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How do you get your house to smell good?

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What tricks do you have? Scented candles? Potpourri? I want my house to smell good.




I like the plug-in scents by Yankee Candle. They look like a little tiny lamp you plug into a socket. You can change the glass part when the liquid is used up.My favorite is McIntosh.


You can also simmer some cinnamon sticks, but that requires that you are supervising it so that it doesn't burn.

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I burn incense like Nag Champa, Sage, fankincense, myrrh, juniper, etc.


I also will bake apples, or cook in general to fill the house with a comforting smell. If I know everyone will becoming home soon, I'll start my garlic, chili, and onion to get that ahhh response when they walk in the door.


I have a few candles I love, but I avoid most brands and many scents.


Sometimes I find just opening all of the windows in the house during a breezy day brings in a wonderful fresh smell.



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Candles, Fabreezing the furniture once per week (get rid of feet smells ;) ), mopping the floor with Pinesol, I also love those Fabreeze trash bags. AND I find doing a load of laundry can make the house smell nice! I like to squeeze a lemon to clean the sink and grind the remainder of it in my garbage disposal.

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Right now my house smells like celery, carrots, and grape tomatoes. They are all in the dehydrator.


During harvest season it is easy...next week everything will smell like apples and pears. Also, when it gets cooler out, I tend to bake more and that smell wafts through, teasing the nostrils.


The hard part for me is summer.....humidity, heat, no baking, not much indoor cooking if it can be helped, and the heat makes the house smell stale. I even hate to light a candle because it just adds to the heat, but sometimes I do just to have the place have a fresher scent. But, the best thing I have found is an non-toxic citrus spray....it's not cheap but I do keep a bottle around and sometimes trot about the place spritzing it in the bathroom, kitchen, and family room. For while, it's a divine odor.



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Keeping it clean and having the windows open as much as weather allows.

That suffices.




I don't use scented products, so open doors and windows help keep the main areas of the house smelling fresh.

Because the boys' bedrooms seem to need a little extra help I regularly air their matresses and pillows on the back deck (weather permitting).

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I just cleaned the carpet in our living room, which gets high traffic. My favorite thing is Scentsy, though! (I'll try not to make this an advertisement!)


It's basically a tart-warmer. A lightbulb heats the scented wax; the wax never gets burn-able hot. It doesn't contribute to the heat in the home, and it's not a fire hazard, like candles :)


Anyways, if you want more info, PM me!

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Since it's been raining alot on my laundry days, I hang our clothes that go on hangers (shirts, dress pants and dresses) on the doorjams to dry and I notice that the house has a very pleasant clean laundry smell. I decided I'll do it like that all winter.

I love dusting a room with a pinesol rag and washing the bedding; hang it outside to dry and the room smells oh so good afterward.

I have one of those melted wax burners in the bathroom. I have it plugged in all the time and change the wax occationally

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If I can get up on my soapbox for a minute... If you use scented candles, Febreeze, or other artifical fragrances, please consider what that is doing to the health of the people in your home, and those that come to visit you. These things are toxic, and many (many, many) people are sensitive to chemical scents, even if they're unaware of any issues. I used to have chronic low level headaches which completely cleared when I removed toxic products (scented candles, perfume, scented cleaners, etc.) from my home. Now, even walking by someone that uses Febreeze in their house makes me feel ill. And yes, people can smell it off of you, and your clothes, and anyone who has been in your home!!


/PSA rant


Now, to answer the question in the OP... I like to open the windows as much as possible to get that fresh air smell through my house. I also use some favourite essential oil blends over a burner, or some yummy spices in a pot of water on the stove. My favourite is a blend of cinnamon, clove and orange -- one of my favourite things about the fall season! :D

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I use Dr. Bronner's Peppermint classic liquid soap to clean just about everything.


We open our windows as much as we can, but in the summer months things tend to get stuffy (way too hot outside for open windows).


I just bought this at the store on my last trip. Can you share more about what all you use it for and how?! I bought it just to use for bath wash and have read to dilute it 1:4 for that. What else is it really effective for?

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I love outdoors to be indoors!! Indoor plants that I spray often to keep the dust and heebies out of, really do help clean the air!!

I have all wood floors and we sweep daily and twice a week, Wed (before bible study in our home) and Saturday chores, they all get a proper mopping...that leaves the house my favorite!!


We have an attic fan that sucks air in the house and we run that in the morning, even when it is freezing out...turn off the heat and we play freeze out!!

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I just bought this at the store on my last trip. Can you share more about what all you use it for and how?! I bought it just to use for bath wash and have read to dilute it 1:4 for that. What else is it really effective for?


Here is a link with some ideas...




I just pour a little bit into a bucket and add hot water. I never measure. I just eyeball it. Think of it the same way you do Pine-Sol.


I use it on my tile countertops, my walls, toilets, porcelain sinks, ceramic tile floors, refrigerator, etc. You can even use it in your laundry.


I use it as pump handsoap in the bathrooms. Again, I don't measure. I just put a little bit in and fill it up with water.


I can't use bleach (gives me an asthma attack) so it takes the place of that.

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Here is a link with some ideas...




I just pour a little bit into a bucket and add hot water. I never measure. I just eyeball it. Think of it the same way you do Pine-Sol.


I use it on my tile countertops, my walls, toilets, porcelain sinks, ceramic tile floors, refrigerator, etc. You can even use it in your laundry.


I use it as pump handsoap in the bathrooms. Again, I don't measure. I just put a little bit in and fill it up with water.


I can't use bleach (gives me an asthma attack) so it takes the place of that.


Thanks! Currently I use vinegar to clean everything. This will sure smell better than that! :D:D:D

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I do love good, scented candles. But if you don't buy the really expensive ones, it's just not worth it.


A cheaper method I use is to fill a good spray bottle with distilled water. Add about 40 drops of a natural scented oil, such as peppermint, spearmint, lavender, orange blossom, etc. Shake and spray around the house.


This also has the added benefit of adding enough moisture to your home in winter (especially if you have gas heat) to prevent the itchies. These oils additionally have some anti-bacterial properties that aid in cleansing.

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Incense, and essential oils- I am into citrus at the moment. I love orange and rosemary oils for the schoolroom. Vanilla when we need a calming influence.


I also love to air the house regularly- open it all up to let the fresh air come in. Although in a city, we have pretty fresh air around here and I love to smell the air- the smell of the desert if its an easterly or from the north, the icy southern ocean if its a southerly, the warmer ocean if its a westerly.


In the bedrooms I put drops of essential oils on our pillows.

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Don't have kids. Oh, too late. :lol: Seriously, I used to use all those scented air products (plug-ins, candles, etc.). I got headaches from ALL of them except a few of my lighter-scented candles from Home Interiors. Now, we just open windows or use Febreeze when necessary. AND, of course, bake some cookies or brownies or apple pie or bread, etc! Yummy AND smells good for hours.

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I'm not sure if anybody else has mentioned this, but I saw a really creative way to make your house smell nice this weekend. A lady I know keeps some potpourri in a big glass jar, covered with a doily. She puts Christmas tree lights in with the potpourri to warm it up and make the scent stronger. Plus it looks really pretty!

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What tricks do you have? Scented candles? Potpourri? I want my house to smell good.






I prefer my own beeswax candles and incense, and I use essential oils in my own cleaning products, but I find that the very best thing you can do to help your house smell nice (aside from regular cleaning) is to air it out regularly. So many people have A/C and heat going all the year round with all the windows closed. It creates a stuffy, stale smell that you can't truly remedy but dumping scent all over the place. We don't do A/C and usually have the windows open when it is warm enough. When it is cold, though, I still air it out weekly, even if that means airing it out when it is -40°C outside. The fresh air, especially cold air, does wonders for the air quality in the home.

Edited by Audrey
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Thanks! Currently I use vinegar to clean everything. This will sure smell better than that! :D:D:D


But, your vinegar can smell good....just scent it with essential oils.


I make my own cleaner by adding 1/3 part white vinegar, 1/3 part alcohol and 1/3 part water. I think it would be just as good without the alcohol but that's what I have in my bottle currently.


Anyhow, last batch I added peppermint oil and it was the best smelling cleaner I've ever used. This new batch I used a blend of tea-tree oil and eucalyptus oil and it smells fantastic....and cleans good, too!


So, you can still use your vinegar to clean, just scent it.


I also like the Dr. Bronner's soap, but I mostly use it just for laundry. I love the way it cleans and my clothes smell heavenly. I use 1 Tbs. per load to wash and 1/3 cup white vinegar in the rinse cycle. I currently have the lavender scent (love lavender!) but the peppermint in on my list for the next bottle :-)

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I do not use fake scents like candles or air-fresheners. My cat is asthmatic, and he has attack and can't breathe if I use any kind of commercial scented anything (even cleaners). So, I make my own.


The best thing I've found to make your house smell really good, is to make scented baking soda by adding essential oil to baking soda and mixing it. Then, I put it in a shaker container and sprinkle it all over my carpets. Ideally, leave it on over night, but I've found that just an hour or so works well. The baking soda absorbs dirt and odors from your carpet and the essential oils leaves a wonderful scent. Peppermint is my favorite oil for this. Talk about a house that smells great!!!


I have people walk into my house and say things like, "Your house smells so good! I thought you had cats?" Just because I have cats doesn't mean my house stinks!

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But, your vinegar can smell good....just scent it with essential oils.


I make my own cleaner by adding 1/3 part white vinegar, 1/3 part alcohol and 1/3 part water. I think it would be just as good without the alcohol but that's what I have in my bottle currently.


Anyhow, last batch I added peppermint oil and it was the best smelling cleaner I've ever used. This new batch I used a blend of tea-tree oil and eucalyptus oil and it smells fantastic....and cleans good, too!


So, you can still use your vinegar to clean, just scent it.


I also like the Dr. Bronner's soap, but I mostly use it just for laundry. I love the way it cleans and my clothes smell heavenly. I use 1 Tbs. per load to wash and 1/3 cup white vinegar in the rinse cycle. I currently have the lavender scent (love lavender!) but the peppermint in on my list for the next bottle :-)


:iagree: I have made my own cleaning products for years. I use vinegar and water, with a dash of Dr. Bronner's soap and a dash of tea tree oil. It will clean anything!!

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Okay I am so loving all these ideas. The previous owners in our home were smokers and even though we have been here several years I always think my house smells stale when I walk in. Blech! But I won't use anything with chemicals. Love the baking soda scented with essential oils on the carpet since I also have an 80 lb dog. :)


Where do you all buy your essential oils? I have read so much a out them but have no clue where to find them.

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