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I am literally having a cr*ppy day. . .

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The kids went down this morning to take care of the pets and came up gagging. Our older springer spaniel had diarrhea all over his crate. Of course because he had nowhere to go, it is also all over him. The smell is horrendous. I've opened up the windows to air out the downstairs. I've moved the crate outside ready to hose down and disinfect. I'll need to give him a full bath next. Of course this has happened right when my health has taken a downturn and I'm supposed to be resting more. Sigh. I guess I just wanted some hugs and prayers. What I really want to do is to cry and go to bed.


And while my kids have helped as much as they can, they can't really do this for me. Ds, who has sensory issues, would end up contributing to the mess. And dd is not strong enough to handle either the crate or the dog. They are helping by dealing with school without complaint and by making lunch for us.

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2:30 pm here. The crate is disinfected and is drying in the sun. The dog had to be not only scrubbed but basically needed his whole rear end clipped. But it's done! Dd came in to help me hold the leash and be general go-fer during the bath. I am heading into the shower myself - can you believe that I haven't had my morning shower yet and haven't gotten dressed? Then I have a date with the armchair and a relaxing book for at least a half hour maybe even a whole hour. (Dd is done with school and ds has about a half hour to go so they should be playing outside during my quiet time).

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The kids went down this morning to take care of the pets and came up gagging. Our older springer spaniel had diarrhea all over his crate. Of course because he had nowhere to go, it is also all over him. The smell is horrendous. I've opened up the windows to air out the downstairs. I've moved the crate outside ready to hose down and disinfect. I'll need to give him a full bath next. Of course this has happened right when my health has taken a downturn and I'm supposed to be resting more. Sigh. I guess I just wanted some hugs and prayers. What I really want to do is to cry and go to bed.


And while my kids have helped as much as they can, they can't really do this for me. Ds, who has sensory issues, would end up contributing to the mess. And dd is not strong enough to handle either the crate or the dog. They are helping by dealing with school without complaint and by making lunch for us.

yucko. I hate that when it happens. :grouphug:

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A few weeks ago I was helping take care of a neighbor's 120 pound dog while she was out of town. I agreed to do the "right before bed" shift so that the dog could get out and manage through the night.


The "afternoon" person, however, let the dog drink pool water, not knowing that this would make her very sick. I went over at 10:00 and I got to spend several hours over there cleaning an incredible, incredible mess. Huge. Dog was filthy and upset, cage was disgusting. And I was having to go through my friends house looking for all the cleaning supplies. I felt like a stalker, lol. I just wanted to go home and go to bed, and my poor friend was out of town at a funeral with no idea this was going ton.


Gross. I'm so sorry.

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Because I don't deal with chronic pain. I'm not sure why I titled my post, that way, Jean, because I do know that you have special challenges that are hard physically and make these things even harder emotionally. I guess I just wanted to commiserate and say that I could envision the scene.


:lol: Anyone who has had to deal with a huge gross mess that stinks can relate to what I went through yesterday! Thankfully he went through the night with no more accidents. And I got through the day exhausted but still intact.:)

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