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Can we do Teaching Textbooks 7 and Pre-algebra at the same time?


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My daughter told me today she wants to do both grade 7 and pre-algebra this year so she can get ahead and take her SAT sooner. Is this possible or do the concepts in 7 build up to pre-algebra?


She is not a math whiz.. She only works at grade level in math right now. She does have a gifted IQ though and works many years ahead in other areas. So it wouldn't be a problem at all to drop some of the courses she is ahead in to make room for more math. At least for a while.

Edited by Misty
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The only reason to do pre-algebra is if the student is not ready for algebra; it is more of a review and 'placeholder' than anything else. Oh, sure, they slowly introduce some algebraic topics, but all of this is included in algrebra itself.


So, no need for the 2 programs. If she completes grade 7 successfully, she will either be ready for algebra next year or not (ready meaning having the attention span and developmental skills for more abstract concepts).

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Thanks, this was all very helpful.. I think I'm going to have her zip through grade 7, and then spend a couple of months in pre-algebra before moving her on to algebra.. After thinking about it more (and talking with dh who has a big math brain), I think she needs to move into algebra slowly.. We'll play it by ear after doing grade 7.


Thanks again for the input!

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Guest Crttrlvr



I just started using TT with my daughter this year. I had her complete the placement test on the TT website and she easily tested into TT7. I didn't have her take the pre-algebra test because I knew she hadn't been exposed to a few of the concepts on the test. After extensive searching online, I learned that pre-algebra is, for the most part, a review of level 7 with some additional content. So, based on her score on the level 7 placement test and my knowledge of her abilities, I decided to go ahead and have her start pre-algebra. I don't regret my decision at all and even wonder if I should have just had her go into algebra because so far pre-algebra is very basic although there are some great "tricks" included in the curriculum I'm glad she's been taught. We're only on Chapter 3 so the level of difficulty may increase, but I've looked ahead and it doesn't look overly challenging to me.


I would suggest giving her the placement test and use that to determine the appropriate level for your daughter.



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