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Why Did You Decide to Join the WTM Forums?

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TWTM had been fairly recently published and I didn't know anyone in real life who'd read it.

I felt overwhelmed at the idea of a classical education and I was looking for support.

When I started participating, 'joining' wasn't necessary. Anyone could read and post on the old board.

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Years ago, I had just read the first edition of TWTM, searched online for it and found the original version of these boards.


I like forums and figured that participating here would help me learn about classical education. I was using FIAR and "they" were quite.......hostile to TWTM and I wanted to know what the deal was.

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I had never heard of classical education before and wanted to learn more about it. I still love traditional school work:eek:, but try to add in some classical elements. I also wanted a place to learn from other homeschoolers in lots of areas of life. It's the only forum I'm active on.

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Because I thought the book was very interesting and I didn't know anyone IRL who had read it (at the time). I stay because it's the largest hsing board around, and there are some good ideas. I was a reader of the old boards...years ago, although I rarely posted.

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I feel like the homeschoolers I've met in my area are unschoolers, and that methodology does not resonate with me. I loved TWTM when I read it, and I knew that was how I wanted to educate my children. So when I stumbled upon this forum, I was ecstatic! It's a wealth of information and intellectually stimulating conversations - I look forward to logging in here daily.

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In 2001, I had two weeks to research homeschooling before dds came home from preschool and kindergarten, and I came home from working outside the home. When I read through all of the books our main branch library had (dozens,) I picked out WTM as making the most sense to me.


I came home to google it to purchase it, and I found this site as well.


I signed up and stayed because I was blown away by the wonderful little pocket of smart, helpful women on the boards, women who were having deep conversations about ideas and philosophical questions I hadn't thought about since college, who were also sharing book recommendations, encouraging each other, etc. :001_smile:

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I was new to homeschooling and wanted a place to get support and information about curriculum.



Yup. And although I have lots of home schooling friends IRL, I didn't want to bug them ALL the time. :lol: I started out looking for materials on the For Sale board then migrated to some of the other forums.

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I had been using WTM for years, but didn't realize there was a forum. In Jan 2008, I got my own laptop and was playing around and stumbled onto the forum. I joined. I didn't do much at first, but when we moved, I had no friends nearby and started reading. If I left now, I would go through withdrawals. I have been so challenged in my perspective here. It's wonderful. Plus, I have learned a lot of grammar in the vain attempt not to look stupid. :tongue_smilie:

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We upgraded from dial-up.


I needed an outlet for my ramblings.


My closest homeschool friends who I could talk about curriculum with moved, so I lost my bi-weekly rant 'n' rave.


I needed a few minutes here and there to not interact with my children.


The Denim Jumper dried up and blew away.

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Way back a long time ago, shortly after the first edition was published I belonged to a sub-group of our homeschool group that used TWTM. Since we had such a small population, I came to the site to get additional info and support. I started on the K-8 board and then started spending time on the general board as well. That was about 8 years ago now. I no longer have any children at home but this has long since become my major social group and still feels like home to me.

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My forum addiction actually started on another forum. A lot if people posted negative things about the WTM boards.....too snobby, mean, opinionated. So, I had to be nosy and check it out. Obviously I found it to be none of those things.....and with far less drama and heated threads than the other board. I come here exclusively now:)

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Because the Accelerated Learner Forums here are some of the best resources available for figuring out curriculum for smart kids.


Gifted boards talk too much about bad school situations and most homeschooling boards have a distinctive religious feel. Add in gifted kids and it can be really hard to find a fit. Here is the best fit out there.

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I also think Jessie Wise is incredibly interesting. She was ahead of her time.


I have often wondered if she had ever read anything by Nancy Wallace, who was hsing at around the same time. Nancy's children are now classical musicans (composers, artists etc) in NYC. Nancy wrote many excellent articles for Growing Without Schooling about her family and how she supported and nurtured her (remarkable? gifted?) children. They probably would have had much in common had they know each other.

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Back in 2002, I was shaking in my boots when we began homeschooling.


I read and re-read the first edition of TWTM and one day, while on the

WTM website, happened upon the old forum.

Since we live in a very rural area it was the kick in the rear I often needed as well as the assurance that we had not collectively lost our minds.

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Initially, it was for the Q and A of all things curriculum for K-8! I was scared of some of the conversations at time! I laugh now because I am so not the person I was back then... people grow up and change in so many ways!


Over the years I have loved knowing that I can pop on here and ask a question on nearly any topic! I like that there are so many views and perspectives. I love the areas I have been challenged on here... It keeps me coming back even though I am not homeschooling at the moment.

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TWTM had been fairly recently published and I didn't know anyone in real life who'd read it.

I felt overwhelmed at the idea of a classical education and I was looking for support.

When I started participating, 'joining' wasn't necessary. Anyone could read and post on the old board.




This was me.

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This week's question is "Why did you decide to join the WTM Forums?" :D


Back in 1999 or 2000, I bought TWTM book (saw it on an end-cap at Borders), googled it, and joined the forums at that time. In the past 10-11 years, all my curriculum has come from these forums, and so many questions have been answered just by reading. Invaluable.

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The first time, I think, I came to ask a couple of questions about SOTW. Then I didn't return for quite a while.


The second time I came because I'd heard that there was a sale board for used curriculum and I was looking for something specific (TT5 I believe it was).


Then I think I just kept browsing because I was bored that day and found out that despite the board's name it actually DOES have other homeschoolers who are more relaxed (like me), so I stayed. :D

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After homeschooling with just library books, I bought the WTM and reread it several times. When dh bought a computer and got connected to the internet, I found the old forum (2001 maybe?) and read all the General board and K-8 for hours. It never occurred to me to join. I lurked for about 3-4 years, then life happened and I wasn't on the internet at all. I decided to join this year because I had questions about dd's SPD. Then I realized there is a wealth of information here, the diversity of what people are doing, answers to pretty much any question, the wisdom.

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