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a Q for cyclists...


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I live in a community with a lot of cyclists. I once had a cyclist run into me while I was driving so I am a bit cautious around them. When I pass a cyclist who is in the bike lane, I try to provide a generous distance between them and myself. This often means going into the next lane (when no other cars are there obviously :) ). I have wondered if this creates a problem of kicking up random bits of debris that tends to accumulate in the middle of the road. Is it better to remain in the debris free tracks, even if it means driving closer to the cyclist?

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Please continue to move over.


I have never been hit by debris.

I have had close calls where the driver was going pretty fast and the wind created by the car has blown me around. Many roads have narrow or dangerous shoulders and a cyclist cannot move away from passing vehicles.


Thank you for being considerate of cyclists. You wouldn't believe how many drivers disregard us.

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Thank you for moving over and being considerate. I've watched my dh almost get hit twice recently by people that apparently thought little of bikers. (One was a man in a truck that seemed to think that he had the right of way to make a left turn THROUGH my dh at a green light!) And debris has never been an issue, but even if it were, I'd rather be hit by trash/rocks than a car.

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In my opinion, moving over or slowing down and remaining in your lane is fine. I don't necessarily care if people give me a really wide berth as long as they slow down so as to acknowledge that they see me and are aware that they need to use caution while passing.

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