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Fitness for those middle - aged and older

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I am finally, at age 46, trying to become truly fit. It is difficult because after years of chronic illness, a sedentary lifestyle and a diet habit which resulted in me losing muscle and regaining fat, I'm about as far from my goal as I can be. Well - not totally. I've been working on this for 11 weeks now and am starting to see some changes in my body, strength and stamina. But I'm running up against a mental block - a feeling like I've left this goal too late. What do middle-aged and older buff people look and act like?:001_smile: I am getting some comfort from the fact that Mari Winsor (of Winsor Pilates) is in her 60's and looks awesome and can exercise circles around me.

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Sorry if this got a little longish!


Go for it! It's definitely NOT too late for you!


I'm 48 and am getting into the best shape of my life. I used to be athletic, but let that slip away after having a baby at 41 and then getting some injuries and illnesses. A few years ago I realized that if I didn't do something now, I'll just give up. I want to be a fit and fabulous 50 year old, and beyond.


I lost 15-20 lbs and have gained strength and muscle, mostly from just walking and lifting weights and eating a little smarter (I still eat plenty of chocolate!). I'm starting to look lean and fit. I'm in better shape than most 20 year olds, at least as far as walking goes. I may have more creaks and pains, but at least I'm out there walking, swimming, and lifting.


The main difference for me in middle age fitness is that my goal is to participate, not compete. I have bad knees, so I can't run, but I love to walk. I do short triathlons, and usually end up last in my age group because I walk the run section. I don't care. I love being out there. My goal is now to walk a marathon before I turn 50.


There are older people out there who are very competitive, but I don't thrive on that pressure, and I'm ok being slow. I'm doing it for me and for my family. I want to be fit enough to do stuff with my daughter as she grows up.


If you sign up for a race or a fun run, you'll see tons of older, very fit people. You can be one of them! Keep up the great work! It is a worthy goal and you will model some great attributes for your family.


Ten years from now you're going to look back on this age and say, "Wow, I was young. I was only 46 then." Every age you are in is as young as you will ever be. Enjoy being "only 46" while you're here. Don't wait ten years to appreciate where you're at.


Really, you can do this! You are worth it, and so is your family. You are definitely not too old for fitness. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing at any age, Junior.


I wish you the best.

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I'm not 'buff', but my BMI is within the normal and I move a lot. I'm a year older than you. How do I look? A bit plump but, I think, capable of action. How do I feel? Confident that my body will help me, rather than hinder me. I walk regularly, work in the garden (spent three hours today wrestling a turf cutter to prepare new beds) and do the Canadian Airforce XBX exercises (plus extra stretches and light weight training) three days a week. I mostly eat veggies and fruit, with limited low-fat animal protein and whole grain carbohydrate.


I don't have health problems and I've never been seriously overweight, so I don't know if this is relevant. Good luck with your endeavours.



Edited by Laura Corin
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I'm hoping it doesn't look like the Hollywood crowd because I know I can't afford the plastic surgery! lol


I'm with you (at 49 yo), trying hard. I was walking 2 1/2 miles per day but ended up with hip bursitis and some sharp shooting pains I have to be careful of. I thought I was doing great since it was 45 minutes per day. Went to Plan B and joined the Y and started swimming and a Tai Chi in the water class. The class is 3 x's a week when we don't get rained out and I'm up to 31 laps on off days. I'm also going to therapy 2 x's per week and they are doing a lot of stretches with me. What I've found is that there's a whole lot more to it than just cardio (walking). If we don't stay flexible, work on balance muscles and all parts of our bodies, one thing or the other starts to go wrong as you get older. I want to be an active grandmother one day, so I'll keep on.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Tosca Reno, author of the Eat-Clean books and affiliated with Clean Eating magazine began her quest for good fitness when she was 40 and 70 pounds overweight. She went on to become a prize-winning bodybuilder (not my thing but definitely noteworthy). I find her story and books very inspiring. I'm 38 and it is my goal to be able to say, "I'm in the best shape of my life!" on my 40th birthday.


Good luck! You have not begun to late. Better late than never and all that! :D


Remember that slow and steady wins the race! :grouphug:

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I will be 52 Tuesday and am overweight. I have pre-diabetes and have been sedentary all my life. I've needed to make a change. I don't want all the complications that I've seen and taken care of as I will age. I hate to exercise, walk etc but a year ago I did something that I never thought I would do and it has made a huge different. I take Karate 3 times a week for 2 hours each day. I have been suprised at how much stamina I have gained and actually have gotten more flexible. I will never be able to kick over my head like my son can but I can kick waste high now. It is very hard for me to lose weight because of meds, age, and hypothyroidism but this has allowed me to even if it's not much. It can get discouraging especially if you compare yourself to younger people but it sounds like you're doing great so keep your chin up and keep on walking!

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I'm 38 and it is my goal to be able to say, "I'm in the best shape of my life!" on my 40th birthday.




This is my goal, too. I'm just a year younger.


Jean, I just wrapped up a play with a woman who just turned 50, and she has more energy and is way more fit than many people half her age. She is amazing and has inspired me to keep trying. It can be done. Like you, I'm just hoping to unlock the secret as to how!!! :)

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I realized recently how out of shape I have become.... after battling depression during and after a divorce and 3 years of "hanging around" the home with very little physical exercise... remembering how flexible I USED to be and facing how much slower I am nowadays... being in my 40's and facing the fact that my mother's side of the family has heart disease (rampant) and my father's side has diabetes... I decided I was going to exercise regularly.


It has been hard, but I am determined. I am writing about it weekly on my blog. I do push myself. I don't enjoy exercising one bit. BUT I love the energy I am getting from it! I have to keep a close check on my motivation and goals... for me, it cannot be about my weight... it has to be strictly about fitness and health, otherwise I battle the temptation to eat much less and that isn't good for me.


Best wishes and prayers for you, Jean.

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Thank you, everyone. I'm in it for the long haul - I realized that the short "3 months to lose weight" goals are not going to be for me. I'm trying to get fit from the inside out and I'm thinking now that it's going to take me at least a year if not more.


It's late and I'm too lazy to quote everyone but I'll do it the old-fashioned way -


JoMama - I love the idea of participating instead of competing!


Laura - I want to be able to depend on my body. It's getting better but I haven't always felt that way.


Becky- I want to be an active grandma too and I know I'll never look like the Hollywood crowd!


Alta Vista - Tosca Reno has been an inspiration to me too. She's part of the reason I'm lifting weights now though I don't plan to become a body-builder.


Alyce - It's hard for me to lose weight too due to hypothyroidism and in my case, adrenal problems. Let's encourage each other!


Kimmie - thanks for the inspiration.


BMW - It's about fitness and health for me too. I'm finding that I need to eat enough to build those muscles.

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46, actually 47 next month

I got on the scale in March - 260 even...that 300 was looming and I cried and cried

I vowed to do something and stop crying.


I walked 1/2 mile and called my hubby to pick me up. We laughed

I walked that1/2 mile the next day and made it home. 1 mile, and chaffed thighs! oh my gosh!

Hemorrhoids and things to deter me. NO NO NO I was going to be healthy.


Water intake, pump it up!!


I cut out flour and sugar drastically as in 30 carbs total a day for 3 weeks, just to see something!!

3 pounds first week

I kept at it til 20 pounds came off, then added in fruits and more vegi's

no sugar, no processed flour, or rice

high fiber (but uhm not to high)


40 pounds and am just finishing one month of maintain. I am walking 3 miles a day in one hour. I got on a trampoline!!! I had been over the max before and could not do it. It is a super exercise, more laughing but fun!!



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Thanks for starting this thread! I just looked up XBX and printed off the program! I do yoga and walking and various other things, but I love to vary my exercise and I think I need to push myself a bit more. I get bored doing the same exercise over and over.


When I was a kid my dad showed my brother and I FBX exercises and we used to do them- I even remember getting up really early and going to the local oval and doing them, as well as jogging, before school. My dad is still fit at 73, even though he has cancer- probably fitter than me.


As for getting older...mmm, I am feeling it at 43. I think we just feel it more as we get older...we suffer any consequences of years of bad habits...but it is never too late to get healthier, to form better habits.


Someone reminded me the other day (when I was feeling my age!) how beautiful and well kept many European women look even right into old age. We are never over the hill except when we decide we are.

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As for getting older...mmm, I am feeling it at 43. I think we just feel it more as we get older...we suffer any consequences of years of bad habits...but it is never too late to get healthier, to form better habits.


Someone reminded me the other day (when I was feeling my age!) how beautiful and well kept many European women look even right into old age. We are never over the hill except when we decide we are.


Thanks, Peela. I'll have to look at this thread on those days I'm feeling all creaky in my bones:)

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