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For those using LOF with another program...

cheryl h

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I would love for us to use some LOF with Saxon this year to keep math fun. My ds10 is doing Saxon 7/6, and dd12 is doing Saxon 8/7. I would like to get ds through LOF Fractions and Decimals and Percents this year, but am unsure if it is too much to get through along with Saxon. It looks like we'd have to do three chapters one week, followed by two chapters and the Bridge Test the following to get it all in. Pretty much the same story for doing LOF Pre-Algebra 1 and 2. The alternative is to do LOF one day a week and Saxon 4 days, but that stretches our Saxon book work into the summer. Please give advise on which method has worked best for you...thanks.

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I do Singapore and LoF. We do about 3-4 lessons of each per week.


Actually, this appears to be going faster than just the Singapore alone. :001_huh:

And less crying.


I have no idea how it would go with Saxon, except that you might find you can skip some problems, maybe? I also don't get hung up on "school year". Some things we finish early, other things later.


Good luck!

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My dd does 1 LoF chapter daily along with her chalkdust. I only have her do the odd numbers in her chalkdust and I have her do her chalkdust first because that way she gets to do her Fred. She LOVES LoF and wants to do it along with her regular math. Since I have her do her Chalkdust she does that without complaining :D because she knows if she does it and does it righ she can do fred. Fred is a huge motive here! I love Fred! :001_wub:

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We took the recommendation of TWTM and have added LOF to the weekly math program to add variety and some fun to the mix. Four days per week dd does TT Math 7, but every Friday she gets to do LOF. Most weeks she does two LOF lessons - or more if she wants to. After morning studies, Friday is our art and music day, with the addition of the weekly horse riding lesson. Adding LOF fractions plus decimals and percents makes Friday even more fun.




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My dd does CLE Math 4 days a week (Mon-Th) and has "Friday's with Fred" (completes 1 LOF lesson). She is also assigned an additional LOF lesson to do over the weekend. If she prefers to not have "homework" on the weekend, she can choose to do that LOF lesson during the week at her leisure.


Yes, it will stretch out our year by only doing CLE 4x a week instead of 5x, but I didn't want to overload her with too much math.

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My mathy kid takes a week off from her regular math text (R&S) every 4-5 weeks or so and just does Fred for that week. She is so far ahead in math I'm not concerned about her not finishing her book at the end of the year.


My not-so-mathy kid will get bogged down running both Fred and R&S at the same time. For him Fred is saved for summer or "light" weeks when I don't want him to drop math entirely. Fred works best as review for this kid, after he's already learned the concepts in R&S.

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