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LMB evaluation?

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LMB is running a special on their full evaluations right now, so I'm considering having one done on one, and possibly two, of my kids.


What all do they do? Are they pretty standard, or does their testing vary depending on the child and what the parent says the problems are?


What all do they tell you at the end? Do they just recommend one (or more) of their products - V/V, LiPs, or Seeing Stars? I think my ds is past LiPs and Seeing Stars, but he isn't super great at word attack/phonics in general - would they recommend some other product for him if they find the same thing?


What I'm considering is having him evaluated and then getting trained in whatever programs they recommend for him. It'd be a lot cheaper in the long run, plus it would be more feasible since I can't be driving him across town all the time.


Does that sound like a good plan?


Or are their evaluations just a waste of money for what I'm wanting to do with them?

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It's been quite some time since my son had his evaluations, but I think they do a full range of testing and then recommend which programs they think your child would benefit from. They do give you a report, which shows what grade level your child is at in a number of different areas, and then they go over it with you. Most, if not all, of the tests are standardized tests used by other professionals and not just designed for their program. So you will get some numbers and data rather than just a recommendation.


Depending on the cost to you, I would probably only do it if I wasn't sure of which program/s I needed to use with my child. To me, the greatest benefits of the testing were determining which program my child needed and then the comparison of his before and after testing. It was very reassuring to see how much progress he had made after all we had invested.




ETA: After looking at your post again, I see you really aren't sure which program your child would benefit from, so yes, I would do the testing. Even if you do the training and implement the program yourself, the cost will still be great as far as time and money go, so you want to make sure you pick the program which would benefit your child the most.

Edited by LisaTheresa
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It's been quite some time since my son had his evaluations, but I think they do a full range of testing and then recommend which programs they think your child would benefit from. They do give you a report, which shows what grade level your child is at in a number of different areas, and then they go over it with you. Most, if not all, of the tests are standardized tests used by other professionals and not just designed for their program. So you will get some numbers and data rather than just a recommendation.


Depending on the cost to you, I would probably only do it if I wasn't sure of which program/s I needed to use with my child. To me, the greatest benefits of the testing were determining which program my child needed and then the comparison of his before and after testing. It was very reassuring to see how much progress he had made after all we had invested.




ETA: After looking at your post again, I see you really aren't sure which program your child would benefit from, so yes, I would do the testing. Even if you do the training and implement the program yourself, the cost will still be great as far as time and money go, so you want to make sure you pick the program which would benefit your child the most.



Thanks, Lisa! I *think* all we need for my one child is V/V. I'm not sure on my other one I'm considering.:glare:


Going to the LMB center for instruction is most definitely out of the question. But I wonder if I could get them both tested using this special (it's only $295 through Nov. 30!) and then get them retested when another special comes along (I've seen them in the past, so apparently it's a recurring thing), so I can see what progress they've made.

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Thanks, Lisa! I *think* all we need for my one child is V/V. I'm not sure on my other one I'm considering.:glare:


Going to the LMB center for instruction is most definitely out of the question. But I wonder if I could get them both tested using this special (it's only $295 through Nov. 30!) and then get them retested when another special comes along (I've seen them in the past, so apparently it's a recurring thing), so I can see what progress they've made.


Kristin -


I'm glad if I helped. My son only needed the V/V program and it made a tremendous difference for him. He was just a little guy but prior to V/V, his receptive language was so poor, he would get extremely upset if I tried to play a 10 minute audiobook in the car. Halfway through the therapy, he began to listen to and enjoy the Beverly Cleary books.


We could never afford to do it now, but back when we did it, it was worth every penny. And I know many are able to implement the program at home with success, but I just knew I would never have the patience. I hope it goes well for you!



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Thanks, Lisa!


I'm currently waiting for our final results from a developmental evaluation my son had, and then I'm going to try to decide whether I want to chuck them all and go get a neuropsych eval done or if I just want to go to the LMB eval. I truly think language is his only issue, but it's hard to say...processing speed and working memory might be problems too.

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