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Costume Challenged

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My dd wants to be a "friendly" werewolf for Halloween. So I thought, okay, I can do this. She has a plain gray sweatshirt and sweatpants, so I bought gray gloves and some black fake fur. I put the fake fur on the gloves and at the shoulders of the sweatshirt. My dh walked in and asked if she decided to be a skunk. Dd likens the costume to a hairball. I just wanted her to be a butterfly - black leggings, black shirt, wings, and glitter on the face - done! I am so not the mom who can pull together whatever her child decides she wants to be for Halloween and make it look good!!!! Ugh! :ack2:

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My daughter is going as the big bad wolf and here is her costume. We just got back from our dog 4-H costume contest.


You can use the darker fur but you will probably want to use some paint to lighten it up in spots. Mainly along the eyes and muzzle.

Hang in there I am sure it will be fine!

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