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Children's dress of the latter half of the 18th C.. pattern help

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After a visit to Old Sturbridge Village in MA, my Son and DD both want to dress the part.. While I'm familiar with much earlier period clothing (Medieval.. scadian) I have NO clue when it comes to this time period.. around and after the Revolutionary War..


I did come across a pattern for sale on Smoke and Fire for boy's clothing.. Is it worth the nearly $20?


I've been attempting a "poet shirt" today without much luck.. still working on it.. but the perfectionist in me likes it when things are as "Authentic" as possible.. although I do use a sewing machine.


What patterns would fit this time period? The clothing we saw.. for the girls.. seemed more Empire waisted.. but loose and comfortable.. from what I saw of the children's clothing.. Boys seemed to wear a type of loose shirt and breeches or flat front pants?


Any links, suggestions or pointers?

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Whoops, just realized you want 18th C. You need Kannik's Korner patterns.


Harper House also carries a variety of patterns.


Wm Booth Draper is by far the best known colonial website and also carries colonial children's patterns.


We do living history at a museum, so I have worked with some of these companies/patterns although we are mostly a little later time period. HTH!

Edited by FairProspects
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  • 3 weeks later...
This company has clothing from about the mid 1700s to the mid 1800s. I don't know if they sell patterns (we have purchased the clothing) but if not, it may give you some ideas. Best of luck!




:iagree: We just got their complete girl's costume for my daughter, and I am thrilled with the appearance and quality.

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After a visit to Old Sturbridge Village in MA, my Son and DD both want to dress the part.. While I'm familiar with much earlier period clothing (Medieval.. scadian) I have NO clue when it comes to this time period.. around and after the Revolutionary War..


Sturbridge Village is not set around or closely after the Revolutionary War - it's set in the 1830's, shortly before the Civil War. Two styles of dress had come and gone in that time. The style around the Revolution, with the long waistcoat, short breeches and stockings, and tri-cornered hat, was replaced around the turn of the Century by the Empire style (think Jane Austen movies), with women in the Empire-waisted dresses and bonnets, the men in short waistcoat with jacket and tails, long narrow pants, and top hats. The style for women in the 1830's was different again, moving towards what would be popular during the Civil War. The slim high-waisted dresses were gone, and the wide hoop skirts were moving in. The neckline tended towards off the shoulder, with large poofy sleeves.




I'm less clear what was going on with mens' fashion, though I think it had changed less and still somewhat resembled the Empire style, at least from this pic I found (labled Fashion Beau 1830;s):




I googled "Fashion 1830" and came up with lots of stuff - there's also a Wikipedia article that's good.

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