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Word problem workbook


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I need a good word problem workbook for my dd. Long story short, she is special needs and it is unlikely she will ever be able to do mult/div without a calculator (she is almost 14 and we are still working on adding). So, I'm looking for some type of workbook solely containing word problems. I would like some for add/sub/mult/div. Basically I want to use a calculator with the workbook....so not challenging her computation skills so much as learning when to use a specific operation. So, not looking for a new curriculum, just for word problem workbooks. Thanks:)

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You already have a few recommendations, but I'll add one more.


Afterwards: Folk and Fairy Tales with Mathematical Ever-Afters by Peggy Kaye


We're using level 1-2, but there is also a level 3-4 book.


Also, if computer-based problems are ok with you, try Math Playground:

Part-Whole Models

Let's Compare

Time for a Change


and more word problems games.

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