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Ds13 charging dd8 for use of toys

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It has recently come to my notice that ds13 is taking his entrepreneurial spirit too far. He is charging dd8 for the use of his legos. Now she agreed and paid but is starting to realize that she'd been had. Now what do I do? (I'm not really mad just a bit exasperated and a tiny bit amused.)


He needs to issue a refund because he can't make a contract with a minor?

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Remind the oldest that he is not to use his business skills as a way to trick or cheat someone out of money. Let him know that some day he can rent out other things for a price but not to his sister. Teach the other how to spend wisely and avoid bad deals. Remind yourself to announce that new family rule "No selling to siblings without prior governmental approval" and remember you are the government. ;)


We have friends though that do allow their children to sell toys and sporting equipment to siblings after they are finished with them as long as the seller actually invested something in the object originally (they can't make money off gifts but they can trade those).

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I dunno--charge him for the dishes he uses to eat? :D


Things you can charge for to drive the point home...


Toilet paper (that'll be 25 cents)

Forks/spoon (25 cents)


shoelaces (take them out of his shoes and when he asks where they are say that'll be $$)




But we went with this one:


Remind yourself to announce that new family rule "No selling to siblings without prior governmental approval" and remember you are the government.


and especially this one:


Teach the other how to spend wisely and avoid bad deals.


and made sure dd's knew that any deal with their brother was a bad deal!

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In your case, Jean, I would do as others have suggested -- starting with the shoelaces, because that's the most amusing idea, IMO. I agree with ma23peas that you should have fun with this.


At my house, it's illegal for the kids to charge one another for the use of toys or books. This is true even if they call it "rent" and even if it is "only by chance" that their only customers are their siblings.


It is illegal for them to make deals involving money without my prior approval. I never approve, and likely never will. I am adamant about this because I have 4 kids who, since they discovered that money exists, have not failed to make money deals, argue about them, and come to me for resolution ... and I got tired of that years ago and put a total stop to it.


Our latest rule involves junk food: No profiteering permitted, although if one child eats another's junk, that child has to pay back the exact cost of what he ate. The kids now get an allowance, and if they want to eat junk food, they have to buy it for themselves.


DS2 left cookies he had purchased for $2 on the counter, in their original packaging. DH came through the kitchen and ate a few of them, not realizing they belonged to DS2. So DS2 told DH that he was owed $5 for those cookies. Nice try, DS2, but we do not make a profit from our parents or siblings. In fact, DS2 got no money for the cookies because he had left a commercially packaged product on the kitchen counter -- open and in contravention of the rule about putting food away -- and he thereby took the risk that DH would eat them. (We are all aware that DH will eat any sweet in sight.)


The one exception to money deals is this. Our children's allowances include their entire clothing budget except for winter coats. When DS1 and DS3 hand down clothes they have outgrown to DS2they may charge DS2 half the price they paid for the item. This saves DS2 money and allows DS1 and DS3 to recoup some of their clothing costs. Mind you, DS2 does not have to spend as much money on clothes as DS1 and DS3 will simply because he reaps the huge benefit of wearing one size lower than theirs, and has done so for his entire life. Naturally, DS2 can refuse to purchase the hand-me-downs ... but he won't because he has become a cheapskate since he started receiving an allowance that covers *all* of his personal needs.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Shucks! They worked it out themselves:glare: Dd8 went to ds13 and told him that it was unfair. Ds13 apparently told her that he had charged her because he didn't want to lose his special legos (2 dog figures) but the money made it palatable. Dd8 told him that she really didn't want them but only wanted to borrow them. Dd8 gave ds back the legos, he gave her back the money and they agreed that she can use them anytime she wants. But I wanted to use these great ideas! So can I make them take back their resolution so I can put all this into practice?!:D

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My dc try this, too! I hate it!


It appalls me that my 13yo who earns $50/hr playing harp several times a month will charge my 7yo 50c for a manicure! Or 50c for a harp lesson! Or, whatever. It's just silly! I think she does it to a large degree just to limit how many manicures she has to give. Hmmm.


In general, I don't totally ban selling eachother things/services, but I strongly discourage it.


I do tell that that 1) family shouldn't charge eachother for stuff and 2) no $$ agreements are enforceable. . . so if I think they have overcharged or whatever and I find out. . . I'll just make the older give back the $$ and if the kid has already eaten the candy or gotten the manicure, tough cookies, and I don't want to hear one gripe about it OR ELSE. If i think they're taking advantage, I do give the olders a really hard time about it.

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So have your kids ever read The Great Brain series? I love those books -they are gut splittingly funny...and great tools for talking about stuff like this.


By the way, I'm with you on the amused part only I'm all the way amused. AND I think it's marvelous the kids worked it out themselves. That's what it's all about!

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I know this is not meant to be funny and is an issue for you...but it cracks me up! Sounds like something my DS10 would do if he'd thought of it. About a week ago my DS6 said to me, "Mom, DS10 gave me $3 for staying home and not playing with him and Graham. Wasn't that so nice of him?"

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It has recently come to my notice that ds13 is taking his entrepreneurial spirit too far. He is charging dd8 for the use of his legos. Now she agreed and paid but is starting to realize that she'd been had. Now what do I do? (I'm not really mad just a bit exasperated and a tiny bit amused.)

:lol: That is a little funny. But I wouldn't allow it. :tongue_smilie:

I would have him pay her back. Brothers should be generous and kind to their sisters.

At 13 I think he is old enough to do some jobs to earn a little spending money.

How about mowing the yard, or a neighbors yard,or washing the car ?


editing because I wrote this before I read the resolution.

Good for him,for paying back his sister without even being told to. And good for her to be able to speak up for herself in such a reasonable manner.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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At 13 I think he is old enough to do some jobs to earn a little spending money.

How about mowing the yard, or a neighbors yard,or washing the car ?




This kid just earned $112 today selling a computer he refurbished on Ebay. He is not hurting for money. . .


But yea, I am actually proud of them for working it out.

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This kid just earned $112 today selling a computer he refurbished on Ebay. He is not hurting for money. . .


But yea, I am actually proud of them for working it out.


I'm thinking this kind of thing (the sibling charging) would go down in family lore--I can see it being a bit of a family memory--maybe in the speech she'll give at his wedding or something! lol


They sound like they care for each other, and that is lovely.:001_smile:

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I'm thinking this kind of thing (the sibling charging) would go down in family lore--I can see it being a bit of a family memory--maybe in the speech she'll give at his wedding or something! lol


They sound like they care for each other, and that is lovely.:001_smile:


That speech is going to be pretty long by the time one of them gets married!


And thanks, Chris. Sometimes when they are bickering, I despair, but they really do love each other.

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Speaking from the other side of this issue...


When I was a teen, my younger brother used to charge me rent for borrowing his sweaters and I was dumb enough to pay it. He charged extra if I stretched them out in "womanly places" or got perfume on them.


However, I really wanted to use those sweaters and I was perfectly fine with paying for the privilege. In retrospect, what was I thinking??? I now realize I could have just whined to Mom and she would have made him let me borrow them for free!:D

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One must be careful not to be hypocritical about these things. Mum wouldn't let me sell my cassette player to my sister, because that's not how family behaves. I should have just given it to her. Then seven years later she sold me her dressing table. Shouldn't she have just given it to me? :glare:


Ah well :)



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One must be careful not to be hypocritical about these things. Mum wouldn't let me sell my cassette player to my sister, because that's not how family behaves. I should have just given it to her. Then seven years later she sold me her dressing table. Shouldn't she have just given it to me? :glare:


Ah well :)




I promise I won't sell him my toys.;)

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Last week DD ruined a library book. (left it in the car and pop got spilled on it) We talked about how when we borrow things we need to replace them if we can't return it in the same condition. I made her pay the fine. The next day they were all playing nerf guns and she accidently shot one of DS's darts into the gutters. DS was going to make her buy him a new one. lol So I had a talk with him about being gracious and letting thingsgo when it isn't a big deal. I wouldn't let them charge for sharing toys. But I have let DD8 start charging for the use of her hairbrush. DD looses hers all the time and needsincentive to actually put it away properly.

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My DS has done this too..but he bought some Barbie shoes (with his own money) at a rummage sale, and then charged the girls to use them. :glare:

He actually set up a 'store'.


:lol: This is SO my kids. In fact, all three of them have set up "stores" to sell or rent things to each other.


In general, I have no problem with it unless there is "price gouging" going on (which has happened...).

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Shucks! They worked it out themselves:glare: Dd8 went to ds13 and told him that it was unfair. Ds13 apparently told her that he had charged her because he didn't want to lose his special legos (2 dog figures) but the money made it palatable. Dd8 told him that she really didn't want them but only wanted to borrow them. Dd8 gave ds back the legos, he gave her back the money and they agreed that she can use them anytime she wants. But I wanted to use these great ideas! So can I make them take back their resolution so I can put all this into practice?!:D


Absolutely!!! :lol:

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