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Tell me the truth! Are Boca Burgers gross?!

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Let's say you LIKE meat. I mean, you really like meat. You generally don't eat pretend meat. But you want to try this "Boca Burger" because it's only 2 points on Weight Watchers.


Are you (I mean, I!) going to hate it?!


Tell me the truth now, I'm a little scared. LOL.

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I like them. The texture is a little softer than a burger, and they are thin. I like mine so that there's a bit of a, IDK, crust on them I guess you'd say. Searing, maybe is the word.


I put them on a 1 pt bun with tomato and spicy mustard. I add a salad or some sort of veg. Filling! A great 3 pt meal.


(I've done WW, and I know it's a good feeling to find something you can eat for a minimum of points.)

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Thanks for the replies... I tasted it. I guess it wasn't the most awful thing in the world, but it was this unfortunate color that just doesn't look like meat, and I think I was psyching myself out thinking it was going to taste horrid, and part of me was going "okay it's not THAT bad" and another part was going "but it's just not meat and it's kind of weird" and in the end I just found it...I don't know, maybe unsatisfying is the word. Even with some cheese and lettuce and a bit of ketchup. I didn't finish the whole thing, I just felt sort of put off by it lol.


Oh, well.

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If you really want a good veggie burger make your own black bean patties.




  • 1 (16 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, cut into 2 inch pieces
  • 1/2 onion, cut into wedges
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 1 egg
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs


In a medium bowl, mash black beans with a fork.

In a food processor, finely chop bell pepper, onion, and garlic. Then stir into mashed beans.

In a small bowl, stir together egg, salt and pepper to taste.

Stir the egg mixture into the mashed beans. Mix in bread crumbs until the mixture is sticky and holds together. Divide mixture into four patties.

If grilling, place patties on foil, and grill about 8 minutes on each side. If baking, place patties on baking sheet, and bake about 10 minutes on each side.


Serve on a bun with cheese and other burger fixings.

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I prefer the spicy black bean burgers from Morningstar. I don't like the Boca stuff....



The spicy black bean burgers from Morningstar are, in my opinion, the best of the veggie burgers. I find all the burgers to be really dry. They need cooked either in a skillet with a bit of olive oil, or loaded with wet things; mayo, ketchup, tomato slices, whatever.


I gave up beef for a few years. I was miserable. I like beef. I see a cow and my mouth starts watering.

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I adore both gardenburgers and morningstar farms black bean burgers. I hate boca burgers. But I'm someone who doesn't really like real meat burgers (though I like other kinds of meat). I'm to the point that I will ask if a "gardenburger" on a menu is really a boca burger because I just can't eat them.


Sorry but I've never been able to vent about this before. :001_smile:

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I liked Gardenburgers also. I wish I could think of the specific variety. If it helps, think of it as trying a whole new kind of sandwich instead of something that is supposed to taste like a hamburger. Toast the bun, try different toppings than you'd normally put on a burger etc.

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Let's say you LIKE meat. I mean, you really like meat. You generally don't eat pretend meat. But you want to try this "Boca Burger" because it's only 2 points on Weight Watchers.


Are you (I mean, I!) going to hate it?!


Tell me the truth now, I'm a little scared. LOL.



If you eat them thinking they will taste like meat, they are gross. If you eat them simply for what they are, they are okay.


I like Money's Gardenburger best. It doesn't pretend to be meat. It's just really tasty.

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Like PPs have said, if you can swing a Garden Burger or an Amy's, they taste much better. I'm not sure what the Points difference is, though.


The deal with the pseudo burgers is to enjoy them for what they are; pseudo burgers. Don't consider it Hamburger Night, consider it maybe Alternative Sandwich Night. If you go into it thinking the texture will be as satisfying as a hamburger, you will hate them. If you load them down with something entirely different, say, salsa and avocados instead of ketchup and mustard, you will be prepared for a different sort of sandwich.


(Personally, I don't like any of the pre-made burgers. And I'm a vegetarian :001_huh:)

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I would suggest putting a little butter in the pan when you cook the Boca Burgers. You want to let them get brown on both sides. Topped with a slice of cheese, lettuce, tomato and ketchup, and on a good bun (defeats the purpose a bit) and you will hardly notice the difference. Try it again only let it get good and browned. :)

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hee hee hee hee know what u mean....gotta watch those WW points....I have a box of boca burgers in the freezer unopened LOL....gotta be in the mood for them I guess...I've tried them before and they are 'good'--definately NOT meat....but probably better if you can dress them as a regular burger (I have food allergies and can't have ketchup)....

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