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Language Arts Curriculum Advice Needed Please


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I am sorting out the last bits of our LA curriculum and needed some advice to see if I'm missing out anything.


My almost 6 yr old ds is Grade 1- His reading level is about Grade 2-3 level. His spelling is ok and he is a very relunctant writer due to h-writing issues. Here's what I intend using for him;


Spelling workout Level A

Worldly Wise 3000 Grade 1

Write Shop

Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation Grade 1

Handwriting Without Tears

and lots of reading


Do we need to do a phonics workbook as well?


My dd is Grade 3. Her reading and spelling is excellent. Her writing is good. However, her h-writing is weak. Her LA curriculum List is almost the same and diff levels offcourse.


Spelling workout Level C

Worldly Wise 3000 Grade 3

Write Shop or Write source

Evan Moor Grammar and Punctuation Grade 3

Handwriting Without Tears

and lots of reading


Since her spelling is good, should I do both Spelling Workout and Wordly Wise?


Is there anything else that I am missing? Should we do comprehension as well from a workbook?



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