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plain jane

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If you're using this program, would you care to share with me how you schedule it?


I LOVE the material I'm a tad overwhelmed by it all. :willy_nilly: I'm not sure what to cover and when and how much to do in one sitting (I've been going until the eyes start to glaze over but I think there's got to be a better method to this :tongue_smilie:).


Also, I'd love to hear how your discussions go. I love the teacher notes on literary components but I'm not sure how to have those discussions without everything sounding so contrived & scripted... and here's an example of _____. Can you tell I'm not good at this sort of stuff?


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm floundering a bit with this.

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We are using the Ruby (4th grade) this year and have gotten into a routine. Each main story seems to provide about a week's worth of work for us. Typical routine:

Day 1: Read Lesson in Literature and discuss, do Vocabulary activity 1 from workbook.

Day 2: Read main selection and poem following, discuss using questions in book and comprehension questions in workbook (orally).

Day 3: Do graphic organizer from workbook.

Day 4: Do Vocabulary activity 2 from workbook as a review.

Day 5: Any additional features e.g. Jill's Journal.


The teacher manual suggests doing one of the poetry lessons after each unit.


I am finding that I am not using the teacher's manual much because the book/workbook have plenty of questions to discuss.


Ds is loving the stories, and I love how the program introduces the literary elements in an organized way with each story. I'm very happy with this program!

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Use the Ruby edition text/workbook on language art days and the schedule would not look unlike a workout program routine. For example MWF cardio days with TTH strength/flexibility days scheduled for that week. But instead of physical attributes being trained a specific ‘school’ topic is substituted in the schedule.


Paralysis by analysis is a phenom where I spill buckets of time down the drain trying to come up with the silver bullet. No expectations to find that perfect plan nevertheless still look behind every latest and greatest rock.


To ensure something useful gets done in the meantime things like the Mosdos workbook establish consistency and forward progress. The discussions and writing assignments in the ‘studying the selection’ of textbook show how much determination or effort were brought to the table that day.


Not a Slaver, so not everything is done everyday it just depends on how much oomph is available. Note Mosdos and MCT are LA component of choice here.


Barebones: start 20min’s get physical (Wii dance, mat drills, jog, whatever), hydrate, open book get to work. Milk it. Make it moo.:D

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