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S/O Impossible to feed them!! Care to share ideas to keep them filled up?

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Mine are on the young side (10 and 7) but I'm seeing glimmerings of what y'all are talking about, especially with my boy-will eat a full bowl of cereal with whole milk and then a full dinner 15 minutes later! I was glad to see that thread and know that this is normal! It's all pretty recent so I have no clue how to keep him filled up in a healthy way (we're all organic, no processed foods, etc.) Mine are both very slim (dh and I were both like that when young.)


I'm thinking bake lots of muffins, maybe oatmeal for snacks, more peanut butter? We're already doing some protein shakes in organic raw milk, and smoothies too.

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Protein meals, mid morning and mid afternoon high protein snacks. Eggs, nut butters, avocado, cheese, beans & rice etc. I think cereal and the like make kids more hungry. To me, oatmeal, popcorn etc is only good if you want to make kids ravenous 20 minutes later. Ime, a enitre can of tuna or a couple of scrambled eggs (per teen) with avocado might buy you 3 hours. ;) 4, tops.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I agree there is something to this. Sure makes sense from a blood sugar point of view. It is hard to pass them off a can of tuna versus a bagel though-lol! The protein shakes have been a good happy medium here. I will have to try to think of more protein to give them.


Creamed tuna on toast. My mother made a white sauce, nice and thick, and then stirred in a can of drained tuna, warmed it through. It looked a bit like vomit! She put two pieces of well-toasted Roman Meal WW bread on a plate and ladled a generous amount over. We cut the toast like a waffle and ate it, the creamed tuna clinging to it, and soaking in. It was our favorite lunch. Our fav dinner was New England Boiled Dinner, but she used to the un-corned cut of meat...same cut, just not corned.


We did have a dessert after dinner: ice cream or custard or an eggy pudding (she would fold in the soft-peaked whites in just before baking) or cheesecake or a lemon souffle or chocolate pudding cake (JOC has the last two). Thinking back on it, Mother didn't give us carby desserts except on holidays (apple pie, etc) or b-days (cake). All the desserts were egg or dairy based. She had a pack of big-eating boys!

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