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Please share your 7th grader's curriculum

Osmosis Mom

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Math - Singapore Discovering Mathematics + online class (1 credit)


Latin - online (1 cr)

French - First Start French (nc)

Composition - online (.5 cr)

Literature - (done during history)


Science - Signs and Seasons Astronomy + TC DVDs (1 cr) and Marine Bio class - outsourced at a local conservancy (.5 cr)


American History/Lit - my own plans (1 cr)

Ancient Greek History/Lit - my own plans (.5 cr history and .5 cr literature)

Geography - online (.5 cr)


Religion - online (nc)


Art - Phonics of Drawing, Mapping the World with Art (.5 cr)

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My 7th grader is doing:


Math: Saxon 8/7 & LoF Decimals and Percents

LA: MCT Voyage Level

Languages: First Form Latin, Getting Started With Spanish

Literature: Lightning Lit 7, Additional Lit from TWTM Middle Ages list

Bible: Christian Studies, Book 3

Science: Rainbow Science

History: The Human Odyssey (K12)

PE: Running (Couch 2 5K), Kempo Karate

Other: Boy Scouts





Edited by SBP
Left some things out!
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We do some religion related studies throughout the year.


For math, my son is using a Dolciani book to do algebra. I am using Russian Math 6 at home for drill work in pre-algebra related skills.


I'm using Vocab for the College Bound and R&S grammar at home, but he's also doing an outside lit/writing class, so I'm going pretty light on the grammar right now.


I'm using a mixed bag of things for geography skills.


I'm using Elementary Greek and Latin Primer II/III for those langauges. Finishing up Learning Spanish with Children and moving into a Barron's book on Spanish grammar for the rest of the year.


I put together my own history/lit and science studies.


He does outside music and art classes.


I'm using Introductory Logic and hating the revised version of it right now..... (I was hoping it would be better....)

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Math: Singapore Discovering Mathematics 1


English: Rod & Staff 7 + Lightning Lit 7


History: SL Core 5


Science: SL Science 6 (modified) + co-op class


Latin: Second Form


Music: Flute + piano + co-op band



It doesn't look like much when I write it out, but it takes dd forever to get it all done.

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Our schedule is:


Latin Alive book 1

LOF beginning algebra

Writing - WTM & WWE 3


basic grammar workbook (refresher year - did R&S last year)

Asian Studies (geography, history, art) (1st semester)

Earth Science (using various sources) (2nd semester)

Logic/Philosophy - finish Art of Argument, read Aristotle for Everybody, use Philosophy for Kids (1st semester)

Religion - New Testament study (2nd semester)

Literature - beginning lit analysis with various novels and using Figuratively Speaking

Japanese with Irasshai

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Last year my 7th grader did:

History: SL Core 100 (US History)

Math: MUS Epsilon & Zeta

Science: BJU Life Science

LA: LL7, Jump In (writing), Wordly Wise 7 & 8

Logic: Orbiting Logic Series

Spanish: Rosetta Stone Level 1

Orchestra & Band

PE: Various at home


My 7th grader next year will do:

History: SL Core 7

Math: Pre-Algebra

Science: BJU Life Science

LA: SL Core 7, LL7 and Wordly Wise

Logic: Fallacy Detective & Thinking Toolbox

Spanish: Rosetta Stone Level 2


PE: Competitive gymnastics

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Saxon Math - finishing up 7/6 will be starting 8/7 in November

MCT - Voyage Level

TOG - Dialectic Year 3 (history, geography, literature, art)

Violin lessons

Latina Christiana 1

Introductory Logic (Nance)

Science - Astronomy, Exploring God's Creation

He also plays baseball 3-4 nights/week

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Math- Geometry (farming this out -- I'm going to do the work too, but I just felt I was beyond my ability to *teach* well last year doing algebra)


English- Stewart English (recommended in my 1st ed WTM for grammar) and Lightning Lit "Early to Mid 19th Century British" for fall and "Early to Mid 19th Century American" for spring. The reading here is proving to be our most challenging work this year, though I would be disappointed in the writing assignments if I were trying to use this for high school (as it's marketed).


History- Basically following WTM Logic Stage recommendations here. Using the DK Definitive Visual History, the NG Almanac of World History, and 4 of the Hakim History of US books and some additional reading (mostly from the WTM 7 list). Outlining and summarizing, timeline, etc... Also reading Famous Men of Modern Times.


Latin- farming this out too.


Greek - Athenaze 1 (suspect we won't quite finish this year)


Science- Galore Park "So You Really Want to Learn Science 2" and experiments from the Thames and Kosmos middle school science kit


Smaller subjects: Christian Studies (from Memoria Press), reading The Annotated Mona Lisa, doing a "Mapping the World with Art" group once a week, running as a family 3+ times a week, ballet 3x a week, Boy Scouts...

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Mine is doing:


Math: Math U See Pre Algebra

LA: IEW Fix-It and IEW SWI-B/All Things Fun & Fascinating combo

Copywork & Dictation

History/Geography/Lit: Sonlight Core 5

Science: Apologia Botany + outside Chemistry class + robotics (FLL)

Greek: Greek for Children + Code Cracker

Art & Music: Co-op

PE: Swim Team


I think that's it!

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Math \ MUS - Finishing up Zeta in a couple weeks then moving onto Pre-algebra. Also using LOF.

English \ R&S - Did not have a strong grammar background so she is doing level 5 but is flying through it.

Writing \ Using SWB's A Plan For Writing, the writing that is included in R&S, her history requires a lot of writing and she also is going through a book called 6 Trait Writing.

Latin \ Latina Christiana I

Logic \ The Fallacy Detective

Poetry \ Using selections from The Harp and Laurel Wreath

History \ History Odyssey Level 2 - Middle Ages

Science \ CPO Life Science

Literature \ Various Study Guides from Glencoe

PE \ Hunter\Jumper lessons and competition. Various exercising at home.

Music \ Piano

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I can tell you our plans. I'm currently between 7th graders but I'll have one again next year. She'll be doing the following:


Math - LOF Beginning Algebra

Classical Writing Maxim

Omnibus I

Latin I (probably online with VP)

DIVE Physical Science

Logic - not sure what we'll use yet.


Oops- forgot Analytical Grammar Session 2


She's also a competitive gymnast so that is basically her outside activity.



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This is what my 7th grader is doing this year -


Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2, Hands-on Equations

History: History Odyssey Middle Ages

LA: Analytical Grammar season 2, Lightning Lit 7, IEW SWI-B, Megawords, Vocabulary Cartoons

Science: Earth science with a Glencoe textbook and outside lab class

Logic: Orbiting With Logic

Latin: Getting Started With Latin

Art/Music: Meet The Masters, piano lessons



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7th grade daughter:


Math: Saxon 7/6 then onto 8/7

English: Easy Grammar Plus

Writing: Jump In

Literature: Chronicles of Narnia with guides

Vocabulary: Classical Roots A

Latin: Latina Christiana 1

Logic: Fallacy Detective

Science: Biology 101 DVD's

Bible: CLP

History: SOTW 1 with additional literature and written narrations

Music: Guitar

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Saxon Alg. 1


LL8 (second semester)

Story of Science, Aristotle

Ellen McHenry Chem

Second Form Latin

History Odyssey Middle Ages II

and SOTW with his sisters for fun

Critical Thinking Book 2


He's also reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and using Alton Brown books for nutrition/health/home ec/fun, Drama through our homeschool group, and, hopefully, baseball again in the spring.


I think that's it.

I HOPE that's it!

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Oak Meadow 6th grade history - ancient and medieval times

Oak Meadow 6th grade English - coordinates with history

Math-U-See Prealgebra - still waiting for this to arrive

Spelling Power level G along with words misspelled in her writing

Art of Construction and Engineering the City - wanted a fun science for this year

guitar lessons

must do 30 minutes of free reading every day - just finished Uglies and started Pretties today


I also do a readaloud almost every day. OM lists suggested supplemental readings, but I've been using other books. I read aloud McCaughrean's Gilgamesh the Hero while we were studying Mesopotamia and am reading Tales of Ancient Egypt for several weeks while we study Egypt, Israel, and Persia.


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my dd works on her history/English project(s). I get her a stack of library books and have url links set aside for her to look at to do the research she needs for her projects.


She also works on free writing for about 30 minutes each on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She's working on a couple of different stories right now and this gives her guaranteed time to work on them.


I wanted to use Lial's BCM with my dd, but it was far too visually distracting for her to deal with. I really wanted to have her do Kinetic Books Prealgebra, but she won't have anything to do with computer-based math programs. I'm hoping that MUS Prealgebra will work out for her. It has all the elements she needs - black print on white paper with NO color, plenty of white space, and systematic review.

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Saxon Algebra 1/2 with DIVE

Mystery of History 1 (with siblings)

Who is God? bible study (with siblings)

Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox

R&S English 6

Trail Guide to World Geography (In coop)

Music (In coop)

Gym w/Health (In coop)

Art (In coop)

Apologia Physical Science

Wordly Wise (free on-line version)

Right Start math games (with family)


Outside activities: Boy Scouts and 4H.


The Cooperative that we belong to rotate studies, and there is talk of a formal writing program for the older kids (so i'm holding out buying one).


Writing this out, it looks like a lot. But it just doesn't feel like it...yet anyway. ;)

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Math: Videotext Algebra DEF

Music: Recorder Lessons

Art: Artistic Pursuits Junior High Book 2

Science: Lyrical Life Science 1, 2, 3

Geography: Trail Guide to US Geography

Logic: Art of the Argument and The Argument Builder

Latin: Latin 100 online

Literature: Lightning Literature 8 online

Writing: WriteGuide online

Japanese: Japanese School on Saturdays

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Bible, History, and Literature: Omnibus I Primary only 4-5x/wk.

Grammar, Writing, and Poetry : Miscellaneous books 4x/wk.

Latin I Online 4x/wk.

Algebra I using Foerster's 5x/wk.

Apologia Biology text, labs, and supplemental books 5x/wk

Speech and Debate club 1x/wk

Piano theory and practice 5-6x/wk

Taekwondo 2x/Wk.

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Math: Art of Problem Solving Intro to Algebra; Right Start Geometry


Science: Plato Life Science (online)


French: First Start French and Tell Me More


Latin: Ecce Romani 1B


History: we combine with lil sis, so SOTW is our spine with supplemental reading and assignments


English: Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots, MCT poetic, Growing with Grammar 7, our own writing


Logic: we are all reading and discussing "Being Logical;" logic puzzles, etc


Art: they like the Create a Sketch books, random picture study, we do lots of arts and crafts


Music: mostly rely on her piano lessons


PE: yardwork, wii, lol!

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Mine's in my sig, but more detail:


Math: Singapore 6 (plus all supplements)

English: CW Homer (finishing A, start B next semester); Analytical Grammar; Zaner-Bloser Handwriting for Middle School; Spelling Workout H

Arabic: Badran level 4; local Arabic writing curriculum

History: SOTW 4; outlining Kingfisher encyclopedia

Science: Mr Q's Chemistry; Chem2000 chemistry kit; some materials on famous Muslim chemists

Geography: Trail Guide to US Geography; homemade India geography program

Logic: Critical Thinking Company materials

Islamic Studies: I talked about this on that other thread...

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Here's our formal curriculum:


English - Oak Meadow's English 8

Prealgebra - Lial's BCM

History - History of US with the syllabus from Hewitt

Science - Oak Meadow's Life Science

PE: Speedskating team


That's it! There are loads of other things that we cover informally, as part of our daily lives... including religion, art, music, poetry, literature, and nature study. We have book club and youth choir. She's taking a break from Latin this year.

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Hi there,


My daughter is in 7th grade and we are currently using:


History--History Odyssey Early Modern level 2

Math--Discovering Mathematics Singapore

Science--Apologia Physical Science

Latin--Second Form Latin Memoria Press w/online class

Logic--Traditional Logic Memoria Press w/online class

Grammar--Harvey's Elementary Grammar

Vocabulary--Vocabulary form Classical Roots A and B

Poetry--Classical Writing Poetry fro Beginners

Writing--Classical Writing Homer

Art--Annotated Mona Lisa

Bible--Kay Arthur's inductive Bible Series

Literature--I have combined the reading list from History Odyssey with the 7th lists from well Trained Mind section in literature and History (I would be happy to send a copy of my Home School Tracker lesson plans for these!)

Music--Piano lesson

Sports--Fencing team and local gym for daily exercise


It's a full day's worth :) Krista

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History: WTM style with the old Kingfisher

Science: CPO Physical Science


Math: Dolciani Modern Mathematics 8 (pre-algebra)


Writing: Doing an outline workbook, then

CW Diogones or WTM style or WTM style (haven't decided)

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 7

Literature: WTM style


Latin: Latin Prep 1

Spanish: SYRWLS 1&2


Logic: Art of Argument

Music: Guitar lessons

Art: Outside class

Gym: Outside class

Edited by Dee in MI
(forgot math)
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Math: dd1, Lial's BCM, dd2, Discovering Mathematics 1

Writing: Essay Voyage

Vocab: Finish CEII, 1st half of WWtW

Grammar: Magic Lens I

Poetry: MCT World of Poetry, Keepers of the Flame

Lit: Lightning Lit 8, Figuratively Speaking

Science: Ellen McH's Carbon Chem, CPO Earth Science

History: K12 HO and Oxford Press World in Ancient Times + lots o' supplements

Logic: Philosophy for Kids, Critical Thinking 1

Spanish: Breaking the Spanish Barrier II

German: Sat. School (they use Das Neue Deutschmobil 3)

Music: dd1, Violin & Orchestra, dd2, Piano & Musical Theater

PE: dd1, Ice Skating, dd2, Ballet


Poetry and Logic are the ones we're not getting to much yet... but it's only been a week and a half... hope springs eternal!


I'm trying to get an outside Art class together for the 2nd half of the year.

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This is what dd did in 7th:


Bible: Bible Memorization, Daily Devotionals, Prayer Journal


Math: CLE 8


English: Hake


History: Early American History (TTC dvd's and living books)


Science: Rainbow Science


Spanish: Played around with Visual Link Spanish


Fine Arts: Harmony Fine Arts, 7th grade (LOVE IT!)


Logic: Dandy Lion "Orbiting..." series (first time to do logic, did all 3 books)


Music: Piano Lessons and Theory


P.E.: Horse-riding lessons, Wii Fit

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Math- Geometry (farming this out -- I'm going to do the work too, but I just felt I was beyond my ability to *teach* well last year doing algebra)


English- Stewart English (recommended in my 1st ed WTM for grammar) and Lightning Lit "Early to Mid 19th Century British" for fall and "Early to Mid 19th Century American" for spring. The reading here is proving to be our most challenging work this year, though I would be disappointed in the writing assignments if I were trying to use this for high school (as it's marketed).


History- Basically following WTM Logic Stage recommendations here. Using the DK Definitive Visual History, the NG Almanac of World History, and 4 of the Hakim History of US books and some additional reading (mostly from the WTM 7 list). Outlining and summarizing, timeline, etc... Also reading Famous Men of Modern Times.


Latin- farming this out too.


Greek - Athenaze 1 (suspect we won't quite finish this year)


Science- Galore Park "So You Really Want to Learn Science 2" and experiments from the Thames and Kosmos middle school science kit


Smaller subjects: Christian Studies (from Memoria Press), reading The Annotated Mona Lisa, doing a "Mapping the World with Art" group once a week, running as a family 3+ times a week, ballet 3x a week, Boy Scouts...


I forgot Logic! :) He's doing The Argument Builder from CAP...

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OK, so far these are my thoughts:


Math: Saxon 87 and LoF Pre-Algebra with biology


English: GWG 7, Megawords, LL 7, need to decide on writing and vocabulary and possibly another grammar program


Logic: Critical Thinking 1 OR Orbiting with Logic


Science: Story of Science, Aristotle and possibly McHenry's Brain (looks like it might interest him). He also does programming on his own


Arabic and Danish: Different materials. Danish is mostly inclusion


PE:Seasonal sports, swimming


History: ?? He told me he doesn't like history which makes sense since he doesn't like to read too much. Suggestions welcome, *please*.


I'd also be interested in a pure geography course, but not Trail to...as we didn't like those. He did like to draw maps actually.


He was interested in learning either Italian or German. I'd be able to help with German and at one point looked into what K12 had to offer. Any suggestions?


For art then he is obviously not interested and it isn't getting done at home. If finances allow, then I'll send him to a local artist in the spring who is fabulous with older ds (who has talent and interest). He'd be more interested in technical drawing actually.


For music, then he is supposed to be learning how to play the fife for his Fife and Drum Corpse. Again, it might take him *a while* to get the hang of it (he just gave up on learning to play the drum).


So, this is a very technical kid with little interests and limited talents for some of the other things. Since he is so different from me, then I find it hard to challenge him and keep him on track.

Edited by Osmosis Mom
Added LL.
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I forgot Logic! :) He's doing The Argument Builder from CAP...




I was looking at The Argument Builder, but am assuming it is too Christian for us to use, right? Anything else like it out there?


Also, with your history resources from WTM-book, how do you plan on doing your history specifically? I had picked this same era from the book for ds, but I feel a bit lost as to whether this would work for him and how to make him digest it easily. I'd like your input. I spoke to him last night and he seemed to be willing to put in more effort than last year, so I am hoping he won't give me too much of a fight this year...

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Reading List:

Across Five Aprils http://www.glencoe.com/sec/literature/litlibrary/pdf/across_five.pdf


Adam of the Road Total Language Plus Guide

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading46/tom_sawyer.htm


Amos Fortune Free Man http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm'>http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm

The Bronze Bow http://continuewellhomeschool.blogspot.com/2009/09/literature-study-guide-for-bronze-bow.html

Carry on Mr. Bodwditch http://www.homeschoolhelperonline.com/units/carry_on_mr_bowditch.htm


Crispin the cross of lead http://teacher.scholastic.com/clubs/pdfs/crispin_t.pdf


The Door in the Wall http://www.nt.net/~torino/door.html

Fantastic Mr. Fox http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading48/fantastic_fox.htm

The Giver http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading17/giver.htm

Hatchet http://www.mce.k12tn.net/survival/hatchet/hatchet.htm


The Hiding Place Progeny Press Guide

Holes http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading39/holes.htm


Johnny Tremain http://continuewellhomeschool.blogspot.com/2009/08/johnny-tremain-study-guide-by-virginia.html



Maniac McGee http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading47/maniac_magee.htm

Number the Stars http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading23/number_the_stars.htm




*Out of the Dust

Roll of thunder hear my cry http://www.kathimitchell.com/read.htm

Tuck Everlasting http://www.nt.net/~torino/tuck.html

Where the Red Fern Grows http://www.mce.k12tn.net/dogs/fern/where_the_red_fern_grows.htm



Woodsong by Paulsen http://www.mce.k12tn.net/reading29/woodsong.htm



Easy Grammar Plus

Daily Grams 7th Grade

Penmanship: 2-3 lines from reading books.


Math: Teaching Textbooks Grade 7


Math Drill:

Math Drill http://resources.oswego.org/games/mathmagician/cathymath.html

Flash Card Triangles http://donnayoung.org/math/tricard1bl.htm


Critical Thinking: SAT Question of the Day http://sat.collegeboard.com/practice/sat-question-of-the-day



Wordsmith Apprentice

Middle School Writing


Spelling: Spelling Power

Spelling City http://www.spellingcity.com/


Vocabulary: Vocabulary Vine


Science: Apologia Human Anatomy

Science in a nutshell kits


History: SOTW 4 Book or Audio

SOTW 4 Activity Guide

Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

A history of the US by Joy Hakim books 5-10 (use audio from Library)


President Study http://www.homeofheroes.com/presidents/book/presidents.PDF

President Fact Sheet (on computer)


Computer/Typing: Kiran’s Typing Tutor (free) http://www.kiranreddys.com/products/typing/


PE: Activities 3X’s Week

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Also, with your history resources from WTM-book, how do you plan on doing your history specifically? I had picked this same era from the book for ds, but I feel a bit lost as to whether this would work for him and how to make him digest it easily. I'd like your input. I spoke to him last night and he seemed to be willing to put in more effort than last year, so I am hoping he won't give me too much of a fight this year...

Not Abbey, but I was wondering how your ds takes to movies and/or documentaries? What if you tied that in to your history program somehow? I know those really pull in my kids, we do a mix of cartoons (Horrible Histories), computer games (like Civilization), movies, and documentaries that seem to help keep them interested and retaining info...



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Not Abbey, but I was wondering how your ds takes to movies and/or documentaries? What if you tied that in to your history program somehow? I know those really pull in my kids, we do a mix of cartoons (Horrible Histories), computer games (like Civilization), movies, and documentaries that seem to help keep them interested and retaining info...




Computer games would be great. He does Ages of Empires. Horrible Histories -would that be on Youtube? With regular documentaries, then he tends to get bored. Anything with the computer and he is interested. As an example, then he is not a reader, but has quite a vocabulary from the computer and looking up synonyms. He is definitely learning in a different way from me.

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My 7th grade dd is doing


Bible- Apologia Who is God (after this we will be doing Proverbs People)

Math- Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and LoF Pre-Algebra w/ Biology (will do Pre-Algebra 2 w/ Economics when done with 1)

Language Arts- Applications of Grammer book 1

Jump in (alternating with grammar)

Lightning Lit 7

CW Poetry for older beginners (alternating w/ lightning lit)

History-- Mystery of History 2 with alot of extra research and reading to go along with it

Science- Apologia General Science and the lapbook/notebook kit from knowledge box

Health-- We are just finishing this book up... we started it in the summer- Apologia Anatomy and Physiology. I wanted to get this in before the 2nd half of Apologia-- she only has about another 4-5 weeks of this at tops

Vocab- she does alot with vocab in every other subject, so she just does vocab cartoons. I don't think she needs anything heavy in vocab with everything else

Logic- Fallacy Detective

Latin-- Latin for Children (ummmm.. in theory... we have made it to it 1/2 times so far :001_huh:)


Oh and at some point we will be starting Trail Guide to World Geography

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Most of my stuff is in my sig line, but I'll add some detail:


Bible: R&S Bible 6

Math: finishing Horizons 6 & Singapore--will start Chalkdust Pre-Algebra in Oct.

History: BJU DVD World Studies

Science: BJU DVD Life Science

Grammar/Writing: BJU DVD English 7 (am trying to decide if we'll keep this or go back to R&S; dd & I like how it covers more ground in a shorter amount of time.)

Literature: BJU DVD Lit 7 (start after Christmas)

Latin: finishing LFC & Latin Prep I; start Latin Alive after Christmas

Spanish: Madrigals Spanish

PE: daily walk or bike ride; swim team 3-4 X wk

Music: violin & piano


Would love to do logic, but there just are not enough hours in the day! My dd's day is already long with the DVD's, but they are teaching her to pay attention & take notes from a lecture. And for the first time ever, I am not spending all my time planning!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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