (and other things too...)


He's just being five. :001_smile:

One way to help might be to empathize with his desire that he be right by saying something like, "Oh, wouldn't that be so fantastic, if you could know more than everybody? Then you could teach others, and they could benefit from your great brain! Maybe some day you'll grow up to be a famous scientist or something! Wouldn't that be a fantastic goal? Wow!" All said with a hug and a smile.


Good advice, thanks.


It seems pretty normal to me :p


Just wait till he's 14, if it's a pain in the wazoo at five it's infuriating when they are older (and have all the huffs, sighs, and eye rolling to go with it) ;)


And no, my dcs are not hard to teach and they're all three know-it-alls. Like the previous poster mentioned, there will be some humbling.


Yay, hope again. Except is it bad if I'm already getting the huffs, sighs, and eye rolling? :tongue_smilie:

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If you are Christians: my girls are learning lots of verses like


Prov 3:7 'Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.'


Phil 2:14 'Do all things without complaining or arguing.'


Prov 10:19 'When words are many, sin is not absent but he who holds his tongue is wise.'


It is GREAT to ask questions but to assume you are right all the time is NOT good (I know, it's natural, but still not good). I know I struggle with pride (I used to argue ALL the time w/my teachers and parents - BRAT!!!) so I am trying to use God's Word to help my children not struggle as much - I wish I was taught what God's Word says when I was little...

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My 7 yo ds is the same way!! I have yet to see a sign of it getting better. Our last argument was one how to spell the word "does". He was convinced it was dose. We argued to the point that I told him that I had know idea how I made it through college since a seven year old is obviously smarter then me....not my finest moment. He was quiet for a minute and then said "Fine, but that's how *I* am going to spell it". Serioulsy.....grrrrrr!!!!!!


I had this argument with my dd a few years back. We settled it with her being allowed to spell as she wishes on her stories and letters to friends and spell things my way for school and letters to adults. Now she is my best speller and that is including ds14.

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