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Would you go to the dermatologist for this?


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I've been losing my hair for about 3-4 years. I have a strip on the top that is really thin. I've seen 3 doctors for it. First was my gynecologist-she always blamed it on pregnancy or nursing until I insisted she test my hormones. So she sent me to an endocronologist. He put me on progesterone so he could test my hormones on cycle day X. The progesterone caused me to get pregnant instead :). My hair didn't fill in during the pregnancy. The endocronologist said that there wasn't anything he could do to help me while I'm pregnant or nursing; he laughed when I told him I usually nurse for 2 years (jerk). The baby is now a year old and my hair is still gone. So my gynecologist sent me to my family doctor for a thyroid test. The family doctor tested my thyroid (results will be in on Monday) but he doesn't think that thyroid is the problem. He wants me to see a dermatologist.

I don't want to do that because 1) a dermatologist can't fix my messed up hormones 2) we have a high deductable policy so it costs me $100-200 every time I'm not helped by a doctor 3) I've already been told by the endo that there is nothing that can be done while I'm pregnant or nursing. WWYD?

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It sounds like you've been pushed around from one doctor to the other and that sucks. (The mockery of your nursing makes you wonder exactly what they do know doesn't it!!)


You might like to check this website out; it might be of interest. http://www.womenshairlossproject.com/hair-loss/endocrinologist-dermatologist-hair-loss-doctor/


Anyway I do hope you can work something out.



Hedgehog x

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

They make Rogaine for Women and sell it over the counter, I think I might try that. You can inherit baldness from your parents, so it could just be genetics?

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Melissa, I'm so sorry. Have you seen this recent thread?

Personally, I would see an acupuncturist for a few sessions (as I stated in that thread). They're wonderful. There are also supplements you can take, as well as working on nutrition and other tips. :grouphug:


Yes, I read the other thread; thank you for your thoughtful reply. I'll probably start using some of the ideas in that thread. I keep going to doctors because it makes me nuts not having a cause for my hair loss.

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Many dermatologists are hairloss specialists as well. If you wanted hair transplants you would most likely see a dermatologist... When my mother lost lots of hair after a serious illness, the dermatologist was a great resource. She was able to know if her med or illness were effecting her hair and how to reverse and correct the problems. Some of it invoved (for my mom) change in vitamin amounts and shampoos temporarily.

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I would ask to have your iron stores checked and not simply your iron levels. I had low iron stores and Vit D levels and was seriously losing my hair. My hair dresser urged me to see a doctor and I did go to a dermatologist and found out @ the Iron and Vit D. I started supplementing and my hair stopped falling out.


I second the Woman's hair loss project web site.

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When my middle child started losing her hair we went to the dermatologist. She was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. There is a local steroid injection into the affected area that helps some people. Other than that there is little they can do if that's the problem.


There was a urine test her neurologist (by way of a immunologist) recommended to detect the absence of a particular enzyme that might have been a contributing factor. Her results were normal.

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I would ask to have your iron stores checked and not simply your iron levels. I had low iron stores and Vit D levels and was seriously losing my hair. My hair dresser urged me to see a doctor and I did go to a dermatologist and found out @ the Iron and Vit D. I started supplementing and my hair stopped falling out.


I second the Woman's hair loss project web site.




My iron stores were VERY low. Levels should be around 100. Mine were an 8!!!

My hair was thinning as well. And this was a good reason for it. Also, I had a Vit D deficiency along with Folic Acid.


I do not understand why Dr's always pass it off as hormones or something else. The first thing Dr's should do is bloodwork for your minerals/iron/CBC's etc.


I have to say that I have been taking Blackstrap molasses, and my grey hair has not come back either. Plus it boosted my iron levels.:lol:

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:iagree:Get those ferritin levels checked if you haven't already.




Along with a B12 Intrinsic factor, and homocysteine levels.


So many women are Iron Deficient. Especially in their 40's when your body is going through changes. I had a smart Dr who immediately did intensive bloodwork. Good thing, because if my ferritin levels got any lower, I would have needed a blood transfusion. And I was asymptomatic except for my hair loss, which I passed off as age.

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