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Six Year Old Boy with Anxiety Problem?

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DS (6) was suppose to go on a trip with his grandmother and aunt this week (3d/3n) to see his great-grandmother. DS is very close to his grandmother and aunt. They live 5 min away, baby sit frequently, aunt (18) is a hs graduate and grandma a retired hsing mother.


DS has never left me and the house in one trip (I've been away from him and we've been away together, but he's never been away by himself EXCEPT for single overnights as grandma's) This was a six hour drive to a house he doesn't know to see an old lady he doesn't remember but with very familiar care takers.


He was VERY excited about being invited. They usually take DD (9) but felt that if DS wanted to go he was old enough, and he wanted to go.


They got 30 min out and I got a call that DS felt sick and they wanted me to asses it. He got on the phone and said he wanted to come home. They brought him home, DS was in tears and then THREW UP, once he had gotten home. He never gets car sick and has been 100% fine ever since.


Did he really get so anxious about going that he threw up?


He is a more "nervous" child, sensitive, over thinks things, falls apart easily, but I would have never called him ANXIOUS. And for it to get so bad that he vomited?! That seems soooo severe to me.


DS has a speech disorder, but is bright and liked well enough by his peers (who are mostly girls right now, all of our guys friends are older then him). He likes going places and being involved. He used to have a hard time transitioning to new experiences but has been doing fine recently.


Thoughts? Do I address this somehow?

Edited by Macrina
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Did he really get so anxious about going that he threw up?


He is a more "nervous" child, sensitive, over thinks things, falls apart easily, but I would have never called him ANXIOUS. And for it to get so bad that he vomited?! That seems soooo severe to me.





I used to do that as a child. I'm a well adjusted adult, if it makes you feel any better :grouphug:.


My dad had to come home from a trip when I was about 7. I was positively beside myself with worry. I ended up with a migraine and vomiting. Everything was fine once he got home. I would say the worst of my anxiety was gone by the time I was 10.


My daughter also has some anxiety, but we're seeing improvement now that she's getting a bit older. She's even playing soccer this year!


I wouldn't make a big deal out of it to your son. Just play things by ear and don't force situations that seem to make him anxious. My folks were good about that and we try to do the same things for my daughter.

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I used to do that as a child.


If it is anxiety, I think the worst thing you can do is address it in an effort to try to change his behavior. When I was that kid, I needed to feel SAFE and to know that no matter what, my parents would come and get me if I wanted them to. What I didn't need was to feel like they were disappointed in me or embarrassed of my reactions over which I had no control. (Totally not saying that you are doing that at all. I'm speaking only of my parents.) Good job going and getting him.


FWIW, I do have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and it is something I still struggle with. The first time I remember having a panic attack like that was when I was about six. But I had a VERY happy childhood and have a happy life now.


If they had done one thing differently, I wish my parents had just let me get to a point on my own where I was comfortable with leaving home for a while rather than pushing me and making me feel like this was disappointing to them. I'm sure they were just concerned, but their constant concern felt like a constant spotlight on my anxiety.

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I think it is probably just the age. My DD is six too. She's a nervous/anxious child as well. DH is flying to out of state to visit family soon and was going to take DD with him. She was excited at first.....her first chance on an airplane, going to see cousins, etc. Now she's changed her mind. She wants to stay at home with me. She's never been away from me except for one night overnights at my mom's house (who, just like you, lives right around the corner....she goes over there frequently, and I even have a 17 year old sister and my mom homeschools her). DD has a speech disorder as well. I think we have the same kid and same family LOL. But I really think it is just the age. Six is still very young.

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