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Why Did You Decide to Join the WTM Forums?

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For the first five minutes, it was to seek out support and encouragement in my brand new homeschooling journey. I quickly realized it was like therapy. All the advice I could ever need, plus the opportunity to share advice which felt great. To a nursing, stay-home-mom, it was very affirming. I was more than a walking boob. I was more than the gal fixing dinner and teaching phonics. I was able to participate in intelligent conversation!!!!


Now, it's my teacher's lounge.:001_smile:

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For the first five minutes, it was to seek out support and encouragement in my brand new homeschooling journey. I quickly realized it was like therapy. All the advice I could ever need, plus the opportunity to share advice which felt great. To a nursing, stay-home-mom, it was very affirming. I was more than a walking boob. I was more than the gal fixing dinner and teaching phonics. I was able to participate in intelligent conversation!!!!


Now, it's my teacher's lounge.:001_smile:


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I live with two Aspies. Dd had tried out "real" school for the first time last fall and came home with mono and the start of a nervous breakdown by Thanksgiving. So I was overwhelmed, terribly lonely, worried about dd, and thrilled to find so many people discussing Asperger's and education so openly.

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