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Why do Duke TIP?

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MY dd (7th grade) qualifies for the Duke Talent Id. Program. I seriously doubt that she'll enroll in any of their camps or enrichment classes...so is it worth doing? I also have to state that I'm slightly paronoid about her name being on any "gifted" list. My dd seems fine with taking the ACT; she says it "Sounds fun". I really want some feedback on this topic. Thanks.

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My oldest daughter is in the Duke TIP program. We have not participated in any Duke TIP classes or camps either, but I would like the option if we ever decide to. Also, now that my daughter is in 10th grade they have started sending her info about choosing a college.


I think any opportunity to get recognition as a homeschooler is probably a good thing since we won't have any school related awards.



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My oldest daughter is in the Duke TIP program. We have not participated in any Duke TIP classes or camps either, but I would like the option if we ever decide to. Also, now that my daughter is in 10th grade they have started sending her info about choosing a college.


I think any opportunity to get recognition as a homeschooler is probably a good thing since we won't have any school related awards.




I was thinking that her ACT score may help her become duel-enrolled in out community college before she's 16...Do you know anything about this?

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One homeschooling mom I know whose ds took the SAT in 7th grade for TIP -- as a result of his scores, he got offered an amazing full scholarship by the CIA. The kid turned them down for another full scholarship and years later, he is getting his double degree in Computer Science and Math this December.

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It gave me validation that he was doing well. I mean, I thought he was, but I am insecure enough to need something from the outside. :D We attended both the state and Grand Recognition Ceremonies which were a lot of fun. He did take a Duke TIP summer class this past summer and wants to go again this year. He had a blast. We were able to have a parent-teacher conference with his instructor which was also very validating for me. I feel like my primary job is to make sure he knows how to learn, and he definitely does. But, even if he didn't participate in their programs, I think it is a good idea. It gives you practice in that kind of testing environment without worry of not doing well. It is also a resume' builder. Home schoolers don't have as many opportunities as their ps counterparts to earn honors and recognition of this type. Actually, the talk at Duke about college admissions was VERY enlightening as well.

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You have to shell out the registration fee and your DD has to give up a Saturday to take the SAT/ACT.


You mentioned that you don't think your DD will take any of their courses. If that's due to their expense, be aware that there is usually financial aid available. I'm not familiar with Duke TIP as we're not in their service area but Stanford EPGY and Johns Hopkins CTY I've heard are very generous with their financial aid.

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You have to shell out the registration fee and your DD has to give up a Saturday to take the SAT/ACT.


You mentioned that you don't think your DD will take any of their courses. If that's due to their expense, be aware that there is usually financial aid available. I'm not familiar with Duke TIP as we're not in their service area but Stanford EPGY and Johns Hopkins CTY I've heard are very generous with their financial aid.


My dd actually enjoys testing! :confused:

We probably won't take advantage of the classes because we live too far from the campus.

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My dd actually enjoys testing! :confused:

We probably won't take advantage of the classes because we live too far from the campus.


Yep, my dds liked the testing they did. My middle took the Explore (8th grade test) in 4th, and I thought it might freak her out. I spent a lot of time telling her that she wouldn't know every answer and not to be upset. She loved it! :D And they were both chomping at the bit to take the SAT and ACT. If your dd likes testing, she will be fine.


I don't know that there is any "gifted list." :001_smile: We got mail from CTY, but not from anywhere else.


The only downside is really the cost. If that's not a factor (it was worth it to use just fro the experience for dc,) then there really isn't a downside.

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My dd actually enjoys testing! :confused:

We probably won't take advantage of the classes because we live too far from the campus.


Ds's class was held at Trinity University in San Antonio. They have several sites that they sort of rotate around, I think. My dh drove him down there, and we both drove to pick him up. If he had gotten a class at Davidson (the other location this past summer for grade 7 & 8 classes) ds would have flown! I was glad he got the class, although FAR, dh could drive him. He wants to go an 8/9/10 class next year. Those who have completed 8th grade have a choice as to whether or not to do the 7/8 or the 8/9/10 classes. He will likely have to fly next summer, but at least he will be a year older when he does it.

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I've been lurking here and researching at the Duke TIP site. Is the $70 fee a one-time fee or is it each year? If it's one-time, do we get the testing every year through the 10th grade in that? That alone would be worth the $70, wouldn't it?


Are you referring to the fee that you pay in elementary school? If so, it is a one-time fee during the elementary years. For 7th grade, you pay to take whichever test your child does. Ds did the ACT, and I think it was $65 for the test. I don't think we have had to pay a fee to be a part of the program after the 7th grade point. The testing results (ACT or SAT) determine if you are "in" their program from that point on, I believe. Not sure though! You can always call and ask.

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This is from a previous post I posted in February (so her daughter is now a senior):


Just the other night my friend was telling me about her daughter who took the ACT through DUKE TIP in 7th grade (I think she got a 24 composite score and a 31 on the verbal or something related to English). Anyway, not only was she eligible for the DUKE classes - they PAID FOR IT ALL, including airfare, room and board for 3 weeks and the classes. She went the summer after 7th grade and the summer after 8th grade. Not sure if she went a 3rd summer. Her mom said she just loved it and now she's a junior and still keeps in touch with friends from the camp/course.


I was under the impression that they paid for everyone that did well. Anyone else here have the experience?

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This is from a previous post I posted in February (so her daughter is now a senior):


Just the other night my friend was telling me about her daughter who took the ACT through DUKE TIP in 7th grade (I think she got a 24 composite score and a 31 on the verbal or something related to English). Anyway, not only was she eligible for the DUKE classes - they PAID FOR IT ALL, including airfare, room and board for 3 weeks and the classes. She went the summer after 7th grade and the summer after 8th grade. Not sure if she went a 3rd summer. Her mom said she just loved it and now she's a junior and still keeps in touch with friends from the camp/course.


I was under the impression that they paid for everyone that did well. Anyone else here have the experience?


I think you have to apply for and need financial assistance. Or, somehow I have missed the boat! Ds's summer course was $3,500. His scores were higher than those you listed above, and we paid for it all.

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