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Boys on my son's baseball team found out tonight he is homeschooled

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My kids usually get that reaction, too. But DD11 came home from church last night with what I thought was a funny story. She said that in the course of conversation, she mentioned the report she's currently working on, and one of the girls in her small group looked absolutely shocked and said, "But... I thought you were homeschooled!"


DD said that, well, yes, she was.


"So why do you have to write reports?" the girl asked.


Um, because it's still school?


DD was a little annoyed once she had time to think about it and realized that the reason her peers tend to be jealous of homeschoolers is that they think we sit around and do nothing all day long. :glare:


In the meantime, no matter how many of her friends express homeschool envy, DD really wants to go to school. I think it's all just a case of the grass seeming greener somewhere else.



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That's great.;) Mine usually receive the same type of response from kids.


When my DS9's football team found out, one kid was snotty and said, "Do you know how to do decimals?"

DS cooly said, "Oh yeah, I learned those last year."


You know, since working with decimals is the be-all end-all of 4th grade.

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WE'd been a member of our church for about 5 years and everyone including the kids knew we homeschooled. One night as we are getting out I reminded my son he needed to go home and study for his test. The other kids looked at me weird and asked my son "Do you really have a test?" He then responded Yes. I then said something about him taking Algebra and they again looked like deer in headlights. One of them finally said "I didn't know you had to do that kind of stuff" I laughed out loud and said yeah and named off some of the courses he was taking. Again they looked at us and one of them said "I didn't know you did those things when you homeschooled" and all the others nodded their heads. These were not little kids they were middle schoolers. To this day I don't know what they thought "Homeschool" meant. I think that said a lot about people. They know the word they just don't know what it means!

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My kids usually get that reaction, too. But DD11 came home from church last night with what I thought was a funny story. She said that in the course of conversation, she mentioned the report she's currently working on, and one of the girls in her small group looked absolutely shocked and said, "But... I thought you were homeschooled!"


DD said that, well, yes, she was.


"So why do you have to write reports?" the girl asked.


Um, because it's still school?


DD was a little annoyed once she had time to think about it and realized that the reason her peers tend to be jealous of homeschoolers is that they think we sit around and do nothing all day long. :glare:


In the meantime, no matter how many of her friends express homeschool envy, DD really wants to go to school. I think it's all just a case of the grass seeming greener somewhere else.




That's funny. I think the same thing was happening last night. One boy said, "I bet you get to go outside for recess!" (Made me wonder what they do for recess at public school these days.) I couldn't hear all the comments but I did overhear words like "eat" and "TV". :lol: Actually, I think ds already impressed them with the fact that he finished up all his assignments for today *yesterday* so he could take today off. I had to let ds do that since he worked diligently yesterday. And he aced both of his math assignments. That was a miracle itself!

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My daughter has gotten a lot of homeschool envy from the kids at Taekwon Do. One day I remember one of the more melodramatic boys complaining about upcoming state tests and saying "I wash there was no such thing as school and that you could just be homeschooled forever!" A girl said, "Someone here is homeschooled!" To which the first boy said "You're so LUCKY!"


Yesterday the same girl, who is always asking mine what she did in school that day, asked my what we had done. I said, truthfully, that we hadn't done school that day but had gone ice skating. The look in her eyes was pure shock and amazement. Ice skating on a school day! And during school hours!

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My kids get that too. Parents are initially surprised and suspicious, but once they have known us for a few weeks they start complaining to me about the school district, they admire me but they could "never homeschool". Then they jokingly ask if they can open enroll their kids to my school. (that's the local term for applying to a public school that is not the one assigned to you by the district.). I respond sure, as long as the $10k a year that the ps gets comes to my school with your student! It's all very friendly and a nice compliment, but sheesh when you stop to think about the underlying issues prompting this stuff, it's pretty sad.

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