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I've decided on "Science and Arts" Fridays.......

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I observed that the kids are quite, um, antsy on Fridays. So I decided to have a morning (we have YMCA activities M-W-F afternoons) be art and science days.


Today was our first. We:


1) Listened to and took notes from the cassette tape Masters series - Beethoven.


2) Watched a geological video with "stupid alien teacher guys" as the kids called them.


3) Did Lesson 1 of Considering God's Creation.


4) I printed 2 sets of plate/pangea/era info from enchanted learning. The boys will have to teach the girls their set next Friday. The girls will have to teach the boys their set.


It's been a great day! I declare school over for the day. Our local school district has a half day and I need to get my after schoolers anyway.

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