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Kate Plus 8???

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Did anyone catch this yesterday? I think it was yesterday....I watched on DVR. I used to defend Kate because I didn't really care for her husband, but I was very disappointed in the two episodes I saw. She looked very out of place with her fancy clothes and I couldn't help but think, "Why on earth is she wearing that on a pontoon boat/the beach/the airplane?" I loved the outfits, but wouldn't wear them to do any of those things. Also, I would rather see their "real life" at home - not these planned/set up outings that they wouldn't be doing if not for the show. There is so much potential for real life lessons especially with the divorce/shared custody stuff. I don't know.....maybe I will give it another chance, but if the whole season is going to be this ridiculous I may just opt out of watching.


Also, in one of the episodes she had them all around a table doing "worksheets" but homeschooling was never mentioned. I am wondering if they will be homeschooling since the level of fame has risen.

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I'm having a hard time dealing with the show as it seems like a commercial for how wonderful, cute, sexy, funny Kate is. I agree I enjoyed it more when it was camera folk hanging out with them to catch the moments of their lives not now where they are performing for the cameras. They seem to have the horse before the cart these days. :glare:

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I'm not very impressed with Kate (and less so with her X), but my d/d wanted to watch the episode where they went to visit the Statue of Liberty. Her outfits were really bizarre to me--so much skin & high heels--to be a mom walking around the city with kids! She was clearly there as a "celebrity", and I think the only part of her that is at all interesting is her homelife with the little ones, so we just found it silly.


I don't expect my daughter will ask to see anymore.

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I am sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about. Originally I thought Kate plus 8 would be sad, but as a formerly single mother I find her inspiring and a good role model for a large portion of women in this country.


I don't know what about being a mom means that you can't look good. Most of my mommy friends and I wear heals and try to keep up on fashion. And I would certainly dress to impress if I were on national television regardless of what I was doing. Maybe we are weird, but we place an emphasis on the importance of looking good in our family because the reality of the world (especially in the city) is that people are going to judge you based on how you look. Not that that is right, but it's the reality we find ourselves in.


I think it is interesting to watch Kate and the kids interact with the world and see the logistical challenges they face.


To the person that mentioned it, I do not think they are homeschooling as Kate mentioned in the first episode something about "when the girls getting home from school".

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Greeny....I think what most of the posters on this thread are saying (and trust me, I don't usually agree with most of them) is that Kate has become very far removed from who she used to be. I too am a single mom of two daughters so most of the time I try to look my best (not high heels though, I usually fall off my flip flops) but I have to say that Kate is SO not who she used to be. She used to talk about her Christianity ALOT on the old shows, now I would never know she was a believer (not that that is what the show is about but it's just another way she has changed). She is SUCH a show off. If you ask me, she is loud and obnoxious and it seems like she want the camera on her all of the time instead of her kids. She really has changed and for what the show started out as, she has not changed for the better. While I was watching it last night, I though to myself...why am I wasting my time watching this ridiculous woman but I still watch week after atrocious week!

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Greeny....I think what most of the posters on this thread are saying (and trust me, I don't usually agree with most of them) is that Kate has become very far removed from who she used to be. I too am a single mom of two daughters so most of the time I try to look my best (not high heels though, I usually fall off my flip flops) but I have to say that Kate is SO not who she used to be. She used to talk about her Christianity ALOT on the old shows, now I would never know she was a believer (not that that is what the show is about but it's just another way she has changed). She is SUCH a show off. If you ask me, she is loud and obnoxious and it seems like she want the camera on her all of the time instead of her kids. She really has changed and for what the show started out as, she has not changed for the better. While I was watching it last night, I though to myself...why am I wasting my time watching this ridiculous woman but I still watch week after atrocious week!

THIS! It has nothing to do with being married or being single. It has everything to do with her attitude. I no someone that used to live near her. From the sounds of it, she wasn't a very friendly neighbour IRL. She comes off as whiny and self centered.

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Greeny....I think what most of the posters on this thread are saying (and trust me, I don't usually agree with most of them) is that Kate has become very far removed from who she used to be. I too am a single mom of two daughters so most of the time I try to look my best (not high heels though, I usually fall off my flip flops) but I have to say that Kate is SO not who she used to be. She used to talk about her Christianity ALOT on the old shows, now I would never know she was a believer (not that that is what the show is about but it's just another way she has changed). She is SUCH a show off. If you ask me, she is loud and obnoxious and it seems like she want the camera on her all of the time instead of her kids. She really has changed and for what the show started out as, she has not changed for the better. While I was watching it last night, I though to myself...why am I wasting my time watching this ridiculous woman but I still watch week after atrocious week!


ditto, except watching the show week after week...it's just frustrating for me to try and watch it now.

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I am sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about. Originally I thought Kate plus 8 would be sad, but as a formerly single mother I find her inspiring and a good role model for a large portion of women in this country.


I don't know what about being a mom means that you can't look good. Most of my mommy friends and I wear heals and try to keep up on fashion. And I would certainly dress to impress if I were on national television regardless of what I was doing. Maybe we are weird, but we place an emphasis on the importance of looking good in our family because the reality of the world (especially in the city) is that people are going to judge you based on how you look. Not that that is right, but it's the reality we find ourselves in.


I think it is interesting to watch Kate and the kids interact with the world and see the logistical challenges they face.


To the person that mentioned it, I do not think they are homeschooling as Kate mentioned in the first episode something about "when the girls getting home from school".



I have nothing against her looking good and I even said I love the outfits- I just think she is wearing them in inappropriate places. I don't begrudge her wanting a career or anything like that either- she is a single mom and wants a certain lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that. My point was her outfits weren't right for the outings AND I'd rather see her in real life situations than these set ups.

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what in the world is a "mom outfit"?


Not wearing super high heels at the beach. What's wrong with shorts and cute flip flops? She isn't "real" in that situation. Purely my opinion, but I would never wear heels at the beach or even the airport if I had my kids in tow.


Edited to add: Or how about capri's, cute tank. Heck, even wear jewelry to the beach - I don't care- but high heels in the scenarios she was wearing them in were not reality for most mothers across America. Again, it is my opinion and I don't enjoy watching this Kate when it is supposed to be a "reality" show about her life.

Edited by TXMary2
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I just don't find her outfits that attractive or conducive to playing with kids. I'm sure tho that she has a stylist telling her what to wear.


I'm a fairly conservative dresser. I like trouser jeans, layered tees, fitted button downs, knee length A line skirts, and the like. If I were going to a lighthouse with kids I'd wear sandals with no heel.

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I just don't find her outfits that attractive or conducive to playing with kids. I'm sure tho that she has a stylist telling her what to wear.


I'm a fairly conservative dresser. I like trouser jeans, layered tees, fitted button downs, knee length A line skirts, and the like. If I were going to a lighthouse with kids I'd wear sandals with no heel.


Thank you, that is my point. I get the feeling that others are interpreting my "mom outfit" comment to looking dumpy. I don't advocate looking dumpy either!

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I was wondering about the worksheets too.

I also would like to see her home life, not planned vacations. I always liked to see her cleaning and organizing stuff.


I also dislike her sexy clothes and all that, i think its probably to make her feel better and to show the world she didnt let herself go after jon, but still...the heels are getting ridiculous.


I was looking forward to the show and now I dont want to watch it anymore

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Another thing that kinda bugs me about all the field trips is that the show pays for them. So it just seems like that each trip is Kate asking for more stuff to be given to her. When they first started doing these type of trips on the original show, it was because there was no way that J&K could afford Disney for 10 or a house at the beach with enough room for family & crew. Now it seems like $ grubbing on Kate's part.

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I have nothing against her looking good and I even said I love the outfits- I just think she is wearing them in inappropriate places. I don't begrudge her wanting a career or anything like that either- she is a single mom and wants a certain lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that. My point was her outfits weren't right for the outings AND I'd rather see her in real life situations than these set ups.


I also would like to see her home life, not planned vacations.


Another thing that kinda bugs me about all the field trips is that the show pays for them. So it just seems like that each trip is Kate asking for more stuff to be given to her. When they first started doing these type of trips on the original show, it was because there was no way that J&K could afford Disney for 10 or a house at the beach with enough room for family & crew. Now it seems like $ grubbing on Kate's part.


I don't really watch this show, but my girls like it so I do see it sometimes. I caught a bit of it recently and this is pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

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Another thing that kinda bugs me about all the field trips is that the show pays for them. So it just seems like that each trip is Kate asking for more stuff to be given to her. When they first started doing these type of trips on the original show, it was because there was no way that J&K could afford Disney for 10 or a house at the beach with enough room for family & crew. Now it seems like $ grubbing on Kate's part.


Actually, this doesn't bother me. The show is a business for her and she is negotiating. As long as TLC is willing to pay it then good for her. Same with the Duggars- if TLC wants to pay them an accomadate them because it is worth it then great. Just show me real life stuff - likeyour messy kitchen and trying to get 8 kids in the car etc, etc. The occasional field trip to someplace neat is fine, but I don't want to see it every episode. How about an episode showing how she and Jon work out visitation or something that lots of divorced parents have to deal with?

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Another thing that kinda bugs me about all the field trips is that the show pays for them. So it just seems like that each trip is Kate asking for more stuff to be given to her. When they first started doing these type of trips on the original show, it was because there was no way that J&K could afford Disney for 10 or a house at the beach with enough room for family & crew. Now it seems like $ grubbing on Kate's part.

There are a lot of families that can't afford that. Families with two children and families with seven. I don't think kids are missing out because the families can't afford them. Families learn to make do with what they have. There is so much that families can do for fun without paying a lot. I like seeing families be normal, down to earth.

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I think they used up all the home-based logistical story ideas years ago. Now, the kids are all old enough to get their shoes on and buckle themselves in or serve themselves and clear their own plates. The only stories left are fieldtrips or new stuff bought for the home. I saw the chicken coop episode with dd and we thought it was pretty good. I can imagine myself just as clueless as Kate as to what to do with a flock of chickens. My daughter wanted to learn more about chickens, although she didn't think keeping them in the backyard was a good idea.

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I haven't seen the new show, because I quit watching years ago when they started all the product placements and in-show advertising. Yes, I think it's pathetic that she pimps out her family life on tv for money, but based on what I've read here the show won't last long. It just doesn't sound entertaining enough to keep an audience.

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Not wearing super high heels at the beach. What's wrong with shorts and cute flip flops? She isn't "real" in that situation. Purely my opinion, but I would never wear heels at the beach or even the airport if I had my kids in tow.


Edited to add: Or how about capri's, cute tank. Heck, even wear jewelry to the beach - I don't care- but high heels in the scenarios she was wearing them in were not reality for most mothers across America. Again, it is my opinion and I don't enjoy watching this Kate when it is supposed to be a "reality" show about her life.



I haven't seen the show much - not at all since they split - but if I *could* wear heels....I'd prolly wear them darn near everywhere. :laugh:


my feet hate them, sadly. boooooo.


i don't really think any reality shows are...well....reality. :tongue_smilie:

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My favorite two episodes were just easy-going family days. One was Valentines Day where Kate did a bunch of special, fun stuff for the kids. Jon went to the mall at the last minute to get Kate a thoughtful gift. It was a really sweet episode.

The other showed them going to church, then on a picnic and to the playground. Afterward, they had 'ice cream for dinner.'. When they got home, the kids went straight to bed.

The kids are cute enough that they can show day-to-day life and people will watch. The above episodes also gave me ideas for stuff to do with my own dc and dh.

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I haven't seen the new show, because I quit watching years ago when they started all the product placements and in-show advertising. Yes, I think it's pathetic that she pimps out her family life on tv for money, but based on what I've read here the show won't last long. It just doesn't sound entertaining enough to keep an audience.




Yup....what she said. Enough already.



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That show is banned in my house (and now we have no cable so its not an issue anymore). :001_smile:


There is nothing real about that show. They go on vacation so it makes for interesting television. Neither of them worked outside the home. There is no way they were affording the fancy vacations. One daughter likes a piano the next thing you know a piano is donated. One wants a violin its donated. They need playhouses, its donated. Kate needs to redo the kitchen in her new house (for the kids of course :001_huh:), so they instantly have a new kitchen. And look........its Emeril Lagasse (or some other famous chef) teaching them how to cook in the new kitchen.


And where are the dogs?? Were they replaced with chickens?


Is there a gagging smiley face?


The whole thing is so phony.


Those poor children are being exploited and will probably be in therapy forever.

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That show is banned in my house (and now we have no cable so its not an issue anymore). :001_smile:


There is nothing real about that show. They go on vacation so it makes for interesting television. Neither of them worked outside the home. There is no way they were affording the fancy vacations. One daughter likes a piano the next thing you know a piano is donated. One wants a violin its donated. They need playhouses, its donated. Kate needs to redo the kitchen in her new house (for the kids of course :001_huh:), so they instantly have a new kitchen. And look........its Emeril Lagasse (or some other famous chef) teaching them how to cook in the new kitchen.


And where are the dogs?? Were they replaced with chickens?


Is there a gagging smiley face?


The whole thing is so phony.


Those poor children are being exploited and will probably be in therapy forever.


You are posting exactly what swirls in my head every time I see an ad for the show or see her name in print.





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That show is banned in my house (and now we have no cable so its not an issue anymore). :001_smile:


There is nothing real about that show. They go on vacation so it makes for interesting television. Neither of them worked outside the home. There is no way they were affording the fancy vacations. One daughter likes a piano the next thing you know a piano is donated. One wants a violin its donated. They need playhouses, its donated. Kate needs to redo the kitchen in her new house (for the kids of course :001_huh:), so they instantly have a new kitchen. And look........its Emeril Lagasse (or some other famous chef) teaching them how to cook in the new kitchen.


And where are the dogs?? Were they replaced with chickens?


Is there a gagging smiley face?


The whole thing is so phony.


Those poor children are being exploited and will probably be in therapy forever.


Kate got rid of the dogs- they were "destructive" is what I think I read.

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i agree with most everything here, but I gotta admit, she's probably (hopefully!) got eight college educations paid for, maybe a couple weddings, and maybe a good start on retirement.


On the flipside, anybody remember the McCaughy (or some such spelling) Septuplets? Wonder where they are now? Probably living a nice quiet life in midwest America.

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i agree with most everything here, but I gotta admit, she's probably (hopefully!) got eight college educations paid for, maybe a couple weddings, and maybe a good start on retirement.


On the flipside, anybody remember the McCaughy (or some such spelling) Septuplets? Wonder where they are now? Probably living a nice quiet life in midwest America.


And don't they homeschool? :001_smile: Mom was a nurse. Wait ....that's the Dilley Sextuplets.... Sheesh. So many families of multiples on TV these days.

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