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Handwriting woes..sorry it's a little long.


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So, I have the better late than early philosophy. I also have stood on the cursive first side. However, combining these 2 philosophies has brought about my Dd5.75 learning how to write most of her letters herself. All of them, obviously, in print. Sigh.


Now, I'm thinking that I should be choosing a handwriting program, and I'm VERY overwhelmed. I could just go in to the clock face stuff or the cursive first, but my daughter has trouble memory wise when it comes to any rote memorization. For example, the phonograms took 2 years to grasp. 2. Years. Just this past week she made a huge leap because we started using some games and did pretty much NO rote study. She also pick up stories well and has a great memory when her mind is engaged. So, that got me looking at HWOT. Bigger sigh. I don't know...I'm overwhelmed. I had not wanted to teach upper case at the same time as lower case, and the funky paper kinda freaks me out.



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Julie, my ds6 has the same issues with rote memory and he was slow on FM skills to boot. Of course, I also waited too long to start letter formation with him and he picked up a lot of bad habits between 4 and 5. :glare: Last year, we used the clock method with no other program for print besides the directions in SWR and it worked great for him. The only thing I had to do was remind him where the letter started and he would take it from there. I had to prompt him less and less as the year went on. We started CF at the beginning of this year and it was pretty easy for him. Since all of the letters start at the baseline, he doesn't have to think about it. I just sit with him and remind him, "f is a tall letter that goes into the basement." He already needs very few prompts after 6 months which is great to see. It is a parent-intensive method but I can't imagine he would have learned to write properly without me sitting there with him.


Now that I see the benefits of cursive with him, I've already started my 4yo on CF. He doesn't actually write but we've been going over letter formation in a salt box or through writing in the air. I'm not concerned with him writing sooner, just in preventing those bad habits.


Hopefully some of that will help you with your dd.

Edited by Dinsfamily
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I have your daughter's twin! He's 7 and a couple of months... I tried SWR/Cursive First.... I ordered the Handwriting Without Tears (mine!) Just today... 3rd grade, cuz that's when they start cursive. Student and Teacher's... because.. I don't know how to teach it! (and yup, I read the SWR) The HWOT seems to be more simple, and less "tracing back" over the letters... than the whole 2 o'clock thing. Also, I watched the video on how they teach cursive in France... Bingo... Easy Peasy... I'll be sure and tell y'all if I love the new program... So far... it looks much more simple, and more of the "joining letters/cursive" the easy way!



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I haven't used HWOT for cursive, but HWOT was awesome for printing for my DC. I love how I can still cue them with forming their letters when they do copywork -- "b" starts with big line, "d" starts with magic c,... We're trying to use Abeka for cursive, but we haven't been consistent with it. It'd be going much better if we were. :tongue_smilie:

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You all are so awesome! Thanks for helping me think through this. My Mom said to me last night...pick the simplest thing. :) Which, I think for ME would be something that is laid out for me in lessons. Simple for me is something that actually gets done. :) My dh said that I could order the HWOT and look at it and return it if I want to. I may do that. I have Peterson Directed for cursive, but I'm thinking I need the lessons more laid out for me, and the cursive doesn't have that only the print does. Hmmm... still thinking.



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I'm in the same boat. I was following better late than early. We meant to start last year when she was almost 6, but we had a new baby and just put it off and off until the whole year was gone. So now, she's almost 7 and her handwriting is terrible! I don't know how to teach her to correct it either. She gets frustrated when I try. I keep telling her she can't do it her way, she has to learn the proper way, but she has taken to telling me "That's how she rolls." :p Kids!


Every handwriting lesson ends in tears. We're about to start school and she has to write a lot this year. It is going to be a disaster!


I also need something very laid out and scripted for me. What are you leaning towards most that is that way?

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Update: I chose to go with HWT and it has been AWESOME for my child that loves stories, etc. to help her memory. I've used the student book in the order that I choose instead of the order suggested by HWT, and haven't seen any problems. I dropped the teacher's manual after the first week, but I did read the WHOLE thing before starting. So, take that with a grain of salt.


I know I like updates, so I thought this might help someone else on their search.

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Update: I chose to go with HWT and it has been AWESOME for my child that loves stories, etc. to help her memory. I've used the student book in the order that I choose instead of the order suggested by HWT, and haven't seen any problems. I dropped the teacher's manual after the first week, but I did read the WHOLE thing before starting. So, take that with a grain of salt.


I know I like updates, so I thought this might help someone else on their search.


THANK YOU so much for posting your update. It does help!

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