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A treasury of comments from previously-homeschooled college students


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We have found it very interesting listening to our two college students as we speak with them over the telephone. We hear a wide range of comments that we feel are somewhat tied to the fact that they were schooled at home for all of their education prior to entering brick-and-mortar colleges. Some of these comments indicate various levels of preparedness for the differing aspects of college life and others reflect their perceptions of the new world which they have entered.


I have created this thread in the hopes that many of us will come here and add quotes from our children as we hear them. I hope that such a "treasury of comments" will be quite humorous and will also help to answer the questions of many future parents of previously-homeschooled college students about what they might expect to hear when/if their children go off to college.



(I am putting quotes around our children's comments even though I may not be quoting them exactly.)


Here are some from our children over the past couple of years:


- "I feel that I am much better prepared for college than most of the other students here."


- "My friends understand that I am not familiar with much of pop culture. It is not a problem, though, since they treat me like a foreign exchange student and interpret these things for me as they come up in conversation."


- "Do you think you can get a better internet provider before I come home for break?"


- "I wanted to cry a few times today."


- "I really miss the good food we have at home."


- "I am sick."



So what kinds of things do your previously-homeschooled college students say to you?

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"Teach about feminism. My English teacher reads it into every short story we have done and I'm not even sure what it is."

"I hate all of the swearing." I asked him if I should have exposed him to it sooner.

"No way."


"I don't know how to study with people."

"I saw a lady with her 5 year old and I just had to call home and talk to one of my little sisters."

"Make (11th grade brother) write more." (brother is less than thrilled about this)

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- "My friends understand that I am not familiar with much of pop culture. It is not a problem, though, since they treat me like a foreign exchange student and interpret these things for me as they come up in conversation."




This one cracked me up.

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"Mom, I saw my first drunk person last night, and it wasn't pretty."


"Thanks for teaching me all that history. I have enough background to understand what the professor is talking about."


"Mom, I hate to say this, but Professor ____ is really much better at teaching Calculus than you were."

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"People don't even know what I'm saying...I get teased for using big words."


"I'm so glad I learned Latin. It helped me a lot in chemistry and anatomy."


Another thing she's commented on is that she's amazed that so many of the other students don't seem to care about learning. They're too busy texting, talking, listening to music with their i-pods or goofing off instead of paying attention. She was never in a classroom environment like that before, so she wasn't used to the usual crop of "low achievers" (her words).

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"I rock at algebra compared to everyone else. Make my brother do it, too."

"I can't believe how much trouble other people have with word problems."

"He can have my graphing calculator. I'm not allowed to use it anyway." (A roommate)

"The teacher said I had the right kind of calculator, that I would learn more with this kind and that I don't need anything else." (My son, who has a scientific calculator)

"I figured out that I study better after I have worked out than beforehand." (ex-gymnast)

"I can't talk right now. The power went out in this storm and we're going to play flashlight tag."

"I guess you were right about that bike helmet. I got going about 50 downhill." (with a motorize-your-bike kit)

"My professors like me because I talk."

"I can't believe how long they take to explain anything in my non-engineering classes."

"Tell my brother to study hard."


Edited by Nan in Mass
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"I think I need to invest in some sturdier shoes."


"I've figured out that it really doesn't take me and hour and a half to get ready in the morning."


"Can you believe that I was only 1 of 2 people in my politics class who had heard of the Federalist Papers!?!


"My friends always wonder why I get so many opportunities....my tutoring job, my position on "X" board....they don't see that it's because the profs know my name. I introduce myself to them even when it's a big class."


"I eat lunch with profs when I see them eating alone. I mean, really, profs are great people, they're interesting, engaging, and they don't like to eat alone any more than I do. Obviously, if they're eating in the student area they want to be with students."


"I miss old people and babies."

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I'm enjoying all the comments!


"My friends always wonder why I get so many opportunities....my tutoring job, my position on "X" board....they don't see that it's because the profs know my name. I introduce myself to them even when it's a big class."


"I eat lunch with profs when I see them eating alone. I mean, really, profs are great people, they're interesting, engaging, and they don't like to eat alone any more than I do. Obviously, if they're eating in the student area they want to be with students."


I'm inclined to think that the second statement above might also have something to do with all those opportunities, Leanna.




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"Thanks for making me write lots of timed essays even though I complained about it. I'm getting 98 - 100%s on essay tests, and lots of others in the class are failing because they can't write a good essay in the designated time frame."


"I didn't know that so many people don't know history. I haven't needed to study at all, and my friends are struggling to get C's. It's all review for me."


"After I got a 100% on the history test my teacher told me I couldn't be quiet in class anymore. Only two of us got A's and half the class failed. He said I have to start commenting."


"My teacher said that I already know the material he is covering, so he sends me on errands because he knows I won't miss anything he is teaching."


"My professor asked me if it would be okay if she gave me more complicated assignments because she thinks the regular assignments are too easy for me. I told her yes."


"I don't know how they do it, but the cafeteria ruins soup."


"I'm glad I bought extra (undergarments) because I can go about three weeks without doing laundry."


"Being sick in a dorm is the worst thing because no one is there to feed you the right foods and take care of you."


"I came in 2nd place in the dorm's Mario Cart Tournament."


"If anyone asks, I would really appreciate Target gift cards as gifts."


"The best thing that happened today was going to my mailbox and finding the package filled with snacks and treats that you sent me."


"I can't believe how gullible people are. Today at dinner I convinced another student that tofu is not vegetarian, but it comes from the tofu, a mammal indigenous to Japan that is raised only in Japan because it can't thrive in the U.S. And he believed me."

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Today, my middle son, a high school junior but taking cc classes, told us (in response to asking why his microbio study group took so long), "Well, I've kind of become the class tutor."


Personally, I'm hoping he knows it well enough to be the tutor! They have a test on Thursday.

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I enjoyed every bit of these. Thank you all for sharing! I can actually add some since my "adopted daughter" is in cc (the mom of my bonus students)


While listening to me teach the 2nd and 3rd grader grammar, "Most of the people in my Comp. class don't know any of that. That's so sad. Oh man, my 2nd grader can help me with my homework. That's really sad." She meant it, but said it with a smile, she's just happy to be in school!


Hoping my dc will be so clever!

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ds#1 who is at polytech --- "Mom, class ended early. Can you come get me now? I want to do some Latin before I go to gymnastics." :lol: Latin is what he's chosen to continue with at home & last year he hated Latin.


ds#1 ---"My tutor (prof) says he's never seen someone spell like me. He wants to know if I was taught phonics. My carpentry tutor thinks I may be dyslexic like he is."


dd --- "I think I know why people get married. It's so they have someone to share the chores with." :lol: (this was when she was housesitting for a friend last summer.)


dd ---"Thank you for homeschooling me. I may not have learned everything that the PS kids did, but I know that I'm smart enough learn everything that I need to as I need it."


dd ---"it's more fun to watch the drunk people at parties, than to be a drunk person at a party & not remember the fun."


dd ---"Diving at 0430 is way c-o-o-l!"


dd ---"Touching a whale is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!"

Edited by Deb in NZ
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Well, that is better than my son's CC comment: "Wow! CC is mostly girls!"


Well... hubby is the one driving this son to his CC classes and waiting for him since the chap can't get his real driver's license until November. His words to ME about this study group are:



" son's name and his harem."




It has made me wonder exactly how much they need a tutor and how much they like the idea that he wants to continue on to be a doctor or researcher. BUT, I know the study skills of many of the students there are a bit lacking, so it could be both. However, most of the students in the group are females - and all are that stay late with him.


Another comment this son made is:


"The professor doesn't go into nearly the depth that the book does. She just cares about the start and finish (of a process). The book talks about the whole process in detail."


This is my "study for fun" son. The tutoring just might be legit. I'll know when he gets his test results back.


Now my other son, the true freshman, e-mailed us the other day saying,


"I'm getting all A's and B's and the weather is great. Saturday was perfect for geocaching and Sunday was great for hiking."

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From her English Comp class this semester - "Yesterday, prof had us watch all of the Grammar Rock videos. I asked if I could leave since I watched them in third grade."


"Made a 97 on history test. Professor wrote 'show off' next to the grade." (This is the honors level class and hers was the highest grade in the class.)


This is her second year as a paid math tutor in the CC. Last year there were many comments about her young age (16) and her tutoring students who were several years older than she. Thankfully, this year the comments have been fewer.


From her "Twilight Tutoring" she does with the Dean of Academic Studies on Monday evenings. Guy walks into the dorm lounge where tutoring is taking place. Dd: "Hello, can I help you?" Guy: "Is this the speed dating room?" Dd: "Um, no. You want to go across the hall."

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You are lucky the one who is concentrating on playing is getting good enough grades that you don't feel compelled to say "but..." every time he excitedly tells you about something fun. Sigh.



I'll feel better when I see grades in print instead of self-reported. ;) We hear of a lot that he is doing, and only sometimes hear about classes. It makes me wonder...

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What a great thread, Reg! For those of you who do not know, Reg is my dh. His avatar and signature are much more sophisticated than mine!


Comments I remember that aren't included in Reg's:



"Mom & Dad, I'm dating ________." When we mentioned that we were wondering if courtship would have worked, he said, "No one at VA Tech even knows what courtship is!" She is a lovely girl, and we are happy for them.


"The first thing I do in a class is look around for someone to be on my project team." He is in CS, so having a good project partner makes a huge difference. He and his friends plan ahead about classes they will take.


"I'm taking 23 hours this semester." When we asked him if he was going to drop any, he said, "I think I will just keep them all because I don't want to take any of these classes again."



"I just looove my biology and chemistry classes. I want to take all they offer!"


"Everyone thinks I am a science geek. I don't care!"


"My professor was amazed that I taught myself chemistry out of a book (Zumdahl). I feel very solid in my basic chemistry."


"It's a little disconcerting that not everyone thinks it's cool to study, do well on tests, or answer questions in class. That's too bad."


"I am amazed at other's testimonies. I am awed at how God has worked in other's lives." She attends a Christian school, and the first speech they had to do in their COMS class was their salvation story.


Thanks for sharing, all!



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"The exam was one big calcualtion. I got that the ship sank but everybody else I talked to said they came out with the ship being stable so I don't know. I thought I understood it ok." (The ship was unstable.)
That sounds like Canoe U. to me! ;)


(Sorry, that's what we called it at USAFA! West Point was Hudson High. I've always wondered what THEY called USAFA. Do you know?)

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Not military - maritime. I imagine there is some overlap in classes, though.
Interesting! Please be sure to post back when you know for sure whether the boat floats or sinks, "Dock Mom."
I'll ask my father. His info is probably pretty dated, though.
Ha! So is mine! I'm pretty sure we stole the names that they had called each other for over 100 years! I know they called us "Zoomies" and things, but I wonder what they called the school. Maybe "Zoomie U?" But that doesn't have the insult appeal of the others...
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I know they called us "Zoomies" and things, but I wonder what they called the school. Maybe "Zoomie U?" But that doesn't have the insult appeal of the others...


DH doesn't remember a name for the school, just calling you guys Zoomies.

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Not an exact quote: I was worried about doing experiments in a "real" lab, but we did more experiments at home with Micro Chem than some of the people who'd been to public high school. [He found out that the reasons varied; schools had dropped labs due to expense others were deleted because they had been pronounced too hazardous.] He did say, though, that it was nice to have an instructor with ready answers to questions instead of a mom who sometimes had to stop and do some research before we could finish.

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Not an exact quote: I was worried about doing experiments in a "real" lab, but we did more experiments at home with Micro Chem than some of the people who'd been to public high school. [He found out that the reasons varied; schools had dropped labs due to expense others were deleted because they had been pronounced too hazardous.] He did say, though, that it was nice to have an instructor with ready answers to questions instead of a mom who sometimes had to stop and do some research before we could finish.


Ok, I am SO glad your kid said this! We are living this right now. (the mom look up answers part, I mean...)




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Fall break is coming up this Thursday and Friday. The following questions/comments from us have been repeated frequently over the past seven weeks:


"Perhaps you will want to come home for fall break."

"You should consider coming home for fall break."

"Would you like to come home for fall break?"



The reply has been consistent...


"I need to stay here during fall break because I will need that time to study."


...until this weekend:


"A lot of my friends are talking about coming home and I'm thinking it would be nice to come home."


Us: "When?"


"Wednesday night or Thursday."


Us: "Uh, we've asked you about coming home for fall break since the beginning of the semester. Your answer has been consistently "No." Now that we have PAID FOR a hotel room for MomsintheGarden to come down there this weekend you have decided to come home?" :glare:





Now MomsintheGarden is conflicted, as she was looking forward to HER vacation (from us), but is excited to have DD17 come home this weekend.


It will be nice to have DD17 home on Wednesday night. It would be even nicer to have DD17 home on Wednesday night and have the money back from the hotel! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by RegGuheert
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Mom, I'm getting a whole different idea of male anatomy (figure drawing class).
I must say that I am VERY PLEASED that we have not heard this comment from DD17! :svengo:


Hopefully your daughter is not TOO disappointed (or impressed)! ;)

Edited by RegGuheert
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Fall break is coming up this Thursday and Friday. The following questions/comments from us have been repeated frequently over the past seven weeks:


"Perhaps you will want to come home for fall break."

"You should consider coming home for fall break."

"Would you like to come home for fall break?"



Fall break for my oldest is next week. "What are you doing?" we asked. "About 10 of us are staying around in the dorm and we've made our own meal plan," was the reply.


It kinda sounds like teenaged boy heaven on earth... He's also been hiking down (and up) the mountain the school is on and has told us of various waterfalls he's located... with friends. One of them is into spelunking, so that may very well be part of the equation too.


I kinda doubt studying will rank up there at all.


On the other hand, middle son got his grade on his microbio test --> 98.5. I feel MUCH better about him being the class tutor now!!! I was a little worried. He has his fall break now. What's he been doing? Studying when he can (ie when we don't have him doing something else).


It's a good thing oldest son feels drawn to third world areas and middle son is my researcher or doctor wannabe. They are definitely designed for their niches!

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From her "Twilight Tutoring" she does with the Dean of Academic Studies on Monday evenings. Guy walks into the dorm lounge where tutoring is taking place. Dd: "Hello' date=' can I help you?" Guy: "Is this the speed dating room?" Dd: "Um, no. You want to go across the hall."[/quote']



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That's great!


But seriously we are all wondering: "How did his harem do?" :D


Apparently they aren't close enough to have given him their passwords (yet). He'll/we'll have to wait until Thursday's class (and the "study group" thereafter) to find out since Tuesday is still a "break" day and junior doesn't have his driver's license yet (needs to be 16.5 years old in PA). :D I'm wondering if his harem will increase... I also wonder if his harem knows his age... ;)

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Another calculator conversation:


I was standing in a group of students when I told my son that a student had leant his younger brother a graphing calculator. He said he could have had his, if he could find it. The other students offered theirs, too.

My son: I don't know why they bothered to teach us how to use one.

Student 1: Yeah, it isn't as though they ever let us use them.

Student 2: They only let us use them when they were teaching us how to use them.

Rest of students: Yeah

They were all annoyed. There was a general muttering about how they were expensive and it had been some effort to learn how to use the stupid thing.

Then my son said he loved his $15 scientific calculator (TI). "It is so easy to use. With the graphing calculator, all your work gets screwed up if you touch it wrong."

General agreement.

The students were from several different colleges.



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My DS lives less than 30 min from home and we have dropped off water/juice/futon/rug in different trips. This past Saturday DS called and asked if we could stop by and stay awhile cause....


"I really like you guys and would like to spend some time with you."


Music to my ears since this DS last winter and spring was often spewing venom at me, wanting to get away and on his own.


Oh, we took him out to eat.



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My DS lives less than 30 min from home and we have dropped off water/juice/futon/rug in different trips. This past Saturday DS called and asked if we could stop by and stay awhile cause....


"I really like you guys and would like to spend some time with you."


Music to my ears since this DS last winter and spring was often spewing venom at me, wanting to get away and on his own.


Oh, we took him out to eat.




Omg, my eyes just welled up!

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My DS lives less than 30 min from home and we have dropped off water/juice/futon/rug in different trips. This past Saturday DS called and asked if we could stop by and stay awhile cause....


"I really like you guys and would like to spend some time with you."


Music to my ears since this DS last winter and spring was often spewing venom at me, wanting to get away and on his own.


Oh, we took him out to eat.




Wow, that would be music to my ears! Mine at least called last night... he's still having fun and only has one midterm left to go. Emphasis on the fun, of course. :tongue_smilie:

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But seriously we are all wondering: "How did his harem do?" :D


His harem did reasonably well. On this test there were:


4 A

10 B

4 C

8 D

17 F


One student got 100%. My son got 98.5% having missed one multiple choice answer that he calls an "idiot mistake." The "regulars" in his harem (male and female) got A's and B's. A couple late comers to his harem (as in the last time before the test) didn't do so well.


I'm expecting his harem to increase - unless all those D's and F's opt to drop the class. My son was surprised that anyone could get a D or F on this test. Of his harem, he only thought the very last person to come to him for help could be in that category (seems she was trying to cram).


It's helpful when those that care band together to help each other study.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While sharing the following with Kareni whose daughter also studies Latin, she mentioned reviving this thread.


Last week I sent my son an apple pie and wondered about its condition after being subjected to the mail. I also wondered if he would think his mom was a bit over the top with this. Apparently not. He wrote that the pie arrived "...after I had been enslaved and sold to a young poet who is in love with a prostitute." What is going on at Wooster, I wondered. Should have known! The students are performing a play in Latin class!


And the apple pie? The foil pan had one dent in it but apparently it was much appreciated after the noted enslavement.

Edited by Jane in NC
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haha! It is amazing what goes over fine in a foreign language. Remember that scene in Eight Cousins when Rose complains that her French novel doesn't sound right in English when her uncle asks her to translate a bit? Not that this is the same thing... I know that a large part of the attraction of classics and Greek myths for my children was that they are rather on the grownup side and they met many issues there that we normally didn't discuss en famille.


Oldest sent pictures of the soup he had made and says he is going to add more celery when he makes it next week (idea being not to have to cook very often).


Middle called to say he was looking through a chainlink fence at America's Cup boats.


And youngest (CC) was wondering aloud why the other students in his speech class were incapable of choosing a topic for a speech.



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