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Typing, what age, how?

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Both your olders (8 and 6) could be doing typing right now. I started my dd with Typing Instructor Deluxe then got the kid version when it came out. Both are good for actual instruction, showing where to place their fingers, how to strike the keys, and building them progressively. I'll tell you though, the best thing for her typing has been the Calvert Spelling cd's. For some reason she adores them, will spend 45 minutes doing them, and of course they involve typing the words! I'd suggest starting off with a program to teach proper typing positions then just get them on in a variety of ways, games, etc. till they get faster. We aren't obsessive about practicing, so I don't even know how fast she types. We started working on it in the evenings while I was making supper, just 15 minutes a pop, around late 1st grade preparing for writing in 2nd. For some reason I thought she'd type all her papers that way, haha! Now that she's going into 4th, I'm going to make the leap and require her to type her paragraphs. We've been doing WT2, and the models for that are so long that there's no way she could type all that in a timely fashion. None of the other kids in the class type theirs either, the moms do. But I'm planning on focusing on paragraphs in 4th, which will be short enough that I think she can handle it in a timely fashion. At least that's my goal. So definitely do it, but don't be shocked if it takes a while to get them fast enough to actually DO anything with it. Or maybe we just aren't diligent enough with practice? Oh well.

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We've used Typing Pal, Jr. with our kids starting at around 7-8 yo. It has been successful. The only problem is that it has been hard to be consistent with practice. We are going to make typing a priority this summer and hopefully get their proficiency up. Without all their other subjects, it will be easy to fit it in. Then, they'll be ready to go for next year.


OhElizabeth - thanks for the reminder to get my youngers going! Easy to forget they can be doing this, too.

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