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I Was Given This Book...(CC)

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My mother gave me Jesus Calling for my birthday.


I've been unable to bring myself to read it. Its a woman who wrote down what she believes God told her, written from the perspective of Jesus Himself, as though He were speaking directly from the reader.


There are Biblical references given.


I may be completely off my nut, but it seems...wrong to me. To hear what Christ has to say to me, I should be reading the Bible, not what someone else claims to have heard or interpreted what He has said.


My mom has a copy and found it inspiring, uplifting, etc. That's why she sent it to me.


Am I completely off my nut for feeling this way? Am I reading too much into it, and should just read the daily inspiration and take it as a warm fuzzy? Or am I right in feeling that relying on someone else's interpretation and speaking for Christ is just...wrong somehow?

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Christian bookstores are filled with stories of things people were shown by Jesus. Things they feel compelled to share.


If I give the author the benefit of the doubt, and grant that he was truly led in his thinking by the Holy Spirit, then at the very most, I consider his book to be about what God spoke *to that person*. ETA: for that person's own instruction in righteousness, not necessarily mine. And when folks say that they were "shown by Jesus" (claiming extrabiblical revelation), well, that sets my doubt-meter in motion.


I much prefer to get into the Word and let the Spirit speak to me Himself, by illuminating the Scriptures. I mean, ditch the middle man.


That said, there are classic works which do encourage me in the faith, and shed light on what is contained in the Bible. Mostly writings of old dead guys - Bunyan, Matthew Henry, CS Lewis... Even then, I try to make myself aware of their biography and doctrinal stance before I start reading their stuff. Heck, even the WTM teaches us that: know the source!


Your feelings about this gift from your mother are understandable. Look into the author for further clues about what the book may contain. If you read it, filter it through the Word as you go.

Edited by AuntieM
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My mother gave me Jesus Calling for my birthday.


I've been unable to bring myself to read it. Its a woman who wrote down what she believes God told her, written from the perspective of Jesus Himself, as though He were speaking directly from the reader.


There are Biblical references given.


I may be completely off my nut, but it seems...wrong to me. To hear what Christ has to say to me, I should be reading the Bible, not what someone else claims to have heard or interpreted what He has said.


My mom has a copy and found it inspiring, uplifting, etc. That's why she sent it to me.


Am I completely off my nut for feeling this way? Am I reading too much into it, and should just read the daily inspiration and take it as a warm fuzzy? Or am I right in feeling that relying on someone else's interpretation and speaking for Christ is just...wrong somehow?



That's what prophesy is, many times. Someone speaking something prophetically from the Lord.


However, prophesy should always line up with the Word of God.


Whenever I read ANYTHING giving spiritual guidance, I do so with lots of prayer, with discernement, and with the blessing of my dh. If he knows nothing of the author, I may be less inclined to read it. Of course, there are authors who my dh and I would not read, and others we read willingly.


A believer should let the Holy Spirit be their guide in understanding truth.

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My dh's stepmother gave me this book this summer. She found it deeply moving and felt it really spoke to her. I glanced at it, got the gist of it and packed it away. I have no interest in hearing some woman's interpretation of Christ's words and message to me. That's the kind of nonsense that leads down slippery slopes, imo. Sorry to be so negative...

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My dh's stepmother gave me this book this summer. She found it deeply moving and felt it really spoke to her. I glanced at it, got the gist of it and packed it away. I have no interest in hearing some woman's interpretation of Christ's words and message to me. That's the kind of nonsense that leads down slippery slopes, imo. Sorry to be so negative...

and that's what I was wondering about. The Bible warns that there are false prophets, and while she does give Biblical references for most of her daily inspirations, not all.


I guess its that its being written as if the writer were Christ is what really bothers me. She's not. It would be different if she stated what she had to say as an uplifting daily affirmation with references, but to speak as though its coming from Christ Himself gives me the willies.

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Oh! When you re-stated that she is writing as if she is Christ, that did it for me! I am not the best at putting to words these types of things, but I would be wary. I might flip through and read a couple of them to see if there is truth that inspires, but, then again, I can find truth the my Bible.


What I would prefer more and can fathom much more is a person who has had a great experience with God sharing that as a testimony. There are many such testimonies that inspire me! And if their testimony coincides with a life of serving God, with examples over time, I am more inspired. That is what mentoring is about. I love to read stories and examples of others who have walked the walk and can teach me. Amy Carmichael come to mind. Elizabeth Elliot, too.

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I have a problem in general with things that are not really as they appear. The book would bother me only in that regard. Meaning, the speaking as Christ part. That said, I read many, many types of material that are spiritually related and I look into my heart to hear what God has to say.


Keep in mind I also struggle to believe everything stated in the Bible. It seems very contradictory to me (Old versus New Testament) in places, which is confusing to me.

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Oh! When you re-stated that she is writing as if she is Christ, that did it for me! I am not the best at putting to words these types of things, but I would be wary. I might flip through and read a couple of them to see if there is truth that inspires, but, then again, I can find truth the my Bible.


What I would prefer more and can fathom much more is a person who has had a great experience with God sharing that as a testimony. There are many such testimonies that inspire me! And if their testimony coincides with a life of serving God, with examples over time, I am more inspired. That is what mentoring is about. I love to read stories and examples of others who have walked the walk and can teach me. Amy Carmichael come to mind. Elizabeth Elliot, too.

I'd prefer that as well. I think Christ spoke for Himself in the Bible well enough. I'll look for the 2 authors you mentioned too.

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Careful, Imp...your discernment is showing.;)


I agree with you completely that something about this book doesn't feel right to me. I believe that Scripture is God's intended word for us, and that the Holy Spirit is now our comforter and guider. Not saying this particular book is heretical, I haven't looked in to it enough to know, but if your heart is saying this isn't a good read for you, then I say listen.

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Well, even Scripture says to compare everything to Scripture. I almost always do this when reading any book that quotes Scripture. I want to make sure they're not 'twisting' it. That being said, I did a little more research on this book. Have not read it yet but from what I've read, I think her heart was in the right place by maybe not her head. What I mean is, I think MOST Bible-believing, fully devoted followers of Jesus would be bothered by a book that proposes to be written from Christ's point of view.


My two cents is this: if you struggle now with what the Bible says, then you should probably avoid Sarah Young's book. If your firm in your belief and devotion to Jesus, you'll probably be okay reading this book, if you want to. Keep in mind that it's just a book and, if you do read it, compare it to what Scripture says by reading Scripture!



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I totally disagree with many of you. I have that devotional and I think it's a good one. I believe that I have a strong enough relationship with the Lord that I can discern what is true and what is blashemy. I admit that I don't read this book every day but many times when I've opened it to read it, it spoke directly to my heart and a particular situation that I am going through. I think that sometimes people think too deeply and end up putting God in a box, sometimes that's called legalism.

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